NaNoWriMo Day 6: 339 of 50,000

Jenna L Pratt
Friends of National Novel Writing Month
3 min readNov 7, 2018
Seattle, WA November 2018

Ohhk. Here we go, pals. Year 3 of NaNoWriMo has begun….. 5 days later. Eeek. The life of an English teacher has been quite exciting lately, but I love this month because despite all of the pressures of the educator life this (THIS!) gives me something to look forward to.

This is my 3rd novel (in progress) currently titled “The Man With the Knife.” Can’t wait to see where it goes. Please let me know your thoughts!


All those hours spent pouring over his battered journal led Theo down this path. It led him to the obsession, the allure, the desire to figure this man out. This man with the knife that convinced everyone he was just that: a man with a knife. The one who dug his silver blade into the cracks in the sidewalk and pulled out the weeds. Theo never meant for his obsession to go this far; so far that he was holding tightly to his journal. The rubber band was the only material holding it together.

He wished for a different life and maybe there were moments where his life was different. Maybe there were moments where he wasn’t up worrying about the man with the knife. Not even after the first girl went missing and months later the case remained unsolved. No it may just be possible that Theo was able to have a few moments where sipping his coffee and playing with his dog kept his obsession at bay. But it was only that, keeping the obsession at bay. The obsession always came back for Theo it crept up on him like the sun crawling up into the sky everyday. Expecting it all along, but surprised by it nonetheless.

This was it for Theo. This was where the rubber meets the road so to speak. He had been dreaming of this moment, marinating on it, for over a year and now here it was right in front of him. The van door was open and Theo squeezed the journal once more to his chest before stepping closer.

“Excuse me,” Theo choked out the words, swallowed and continued, “excuse me sir.”

The man turned looking alert and more human than ever before. As the light hit the metal of his knife Theo couldn’t help but think about the humanity of this man before him. For so long this man had been an idealized version in Theo’s mind. Now, he was looking back at Theo the knife rising ever so slowly.



Jenna L Pratt
Friends of National Novel Writing Month

Author of "I Am Riley" and "Survivor" I 20-something Tweeter @JennaLPratt I English Teacher @mspratt16 I Lover of all things books and coffee