Reasons Why Watching HGTV Is a Bad Idea When You Are Depressed

Jennifer Sartore Hulst
4 min readApr 22, 2018
Photo by Brina Blum on Unsplash

We all have those days. The ones where everything is not awesome. It’s those days when nothing is really wrong, but everything kind of feels like it is. You’re just feeling “off.”

After a week of working and managing busy teens’ schedules, sometimes I just need a mental reset. Often times, this is on a lazy Sunday morning. I settle in with a cup of coffee and a blanket, dogs on my lap, and turn on the T.V. looking for something to mindlessly watch.

By the end of the week, I have had enough of the news and politics. Since my intent is to only watch for a bit because I usually have a million errands and things to do to get ready for the upcoming week (groceries, meal planning, etc.), getting too engrossed in a movie or series would be a poor choice. What does this leave? The enterprise of HGTV, of course.

The thing is, if you aren’t feeling super awesome about where your life is at, I do not recommend watching this channel and its many offerings. Here are just a few reasons why.

Photo by Alex Block on Unsplash

You rent.

I live in Southern California where the median price for a home is a bajillion…



Jennifer Sartore Hulst

Honest writing about the "spectrum" of life, love, and parenting two teens (one with autism). Aspiring author. Follow me on Facebook: