Key to Frontend development

Get a frontend development roadmap from here, which you will most likely require if you want to be a frontend developer.

Jeshika Sapkota
7 min readFeb 6, 2022
frontend developer world
individual images from google

If you are a Web developer or a learner, you should be familiar with Full Stack Development. A full-stack developer works on both the server-side (backend) and client-side (frontend). The backend encompasses all of the website’s operations and activities that end users cannot see, such as the database, APIs, and server.
The front end is the website’s graphical interface. When we look at the structure and components of any website, we may observe navigation bars, some buttons, links, video, audio, photographs, and so on. These are all created by front-end developers. Front-end developers are in charge of the overall design of the website. Developers portray the website using code following the client’s expectations. As a result, an extensive understanding of programming languages is required for front-end development.

We will be concentrating on front-end development and what it takes to be a professional front-end developer in this article.

Is a degree required to work as a front-end developer?
No, you don’t require that.
You only need to acquire all of the abilities that are useful in front-end programming, as well as a willingness to learn regularly.
Let’s have a look at some essential abilities that will help you become an exceptional front-end developer.


Front-end developers need some very prominent skills for creating an awesome and interactive website.

Let’s go through some of the technical abilities you’ll need to be a true frontend developer.


  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the basic building block of every website. HTML is required for the creation of a website. At the moment, the HTML5 version is popular, as it includes numerous multimedia capabilities such as adding audio/videos to a website. We can also construct our website layout using solely HTML, but the website will not be as engaging, beautiful, or interactive to end customers. As a result, CSS is also required.
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) enhances the appearance of your website. CSS allows us to control font size, text alignment, colors, background images, and other elements. CSS contains a plethora of capabilities that may be used to make our website more appealing and interesting.


Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, Foundation, and others are some of the most popular CSS frameworks today. The framework includes capabilities such as responsive Web design, grid layouts, and browser support. CSS frameworks are simple collections of predefined CSS layouts. These tools aid developers in increasing their productivity and effectively maintaining their code. With these fantastic frameworks, developers don’t have to worry about buildings code from scratch.
You may learn more about CSS frameworks here.


HTML and CSS are the perfect duos to build a webpage. Before moving on to other skills, you must master HTML and CSS.


JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language also known as the scripting language for the webpages.

Why utilize JavaScript when we can create a fantastic website with HTML and CSS? What role does JS play in front-end development?

You can use JavaScript to create dynamic interactivity on your website.JavaScript is a client-side and server-side scripting language. It’s all about using the developer’s programming logic to create an interactive website. If you want to show the date and time on your website with regular updates, you can use JS.JavaScript allows web pages to update themselves dynamically, but the logic for doing this is solely up to you.

JavaScript can also be used for online games, client-side validation, displaying a drop-down menu in a webpage, slideshows, animations, and so on. In general, JS is utilized to improve the functionality of your website.

JavaScript gives you complete control over web browsers, as well as servers and databases. JavaScript is used by databases like CouchDB, MongoDB, and RethinkDB.
Due to its exceptionally excellent frameworks and libraries, which make website building easy and effective, JavaScript is the most popular and adaptable programming language.
React.js, Node.js, Angular, Ember.js, Anime.js, and other prominent JS frameworks and libraries are utilized by developers.

You are now ready to work as a front-end developer after obtaining these skills. You now have the ability to create your own dynamic website.


It is a preprocessor that extends CSS’s capabilities. CSS Preprocessor is now more useful and usable to developers than simple CSS. Building a function and reusing a definition in a basic CSS file is a huge no-no.

CSS Preprocessor enables you to work on your code more efficiently and productively by providing expanded functionality like variables, loops, functions, imports, and extends. It is quite beneficial to utilize a preprocessor because it minimizes error percentage, makes your CSS code more flexible, and intelligible.

SAAS, LESS, Stylus, Switch CSS, and PostCSS are some of the most prominent CSS preprocessors used today.


The primary idea behind a version control system is to maintain track of any changes or alterations you make to your code. It tracks them down and stores information about them in a database.
The version control system makes collaboration easy and productive, especially when we’re working as a team. It keeps track of every update and maintains the code’s performance. Because we need to work in a team and each developer needs to upload their source code and make changes, the version control system has shown to be incredibly efficient in web development.
The most used version control system is GIT. GIT is free, open-source software that makes collaboration simple and easy to maintain. If you are a web developer, you must learn how to utilize GIT.


The fundamental purpose of SEO is to drive visitors to your website. It causes your website to rank better in Google or any other search engine, resulting in increased user interaction and views of your site. Front-end developers must study and apply various SEO strategies to their websites.

SEO-friendly aspects such as clear, clean, and optimized URLs, the usage of meta tags, mobile-friendly design (responsive), links, photos, and so on must be incorporated into developers' websites. Employing alt tags in photos and using small images attracts a lot of traffic.


When your website is finished and ready to be viewed in browsers, developers must not overlook Web Performance Optimization. WPO is all about web performance. The smoothness with which your website operates is referred to as web performance.

What is the speed of your website, and how well does it serve end-users?

If your website’s contents take too long to load or if scrolling is not smooth, it is evident that your website will not be interesting to end-users. This will have an impact on your website’s audience and lower traffic. As a developer, you must concentrate on WPO and learn how to balance website performance.

Reducing HTTP requests, Gzip compression, caching, utilizing fewer plugins, and image optimization can all help you improve website performance.


Cross-browser testing ensures that your website’s appearance remains consistent across browsers. Some of the common browser testing tools that developers can use to test their website in different browsers include Lambda test, QA Wolf, and browser shots.


If you are a web developer, simply creating a website that works on your PC/Desktop is insufficient. The website’s appearance varies depending on the device. When you access your website on a PC, the screen size is larger than on mobile devices. It is vital to make your website responsive so that it looks excellent and appealing regardless of the device used to view it.


When you write code, you are always welcomed with flaws and errors. A programmer must test and debug code. Developers should be familiar with a variety of testing tools.
Functional testing and unit testing are two fundamental techniques to testing. Functional testing tests specific functionality in your code, whereas unit testing guarantees that each line in your code is evaluated.

Team work
Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Do soft skills matter when it comes to being a front-end developer?
YES. They do.

Soft skills include the developer’s manner of thinking, developing, and functioning.


Front-end developers should be excellent communicators, both with the client and with other UI/UX designers or back-end developers with whom they collaborate. Good communication ensures a positive working environment, especially when working as part of a team.


Developers’ labor can never be constrained to a specific scope. They must deal with a slew of issues. Time management is the most important skill to learn. They must stand out in terms of client expectations, which might include website content or delivery timeframes.
Time management is especially important when developers are managing both the server and client-side.


Front-end developers are never alone in their job. There will be backend developers and UI/UX designers with whom we will need to interact as a team, thus one must integrate into the team. Problem-solving abilities and a willingness to communicate difficulties should be enhanced. Because good cooperation always yields the best outcomes, developers should have a positive attitude toward the team at all times.

The above skills are a must to get into front-end development. Consistency in your learning process is the promising component you require. The more you know, the more you will gain. These abilities will undoubtedly aid you in becoming an excellent front-end developer.

