Check out Tapity Rocket

Announcing 🚀 Rocket, Tapity’s app marketing service

Jeremy Olson
4 min readJun 1, 2016


You may know that, along with building our own apps like Hours, Tapity offers services to help others build successful apps. But anyone who reads my stuff knows that a big key to our success with apps has been our ability to market them. (See How Hours became a top grossing app or Tale of a Top-10 app on Smashing Magazine).

Marketing can be intimidating. There is no silver bullet, and paying a marketing or PR firm to do it can be time consuming, expensive, and can have mixed results.

Tapity would like to help solve this problem, not just for big companies who can afford six figure marketing budgets, but for most anyone with a great app.

So today we are excited to announce Rocket, our way to empower you to give your app the best chance at success by guiding and supporting you through the marketing process.

We have three Rocket plans launching today:

Exploration — a marketing booster

This is a way to get really helpful feedback on a tight budget and schedule. You send us your promotional website or App Store page (choose one) and some basic information, and we provide an expert evaluation that includes detailed feedback and suggestions relating to:

  • Content and messaging
  • Presentation and design, including the icon and screenshots
  • Promo video
  • Keyword optimization
  • Positioning against competition
  • Monetization strategy

The evaluation will be done primarily by myself, along with our SEO / ASO expert and other members of our marketing team. All interaction will be done through forms and email.

In addition to the evaluation, you will get a copy of Jeremy’s App Making guide, a step-by-step course for designing and marketing apps ($300 value).

$750 this week ($1,000 regular price). See details →

Lift Off—find your story

To effectively market an app or service, you need a clear value proposition and an engaging story to tell. I will help you identify and develop this story to drive home your value proposition and help you implement your story in marketing collateral. This package includes:

  • Call with me to deeply understand your product and brainstorm potential story angles
  • I will then work on fleshing out several of the most promising story angles
  • Call with me to finalize and refine an angle

After finalizing an angle, I will work on drafting or editing your choice of

  1. App Store page (including draft description, suggested keywords based on ASO analysis, and screenshots designed by us)
  2. Email pitch (including advice on how to use it and list of sites to send it to) — I will break down your story and value proposition into a short, compelling pitch that you can email to journalists
  3. Press kit (including a pitch document, screenshots, and promo graphics designed by us) — a press kit is a folder or site that makes it really easy to write about your app

In addition, this package includes:

  • A review of your monetization strategy
  • Analysis of how you should position yourself against your competition
  • Evaluation of your promo video or app preview
  • A high level evaluation of your app
  • Jeremy’s App Making guide, a step-by-step course for designing and marketing apps ($300 value)

$4,500 this week ($6,000 regular price). See details →

Interstellar—plan and execute a winning strategy

This is the complete package. It includes:

  • The same story development, analysis, and evaluation from the Lift Off and Exploration packages
  • A draft App Store page, email pitch, and press kit (Lift Off only includes one)
  • A total of five hours of call time with me to brainstorm your story, positioning, appropriate marketing channels and how to use them, pre-launch buzz building, PR strategy, monetization strategy, ongoing marketing strategy and any other questions you might have
  • A step-by-step marketing plan based on our brainstorm
  • Strategy for getting featured by Apple and the press
  • Feedback on your web landing page and App Store page (the same analysis as the Ignition package except we also provide ideas if you don’t happen to have a landing page or App Store page to review yet)
  • SEO and ASO analysis to help you rank higher in web and App Store search
  • Jeremy’s App Making guide, a step-by-step course for designing and marketing apps ($300 value)

$7,500 this week ($10,000 regular price). See details →

We are offering 25% off pricing for the first week, and because I will personally be doing much of the work, our capacity is limited, so get in now to ensure that we can help you in a timely way.

Check out Rocket 🚀

Although our thinking continues to evolve, you can read about how we marketed Hours to become a top grossing app or how we marketed Languages to be the #5 paid app on the App Store to get a sense of our marketing experience.

P.S. If you are interested in hiring our Apple Design Award winning team to design your next app, we do that too.



Jeremy Olson

Designer at Coda. Formerly: Founder of Tapity - Grades (Apple Design Award), Languages (App Store Best of 2012) & Hours (acquired).