Is Solar Worth It in New Jersey? (2024 Guide)

Jerry Spivey
10 min readJan 25, 2024


Did you know the Garden State is quickly turning into a Solar Haven? With more than 116,000 solar installations and dancing high up in the solar power rankings, New Jersey is a place where the solar revolution is in full swing. But let’s get real — we know you’re wondering, “Is joining the solar frenzy truly worth it for me?” We get it; diving into the world of solar energy is a big step, and you’re looking for a no-nonsense take on whether it pays off in our beloved state. So, buckle up! We’re about to embark on a fact-packed ride through the ins and outs of solar power in New Jersey. We’ll navigate through the biggies — incentives, savings, and yes, those pesky weather considerations. You don’t need to worry about getting lost in tech gobbledygook; think of this as your Solar GPS, guiding you straight to the need-to-knows, so you can confidently decide if your home is a good candidate for catching some rays — solar style!

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The Solar Landscape in New Jersey

New Jersey might not be the sunniest state on the block, but hey, it sure is shining bright when it comes to solar power. We’re talking about a state that doesn’t just talk the talk; they walk the walk with solar on over 100,000 homes and businesses. That’s huge! Even more impressive? The Garden State ranks in the top 10 nationally for solar installations. That’s right, folks — this is not just about saving on electric bills but also about being a part of a green energy revolution.

So, here’s the scoop. New Jersey has seen a whopping solar growth rate averaging 31% annually over the past five years. That kind of growth is like your favorite underdog story but in renewable energy form — truly impressive. What’s cooking up this solar surge? It’s a mix of state incentives, like the TREC (Transition Renewable Energy Certificate) program, which turns your solar system into a bit of a money-maker for the energy you generate. Plus, there’s the NJ Sales Tax Exemption and the Property Tax Exemption for renewable energy systems, making solar an even sweeter deal.

Now, let’s shine a light on a local hero. I heard about this one guy, let’s call him Solar Sam, who runs a family-owned deli in Hoboken. Sam went solar a couple of years ago, and let me tell you, he’s been slicing his energy bills like he slices his signature pastrami — super thin. He’s saving a cool couple of grand annually on his electric bills, and you can bet that extra cash is going into making his sandwiches even more legendary. Stories like Sam’s are popping up all over — the blend of financial savings, state support, and environmental benefits makes going solar in New Jersey a really bright idea.

Benefits of Solar Power in New Jersey

So, you’re looking into the sunny side of things in New Jersey? Smart move! The Garden State is truly embracing solar power, and let me tell you, the benefits are as bright as the midday sun. First off, think savings — and I mean, who doesn’t love to save some green while going green? New Jersey offers some of the most attractive financial incentives for solar energy in the country. With the Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) program, every kilowatt-hour your panels produce can translate into money back in your pocket.

But wait, it gets even better. New Jersey’s net metering policies are the cherry on top of the solar sundae. They allow you to get credit for excess energy you send back to the grid. Yes, you heard that right — your electric meter can actually run backward, reducing your bills or even earning you a credit. And let’s talk about how you’re doing Mother Nature a solid, too. By going solar, you’re slashing your carbon footprint, fighting air pollution, and leading the charge against climate change.

And if you’re wondering about the sun factor — New Jersey’s got plenty. Sure, it’s not California, but your rooftop can still soak up enough rays to power your home and then some. Plus, with sleek, efficient panels that have gotten pretty darn good at squeezing out every drop of sunshine, even on the not-so-sunny days, you’re looking at a win-win. Embrace the power of the sun, and watch as your energy bills drop and your eco-creds soar. Now tell me, who wouldn’t want a slice of that sunny pie?

Financial Aspects

For those who are looking to harness the power of the sun, let’s talk about the shiny (literally) financial perks of going solar. Now, I know the initial cost of solar panel installation might seem a little steep — it can set you back anywhere from $12,000 to $25,000 on average, before incentives. But, stay with me here, because the Garden State is blooming with benefits for solar adopters.

First off, you’ve got the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which lets you deduct 30% of your solar system’s cost from your federal taxes. Yes, you heard that right — that’s 30% back in your pocket. Plus, New Jersey throws in some sweet deals of its own. The state’s Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs) program is like a golden ticket — for every 1,000 kWh your panels produce, you earn an SREC which you can then sell for cash. The going rate can fluctuate, but as of my latest intel, it’s hovering around $220 per SREC.

But wait, there’s more! New Jersey waves a friendly goodbye to sales tax on solar systems. That’s a 7% saving right there. And they up the ante with a sizzling property tax exemption for the value your solar panels add to your home.

Let’s paint a real-life picture: Imagine you install a $20,000 solar system. The federal ITC cuts $6,000 off your tax bill. Your SRECs and other incentives can net you a thousand or two annually, depending on how much your system produces and current SREC market rates. Before you know it, the system’s paid for itself — and you’re sitting back with a cool iced tea, watching your electric meter run backwards, and feeling pretty savvy about your investment.

Challenges and Considerations

Alright, let’s dive into some of the nitty-gritty about solar panel installation here in the Garden State. I know, I know — taking the plunge into solar can feel a bit like playing Monopoly, but trust me, you’re not just rolling the dice here. It’s a calculated move with great benefits.

So, first up, let’s talk real estate — and no, not Boardwalk or Park Place, but the space on your roof or property. In the densely populated state of New Jersey, finding enough room for your solar panels can be a bit of a head-scratcher. But don’t fret! Most homes actually have more usable space than you might think. It’s all about optimizing the space you’ve got. Professional installers are like the grandmasters of solar chess; they’ll know exactly how to position your panels to get the maximum sunlight.

Then there’s the upfront investment, which can seem steep. Let’s be real, we’re not all sitting on a pile of cash like Uncle Pennybags. However, New Jersey’s got your back with a bunch of incentives that make going solar more like snagging a “Get Out of Jail Free” card. The state offers programs like the Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) registration program, where you can earn and sell credits for your solar energy production. Plus, there’s a sweet federal investment tax credit that you don’t want to miss out on either.

Bottom line: with the right strategy and knowledge about state-specific incentives, these challenges are far from deal-breakers. They’re more like levels in a game, and you’re well-equipped to level up.

Solar Panels: Quality and Efficiency

Now, let’s get to the heart of solar panels: their quality and efficiency — particularly in a place like New Jersey, where you experience the gamut of four seasons. In the sunny Garden State, you’ve basically got three main types of solar panels to choose from: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film. When you’re picking out your solar gear, you want to bet on the horse that’ll run the longest and the strongest, right? So here’s the lowdown.

Monocrystalline panels are like the thoroughbreds of the solar world. They’re cut from a single, pure crystal of silicon, and their efficiency is top-notch — usually around 15–20%. Even on those partly cloudy Jersey days, they’ll still be cranking out power. Plus, these beauts have a sleek aesthetic and a long lifespan, often exceeding 25 years, which is pretty sweet.

Then you’ve got polycrystalline panels, the more budget-friendly option. Made from fragments of silicon crystals melted together, they’re a tad less efficient, typically around 13–16%, but they’re easier on the wallet and still solid runners in the solar race.

Lastly, there are thin-film panels. These are like the new kids on the block, lightweight and flexible, perfect for unique rooftops. But, they’re also less efficient than the others, around 10–13%. Their longevity isn’t as impressive either, usually around 15–20 years. However, they’ll still get the job done.

Maintenance-wise, solar panels are the chillest of investments — there’s no need for frequent tune-ups. Just an occasional cleaning to remove leaves, dirt, or snow, and you’re golden. In the NJ climate — a mix of sun, rain, snow, you name it — it’s a relief to know that modern solar panels are made to withstand some pretty tough weather. So, no matter what Mother Nature throws at them, they’ll keep that energy coming, and your bills going down.

Making the Decision: Is Solar Right for You?

Alright, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of figuring out if solar’s your jam. First things first, how’s your roof looking? We’re talking sturdy, unshaded, and preferably angled towards the friendly sun. If you’ve got a roof that’s more shadow than sunshine, we might need to rethink or possibly get a bit creative with panel placement.

Now, about your energy needs — give it to me straight. Are your bills through the roof or just a gentle nudge each month? Solar panels are champs at tackling high electricity costs, so if you’re wincing every time you see that bill, it’s time to seriously consider harnessing the power of the sun.

Of course, we’ve got to talk dollars and cents, or this whole sustainability party doesn’t get off the ground. Installing solar ain’t pocket change, but think long game. With incentives like tax breaks and rebates, plus the drop in panel prices (thank you, solar industry progress!), you might find the initial costs aren’t as wild as you thought. Plus, solar panels come with the bonus of boosting your home’s value — sweet, right?

But here’s the kicker: solar is a long-term relationship. Ponder the upfront costs against the bliss of lower energy bills, potential earnings from excess energy (yep, you might end up selling power back to the grid), and the peace of mind that you’re one eco-friendly powerhouse. If you’re nodding along thinking this all sounds pretty good, you might just be ready to swipe right on solar.


Absolutely, diving right into the heart of the matter: if you’re a New Jersey resident pondering going solar in 2024, there’s a lot to smile about! The Garden State is pretty sweet for solar, thanks not just to ample sunshine but also to a combo of financial incentives that might make your bank account as sunny as your new energy source. We’re talking about juicy solar renewable energy credits (SRECs), net metering that could see you earning bill credits for excess power, and a solid state rebate program to slash installation costs. Plus, let’s not forget the federal solar tax credit, which is like the cherry on top of that solar sundae. All these benefits are up for grabs, but they won’t hang around forever. So, tune into your savvy side, do the math, and you might just find out that in New Jersey, solar is not just worth it — it could be a slam dunk for your home and your wallet.

Now, if you’ve got that itch to explore how solar can light up your life (and power your home), why not give us a shout? Our team of solar wizards is all geared up to offer you a custom assessment of your solar needs. Whether it’s deciphering incentives, sizing up panels, or just getting the scoop on how it all works in New Jersey — we’re here to make the solar switch as bright and breezy as possible. Don’t hesitate, reach out, and let’s turn your solar dreams into sunny reality!

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Jerry Spivey

As an aspiring writer, I love words and pay attention to detail. My skill and devotion to writing intriguing and relevant material set me apart.