What I’ve been up to: An overview

It’s been a long year. Here’s what I’ve been working on, thinking about, and learning about

J.C. Hiatt
1 min readNov 7, 2016

I’m using this post as a launch point to outline some of the things I’ve been working on. Over the next [insert an arbitrary period of time], I’ll be releasing a series of posts to cover everything. Many of the things I’m working on are still in the works. Most are related to my career, others are personal endeavors.

If anything sticks out to you as something you’d like to be involved in, or if you have any questions, drop me a line on Twitter or leave a comment!

Also, since much of what I’m writing here pertains to things yet to be released, feel free to rip off my ideas or whatever. You can let me know you plan to rip me off on Twitter.

An Outline of What’s Coming Up (probably not in the right order):

  1. An update on Good
  2. Consulting
  3. Podcasts I’ve been listening to
  4. Coding education in MS
  5. Podcasting
  6. A new company I’ve launched this year
  7. Dropshipping
  8. WordPress security
  9. Shopify consulting
  10. Automated email courses
  11. An online education site
  12. A site to share ideas and let others rip you off
  13. Buying a house
  14. Attempting to hit 10% body fat
  15. What I’ve been Reading
  16. A brick-and-mortar code school
  17. A coalition to help improve the coding ecosystem in Jackson
  18. Freelancer / Solopreneur Support
  19. What I’ve been learning
  20. Probably a lot more I’m forgetting



J.C. Hiatt

Founder @ DevLifts. Software Engineer & Growth Manager @ Echobind. Working with full stack JavaScript and GraphQL.