NaNoWriMo Day 20: 21,647 of 50,000

Jenna L Pratt
11 min readNov 20, 2018


Ryan Stone for Unsplash

We are approaching the climax my dear friends! If you’ve stuck around this long I humbly thank you :)

To read the previous chapters head HERE!

Chapter Sixteen

The next evening Riley had texted Theo letting him that the police had officially opened an investigation into Ophelia’s disappearance. The story soon spread and when Theo walked into Ballardite that next morning the vibe was different. Newspapers were spread out on several tables with Ophelia’s name on the front of each one. With this the fourth disappearance in over half a year many people were growing concerned. Theo had noticed that the streets of Ballard were awfully quiet after six pm and even in his own neighborhood people were not out as often as they had been.

Theo felt like he was in a war zone when he took Bella out for a walk because apart from the cars driving on the street there was not a soul around. The usually loud spiritual center across the street from Theo’s townhome had been abnormally quiet for several weeks. The other glaring observation Theo made was that Stanley’s van was nowhere in sight.

“Theo!” Alice’s voice greeted him as he and Bella returned from their walk. Bella rushed to Alice who was quickly becoming one of her favorite people.

“Alice, how is it going?” he asked letting go of Bella’s leash so she could get closer to Alice.

“Well other than the unspoken evening curfew I can’t complain,” Alice grew serious, “any news on Ophelia?”

Theo shook his head. Riley had been temporarily displaced from her apartment as it had become an active crime scene. Theo recounted how all of the employees at Ballardite were questioned yesterday morning, but couldn’t believe the police hadn’t come to him yet.

“Well, I am sure this will all be figured out soon. I was actually coming out to ask if you had joined the neighborhood watch yet?”

Theo shook his head having completely forgotten about it with his accident and the new puppy taking up most of his time. “I should probably get on that,” he said glancing to the street where Stanley’s van usually was.

“I was thinking about joining too. We should go to the president today and ask to join.”

Theo nodded. “Sounds like a good idea.” Theo would love to catch the moment when Stanley came back. He wanted to get closer and observe what this man spent his day doing besides cutting weeds out of the sidewalks.

Later that afternoon Alice knocked on Theo’s door and the three of them headed to a house a block over. The owner, a Sara Dewey, was supposedly the president of the neighborhood watch group. This was made all the more clear as they walked up the front steps and saw a sign in the window that declared this the home of the president.

“Alice and Theo right?” Sara asked as the door opened.

“At your service!” Alice remarked making Sara laugh uncomfortably.

“Please come in,” Sara said stepping out of the way, “and who is this cutie?” she asked as Bella vied for her attention.

“This is my dog Bella. I can leave her outside if you’d like,” Theo explained before walking in.

“Oh no that’s just fine. Come on in.”

Theo and Alice were guided to a living room where a few other people were gathered around a table of cookies and coffee. “Everyone this is Alice, Theo, and his dog Bella. They are all interested in joining our neighborhood watch.” Everyone smiled as Alice and Theo took a seat. Apparently they had come at a perfect time because the group was having their first meeting in over four months.

“So, obviously Sara a lot of people are concerned because of these disappearances,” a gentleman spoke up first, “what are our responsibilities in light of this?”

Theo looked at Sara who sat down her cup of coffee. “Stan, I am right there with you. I think we should come up with some sort of schedule and have the men monitor the neighborhood during the evening hours. From around six to eight each evening.”

All the men, excluding Theo, nodded at this idea. “What about the women?” a small young lady asked.

“I think we can continue to do what we’ve been doing, but maybe trying to take some time to get to know the females in our neighborhood could be valuable. We need to show everyone that they are safe,” Sara explained.

“Safe?” an older lady sitting in a recliner spoke up next. “How can this measly bunch convince a neighborhood full of terrified people that we are safe?”

Sara sighed. “Mallory I know you are worried because of your granddaughter, but-”

“No don’t you dare Sara. I am not going to be made out as someone to sympathize with. I know wherever Tiffany is she is going to get herself out of this alive. I want to know what we are going to do to get the police onboard? How about some nighttime patrols? I never see a single cop around here and these girls are being taken from this exact area!” Theo was now completely focused on Mallory. Not only was she making great points, but she was the family member of one of the missing woman.

Alice looked at Theo when Mallory finished and the two passed a knowing look. After a lot of conversation amongst the group Theo and Alice became official members and were given their duties. For the next two weeks, until school let out for spring break, they would all have a shift to walk around the neighborhood that encompassed ten blocks. Sara was also going to do her best to reach out to the local precinct and get some patrols hopefully coming through the area.

As the meeting finished and everyone dispersed Theo made a beeline for Mallory.

“Hi, I am Theo. I live down across from the Spiritual Center,” Theo introduced himself.

“Hello Theo, you live quite near to my daughter and her family’s house just across the street from the center,” Mallory turned glum, “it’s been such a difficult past few months.”

“I can only imagine. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do,” Theo wasn’t sure why he was saying this, but he wanted to nonetheless.

“Of course. Thank you for your concern Theo. Happy to have you a part of this menagerie of people.”

Theo nodded his head and walked out thanking Sara for allowing him and Alice to join. After more goodbyes Theo and Alice made their way towards home Bella ready for dinner and Theo’s own stomach grumbling.

“Hey, I was thinking about going to see Tyler. He may have more information on Ophelia. They were friends before I met them,” Theo said as they turned onto 61st street.

“That’s a good idea,” Alice shared.

“Do you want to come?” Theo asked.

Alice looked surprised. “Me? Why?”

Theo swallowed. He and Alice had been growing closer ever since his bike accident and if he could trust anyone with what he was about to say it would be Alice. “I am convinced that the man who lives in the white van I pointed out to you several months ago is behind this. You’re the only one I can trust right now especially with Ophelia having gone missing. I need someone around me who I can trust otherwise I may go crazy,” Theo explained.

Alice was silent for some time as they approached her front door. “Count me in Theo,” she said before bending down to pet Bella, “have a good night Bella!”

She loved the attention and Theo took a huge sigh of relief. He was going to need someone by his side because he knew the path he was heading down would be fraught with confusion and fear.

Chapter Seventeen

When Theo texted Tyler asking if he could swing by today to talk he was meant with a surprise response. Tyler had decided Ophelia’s disappearance coupled with what was apparently a horrifically tragic breakup with his previous girlfriend Natalie was becoming too much to handle in Seattle. So, he had decided to move out of Seattle and take some time off in Issaquah a somewhat small town about thirty minutes outside of the city. While Theo was surprised he found himself even more curious to talk with his estranged friend now more than ever. So, Theo persisted and was able to convince Tyler that meeting at a local coffee shop in Issaquah was the plan for the evening.

“Wait, he did what?” Alice responded to Theo later in the afternoon after setting up the plans with Tyler.

“He just up and moved to Issaquah,” Theo explained again.

“Ok, now that is just strange. He quit his job too?” Alice inquired further.

“Apparently. He said and I quote, ‘I need some time off to focus on myself’ which is quite unlike Tyler.”

“Well we definitely need to see him then,” Alice said with defiance.

Theo couldn’t agree more as the two made plans for the evening drive to Issaquah. Before they left, however Theo had to find somewhere to place Bella knowing that having her on this adventure would not be conducive to the intentions Theo had. Sometimes, as Theo was discovering, Bella was a great source of comfort for people that Theo spoke with on a daily basis. She had especially influenced the new morning barista, Claire, who always had a treat ready for Bella when Theo arrived. But for this adventure, Bella was not going to be helpful. Theo was finding that having Bella in his life made a profound impact on his emotional well-being, but actually taking care of her was proving to be draining on his energy.

A couple of hours later Theo had dropped Bella off at a daycare and was picked up by Alice who thankfully had a car. As the two were able to get through the city traffic and onto I-90 heading East both took a sigh of relief. Even though Seattle was undeniably the best city Theo had ever lived in, it was nice to get away every once and awhile. It felt even more of a relief when the mountains surrounding Snoqualmie and beyond came into view.

The secluded Issaquah Coffee Company shop was located in a quaint part of the town surrounded by massive trees. Theo and Alice bought two cups of coffee before finding a table near the back.

“Tyler said he’s about five minutes away,” Theo said checking his phone before setting it on the table.

“What are you going to ask him?” Alice asked sipping her own coffee.

“First, why in the world he up and moved out of the city? Second, how well he really knows Ophelia.”

Alice nodded. “Do you really think he knows something about Ophelia?”

Theo shrugged watching the groups of people that were going in and out of the shop on a busy afternoon. “No clue. I just need to get a good read on him. I feel like I haven’t really talked to him in awhile.”

A few minutes later Tyler arrived bypassing the line to order something and heading straight toward Theo and Alice. His hair was disheveled and he looked like he hadn’t slept in several days.

“Thanks for meeting up with us Tyler.”

“Look man I’m sorry to be so scattered, but why are you here?” Tyler hurriedly asked.

Tyler seemed more off than Theo had ever seen him before. “Because I’m your friend and I’m concerned?” Theo had to ask it as a question because Tyler’s question seemed so odd.

“Why are you concerned about me?” Tyler asked sitting back in his chair tapping his fingers on his knees.

“Bro, you moved out of the city without telling anyone. I mean I didn’t even know you were struggling,” Theo explained.

“Look, we’re men. We don’t often share our feelings. I just needed some space. Ophelia went missing and then Natalie up and decided she didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore,” at that he turned directly to Alice as if really noticing her for the first time. “Did Natalie say anything to you Alice?”

Alice shifted in her seat uncomfortably. Theo completely forgot about the fact that Natalie was Alice’s best friend. “Um, Tyler to be honest I don’t feel comfortable answering your question.”

“What in the-” Tyler was cut off by Theo not wanting him to focus on Natalie, but direct the conversation back to Ophelia.

“How long have you known Ophelia?”

Tyler was a little thrown off because he had been more focused on getting information about Natalie than anything else. “Um, about two years why?”

“Did you notice anything off about her lately?” Theo continued.

“Dude,” Tyler said clearly irritated, “I already told you like at least a million times before that she always does this. She goes off for days on end and then comes back acting like it’s nothing. She’s just dramatic.”

“So, she wasn’t ignoring you or anything?” Theo inquired further.

“I mean she was a little standoffish, but she mumbled something about you and I just left it alone. I didn’t want to get involved.”

Theo perked up at the mention of his connection with Ophelia being a source of stress for her. “You know what led to her conflict with me?”

“Nope,” Tyler answered leaning his arms on the table.

“The man with the knife in our neighborhood,” Theo said looking at Alice.

“Oh no, not this again, “Tyler all but whined as Theo finished talking.

“I could care less at this point if you believe me or not, but Tyler something is going on with him. There have now been four disappearances in Ballard since that man appeared. It cannot be a coincidence!”

“Dude, move on. I am sure they will all turn up at some point. I find it hard to believe Ophelia isn’t off in Portland or something right now laughing at all of us.”

Theo couldn’t believe what he was hearing and based upon Alice’s face neither could she.

“Well, bro thanks I guess. Wish you would reach out to me more, especially now that you live out here. I’m always here for you,” Theo said standing up ready to leave.

“Ah, yeah for sure,” Tyler awkwardly gave Theo a fist bump and led the way out. Alice and Theo waited for him to get in his car before either of them said anything about what just took place.

“Ok, I am sorry but I am really glad Natalie didn’t stay with him. Dude has lost his mind,” Alice said first.

“Yeah, I mean I’ve only known him really for less than a year, but his whole demeanor has changed a lot. Something isn’t adding up though Alice.”

“What’s that?” she asked as they walked toward Alice’s car.

“When I brought up Ophelia in the past and today he would always go on and on about this being something normal for her. How is disappearing at random a normal thing for someone?” Theo asked as they both buckled their seatbelts and prepared for the drive back to Seattle.

“It is a curious thing for sure. Look, I have an idea,” Alice began waiting in a long line of cars to turn left toward the interstate, “why don’t we gather all the research you have on this guy with the knife and try to lay it all out. It sounds like you’ve really thought it through.”

Theo froze. He didn’t dare show anyone the journal he had been keeping because for Theo the second he would show that journal would be the second he would lose all credibility both with others and with himself. He had been doing a great job of balancing the irrational with the rational. However, as Theo reflected further he realized that rational was quickly becoming a distant memory. Not only did he have an updated journal of notes and theories, but he also had newspaper clippings about each of the disappearances. Theo had been tempted in the past few weeks to get a cork board to put all of his notes up, but reasoned that would put him completely in the category of irrational.

“Theo?” Alice’s voice brought him back as they passed Lake Sammamish.

“Oh, sorry. Um, I don’t really have a lot of research though,” Theo answered swallowing as he looked out the window.

“What about that journal you carry around?” Alice asked making Theo freeze once again. If Alice knew about the journal that must mean he was doing a terrible job of hiding his obsession.

Follow along with me this month at Jenna Pratt!



Jenna L Pratt

Author of "I Am Riley" and "Survivor" I 20-something Tweeter @JennaLPratt I English Teacher @mspratt16 I Lover of all things books and coffee