Review: Honest & Legit Review from a Real and Active Member

Juls Dabz
14 min readNov 15, 2023

-- Review is one of the many ways people might understand what Cryptex platform is all about. Today in Google, if you do the search, there are some contents claiming to be a review but only a few are telling the right and correct information. Some reviews were created just for the purpose of capitalizing the popularity of such keyword to generate traffic and funnel down into someone’s affiliate product. Some are somewhat correct and some are pure non-sense from bloggers who don’t have real account at platform.

In this article, I’m going to explain in detail what is Cryptex and how it works, so that anyone searching for the right information and review about Cryptex platform with a domain name will have a valid and legitimate source of information for whatever purposes they may have.

As an active member of Cryptex, I have a lot to tell than any of those bloggers posting negative reviews about Cryptex without even seeing what’s inside the dashboard. And to prove that what I’m going to say is true and legit, let me show a screenshot of my Cryptex dashboard (see below).

cryptex defi staking proof
cryptex defi staking review

As you can see, the above screenshot is a solid proof that I am a real insider at Cryptex and what I’m about to tell you in this article are correct and right information about the said platform. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

What is Cryptex?

Cryptex, with a website, is a community of like-minded individuals involved in a Defi Hybrid Crypto Staking business, where anyone can earn up to $35,000 in 3 years and $471,000 in 5 years with only $100 one-time out of pocket. If you are a Filipino, that is P1.9M and P22M.

To get started with staking, you just have to create an account for free, deposit a minimum amount of $100 in Bitcoin, and once you already have funded your account, there is an option within your dashboard to activate a staking contract, where you have to select the staking plans. The options are 3, 5, and 7 years. All funds during this period are locked up in the blockchain and when it expires, the wallet holder or the member can withdraw their share in Bitcoin.

To activate a staking contract, you have to pay the handling fee of $100 (per contract) and you just have to follow the instruction on the member’s dashboard to get this done.

As of now, each member can own up to 50 contracts maximum regardless of how many 3 years, 5 years and 7 years you have activated. Note that for 3-year plan, you will earn a total of $35,000 per contract, $471,000 for 5 years, and for 7 years, the amount is almost unrealistic, so, it is seldom mentioned in many Cryptex presentations.

cryptex defi staking review

The idea why anyone can bank such a huge amount from Cryptex is that the moment you activate a staking contract, their partner Bank will deposit a staking capital into your account with the amount of $30,240 and $43,200 for 5 years and 7 years. That process is instant because Cryptex is using a Smart Contract as a Defi Program, and everything when it comes to money transactions is automated.

As you can see in the above screenshot, the average daily interest or daily reward from staking with the mentioned capital is 0.1% to 0.3% and it will be automatically compounded daily within the entire staking period.

At the end of 3 years (for the 3-year plan), the total yield could reach up to $65,000 visible inside the member’s dashboard. The partner Bank will then take back the loaned amount from the member’s account ($30,240) and the remaining balance withdrawable by the wallet holder or the member is $35,000 approximately.

If you are not a Cryptex member, it is really difficult to figure out how in the world someone can earn up to $35,000 in 3 years with only $100 one time out of pocket. Again, the idea is, we will be funded by their partner bank with a staking capital and all earnings from staking or the daily reward received will be automatically added up to the capital for the period of 3 years or 5 years. It is the power of compounding that makes everything possible with the huge starting capital provided by the partner bank.

But why would the bank do that?

To answer the above question, let us take a look at the 4 players involved in the entire Cryptex operation and see their roles.

  1. The Cryptex Defi System
  2. Wallet Holders
  3. Partner Bank
  4. Insurance Company

The four parties mentioned above played a vital role for the success of the entire Defi Hybrid Staking operation to generate an income from the Blockchain.

The Cryptex Defi System

The Cryptex Defi System holds the Smart Contract that facilitates and automates the entire transaction. When someone pays the handling fee of $100 to get started with Cryptex, the Smart Contract sends a signal to the partner Bank, and the partner Bank will instantly deposit the said capital based on the staking plan selected by the joining member. Everything here is “automatic” and you can see right away the $30,240 deposited into your Cryptex account after paying the handling fee.

The Cryptex Defi System via Smart Contract, is also responsible for sending automated payouts for all the parties involved. This removes any human intervention and it ensures that all parties are paid based on the staking contract being agreed upon. The Cryptex Team receives $30 monthly income for each 3 year activated contract, the partner insurance receives $210 per month, and the Bank receives a variable interest of 6.75% loan interest per contract on a yearly basis.

cryptex defi staking 3 year plan

With the above details being shown, it is clear that the reason why the Bank offer such capital for each member who will activate a staking contract is the fact that they will also earn massive amount from the staking business together with all the parties involved. And at the end of every staking contract, they’ll going to take back the loaned capital so they really have no losses.

The Cryptex Defi System also is responsible for the “anonymity” of all the parties involved. Meaning, everything here is anonymous, no one can trace or locate where and who are those guys operating behind. In fact, to join Cryptex, we only need a valid email address and a password. No one needs to submit any valid ID or any personal identity, no need for KYC and all non-sense that other platforms are doing. The Cryptex Defi System is accessible on their website at

What separates Cryptex from all money-making programs that most people knew today is the idea of being anonymous being a Defi project. If you already have an idea what is Decentralized Finance, you won’t be having any trouble with how Cryptex operates.

Being anonymous online, no one can ever jeopardize their operation since the day they started even the authorities. Yes, they might appear to be illegal in the eyes of many, but it does not mean that this is a SCAM project. If you want to know why, here are 12 reasons why Cryptex is not a scam and will never scam anyone based on my own experience.

The Wallet Holders

The wallet holders are the members who joined Cryptex, and have activated a staking contract. Each member here has a dashboard and within the dashboard or back office, is a unique Cryptex wallet ID assigned to that member. That Wallet ID is connected with the Smart Contract that allows us to perform transaction such as deposits, withdrawals, and internal transfer of funds to other accounts.

Through that dashboard also, we can see the progress of our staking business as it shows everything including the amount that you’ve already earned from the daily rewards and the total amount generated from the blockchain.

As a wallet holder, we are responsible for activating a certain staking contract of our choice by paying the handling fee of $100. The more contracts we activate, the more earnings will be generated when the staking term ends, the more money Cryptex, the partner Bank and the Insurance will also earn.

In other words, if only a few people will join Cryptex, only a few contracts will be activated and the less money Cryptex, the Bank and Insurance will also earn. In short, our participation here as a wallet holder is also important for the entire community to make huge money.

Note that the $100 handling fee will not be banked by Cryptex. It goes straight into the accounts of “Uplines” above (10 levels up), for every staking contract activated somewhere below. And the funny part is that, based on their referral program’s pay plan, the total amount needed to pay all the uplines and super leaders for each contract activated is $140.

So, Cryptex has to pay more than what they received. And that alone is a valid proof that this isn’t a Ponzi business. Staking is real and that is where they got the funds to pay thousands of dollars to their members.

The Partner Bank

The partner Bank as being said is the provider of the staking capital in HUGE amounts for each wallet holder. If you only have $100, there is no way for you to turn that into $35,000 in 3 years no matter what you are going to do. But with Cryptex, it is possible and it is already happening since the Bank will provide huge amount of capital mentioned above.

cryptex defi staking review

If you ask which Bank or what Bank is behind the funding of staking Capital here at Cryptex, the answer is “IT’S ANONYMOUS,” and that is something that we can do nothing about. The most important thing is, they are paying and there is no issue with withdrawals.

The Insurance Company

The entire Cryptex operation, again, is backed by the Insurance Company which was said to be created just for the purpose of supporting this project. It means that all funds released by the Bank every time someone activates a staking contract are secured.

This puts the Bank in a status, where they are always ready to do their part as a capital provider in this entire operation. In return, the Insurance company also, will be earning huge amount being part of this massive Defi Staking business.

cryptex defi staking review insurance

According to their presentation, Cryptex has started in 2016 but they are doing it offline. I just could not imagine how Defi works during those days. As far as I know, the Idea behind Smart Contract has just been popularized by Ethereum. So, that part to me is a bit questionable but still, given the fact that they are paying, it does not matter at all.

Cryptex has been shared online in 2020 by a few marketers and most of the active members are coming from Germany. That was the time when the website was launched, where members can already login and get access to their back office to see the progress of their staking business.

Last August 29, 2023, the domain name has to be expired but they renewed it and extended until 2027. This deletes all the worries from a lot of newbie members who were victimized by dozens of scams online, thinking that Cryptex will also be gone in just a few months.

How to Join Cryptex

If you are thinking of joining Cryptex and take advantage of their staking program, the steps are simple and you can do it on your phone. The challenging part for most newbie members is, if they don’t have Cryptocurrency wallet particularly Bitcoin, or if they have not tried sending Bitcoin to other wallet address in the past. But if that thing is no longer strange to you, joining Cryptex will be a lot easier for you.

Do the following steps if you want to join Cryptex now and activate at least one staking contract:

  1. Watch the full video presentation via this link.
  2. Click the Join Now button below the video on the next page.
  3. Fill out the form and click submit.
  4. Login to your back-office using your email address and password.
  5. Inside your back office, proceed to “My Wallet” tab.
  6. Click the Deposit option to fund your account with $100 in BTC minimum. I suggest to make it $110 to be safe.
  7. Follow the instruction in the Deposit section until you see the Bitcoin wallet address where you have to send your first deposit.
  8. Copy the Bitcoin wallet address and head on to your exchange account where you have available $105 or $110 in Bitcoin.
  9. Send Bitcoin to your account, you better do it from Binance.
  10. Wait for 20 to 30 minutes and log in to your Cryptex dashboard to check if your deposit has already arrived.
  11. If it’s already there, you can see it as available balance and you are now ready to activate a staking contract.

Here’s How to Activate a Staking Contract

  1. With your account funded with a minimum of $110, tap the “My Portfolio” tab and select “Apply Defi Hybrid Staking.”
  2. Select the staking plan that you would like to activate, 3 years, 5 or 7 years. The first one is the 3 year plan, the second is another 3 year plan but a package for 10 contracts, with free 5, total of 15 contracts for $1000. The third is 5 and the last one is the 7 year plan.
  3. With your staking plan selected, tap the Continue to Invest button at the bottom of the page.
  4. Confirm your action at the next page and it is already done.
  5. Go back to your main dashboard and you should see the $30,240 already deposited on your account and you already have 1 active staking contract if you selected 3 years.

From there, you don’t have to do anything, just check your funds growing everyday and it is locked up until 3 years.

The Cryptex Referral Program

If you want to earn at Cryptex even before your staking term expires, just take advantage of their referral program as they are also have a very generous and lucrative offer for marketers.

Based on their affiliate pay plan, you can earn 30% for every staking contract activated by your personally invited person. It means, for every contract paid by your Direct Referral, you will earn an instant $30 visible on your dashboard. And if your referral earnings has reached $100, you can then withdraw it anytime. The Cryptex referral program pays down to the 10th levels of your referrals at varying percentage.

Aside from the instant withdrawable earnings from the referral program, you will also earn a kind of override earnings from your referral’s daily staking reward. It starts with 8% on all your first level referrals and goes down to the 20th level at varying percentages. But this earnings can also be withdrawn when the staking contract owned by your referrals expires.

At Cryptex, if you are someone who’s good at MLM and Network Marketing, you’ll get paid even more with huge leadership bonus. If your total Direct Referrals reached 100 accounts with a total activated contract worth $100,000, Cryptex will pay you $5,000 on a monthly basis or 5% of the total amount your team has contributed to activate their individual staking contracts. See more info about this in the screenshot below:

If you pay close attention to the above screenshot, Cryptex is giving away so much money back into the community aside from the earnings from staking business. Therefore, this could also be one of the best programs to join with to make money online long-term.

My Personal Experience Being a Cryptex Member

I learned Cryptex from one of the emails sent by an Internet Marketing community called We Share Abundance. What makes me comfortable with it at first was, the admin of WSA already has filtered programs that he’s going to share to his subscribers via emails.

Cryptex was mentioned in one of the many emails I received that caught my attention. I just happened to give it a try so I clicked the link and I was redirected to the Legacy Wealth Page, where there is a video that explains what is Cryptex. Since I was intrigued with the idea that they have a partner Bank that will provide the mentioned capital for staking, I risked my $100 from Binance and activated one 3-year contract last June 2023.

Since I am a Network Marketer and I have the skills to promote it online, I took advantage of the referral program and shared Cryptex to a lot of people. As of now, I’ve a few active referrals with different numbers of contracts activated and I was earning close to $1000 daily from the daily staking reward received by my team members.

cryptex defi staking review

As you can see, I have already earned $3,878.26 from my one 3 year staking contract that has started last June 2023 (date is not shown above). Look at the “Profit from Staking” to see that part.

You can also see at the left hand side of the screenshot above the “Rewards Referral Staking” where I already have earned $62,655.17 as of the time when the above screenshot was taken, and that comes from the daily rewards of my referrals or the Profit Share from my team members.

You can also see the amount $2,090 in the above screenshot, which is the total amount I have already cashed-out from Cryptex and was sent to my Binance account in Bitcoin. In short, that is the payout record from the referral program which could be withdrawn anytime minimum of $100. Also, take a look at the screenshot below to see my actual withdrawal details visible on my dashboard.

Cryptex Defi staking contract proof of withdrawal

The above screenshot is a solid proof that Cryptex, with the domain name is really paying and it is not a scam project as I personally experienced receiving payout without any issue.


With all the above being mentioned, I can personally say that Cryptex is something that people who are searching for ways to make money online should also pay attention and get involved with. For me, after all the doubts and worries at the beginning, everything has turned into a kind of excitement when I understood everything.

But as a rule, when it comes to online programs where we have to spend money to make money, remember that the risk is always there the moment we sent our money out away from our possession. So, join only with the amount that you can afford to lose and know that you are the only person responsible for whatever consequences you’re going to experience due to the actions you have taken.

For more information about Cryptex Defi Staking program, you may also watch the Cryptex full video presentation via this link conducted by the Leagacy Wealth Team.



Juls Dabz

I am not a pro-writer but I have a lot of ideas to share that matters.