The Skeptic’s Whole30: Day 22

Jenny Epel Muller
2 min readFeb 1, 2019


Monday, March 12, 2018

This post is part of a series. For the previous post, click here. For the whole series, click here.

Super busy morning. We changed the clocks last night, which caused me to oversleep even though I use an alarm, and we only had half an hour to get ready. I managed, via frantic scrambling, to feed the kids and myself (I had a baked sweet potato and bacon), get dressed, get them dressed, pack their bags, and get out the door on time. Honestly I didn’t need the time-suck, right then, of having to cook from scratch, but I had nothing else to eat and wasn’t coming straight home after drop-off, so I needed to eat something.

After drop-off I had to pick up a package at the post office and then register the kids for summer camp. I was really glad I did the registration right then, because the programs were already filling up, and registration had only been open for an hour. Then I had to rush back to Big Kid’s school by 9:30, because the K-2 concert was happening! This was an extremely cute affair in which Big Kid’s class sang songs onstage, and I didn’t want to be late. They said they were opening up the playground blacktop as a parking surface, so I assumed parking wouldn’t be a problem. I got there and the blacktop was full, and the roads all around were heavily parked in already as well. I wound up parking semi-illegally just to get in there on time.

The concert was sooo sweet. The kindergarten, first grade, and second grade sang three songs each. And then I got home at 10:30. I would have been famished if I’d had to wait till then to have breakfast.

Lunch and dinner were both the leftover salmon. And when I ate the salmon for dinner, I discovered that it was filled with tiny bones! Was that supposed to happen? I wondered if the fish person at the supermarket had just done a shoddy job of fileting. I mean, last week when I made the other salmon thing, I used the superexpensive salmon that I’d bought at the boutique meat place, and that didn’t have any tiny bones in it. It cost maybe $38.

I did some Internet research and it turns out you ARE supposed to remove the “pin bones” yourself from a so-called filet of salmon! Ugh ugh ugh ugh. Just what I don’t need, on so many levels, and I don’t even love salmon that much. I have the feeling that after the Whole30 is done, I’m not going to be too eager to buy salmon again very soon.

Tomorrow: A flashback to my days as a recipe copy editor.

