CrossFit vs. Calisthenics vs. Gym

Which Is Better?

Jesús González
5 min readSep 1, 2023
Photo created by me

In a world where health and fitness are increasingly important priorities, there are abundant options to stay in shape and achieve our fitness goals. Three of the most popular disciplines are calisthenics, CrossFit, and weightlifting gym workouts. In this article, we’ll objectively analyze which of these options is the best for you, depending on your personal goals.

Spoiler: There’s No Clear Winner

The Passion for Fitness

It’s undeniable that the fitness world has become a global phenomenon. Just as some “Star Wars” fanatics live and breathe the galactic saga, people embrace calisthenics, CrossFit, and gym workouts as if they were religions themselves. Before diving into comparisons, it’s essential to understand two key aspects:

  • Any well-planned approach can help you make progress, and conversely, any of the three, when poorly planned, can be entirely useless. Therefore, any of these three sports, when well planned, can lead to great results.
  • The subjectivity of personal preferences plays a significant role in choosing your discipline. In this article, I won’t sell you on one in particular; I’ll provide an objective opinion on why perhaps one discipline might be better for a specific goal than another. But ultimately, that slight advantage means nothing if you don’t enjoy practicing it. So, in the end, the best advice I can give you is to practice what you like and what doesn’t feel like a chore to you.

Before I dive into the details, I must admit that, in my case, I’ve only practiced two of these disciplines: calisthenics and gym workouts. But I have a friend who does CrossFit, and he shared his perspective with me to avoid being biased toward one or the other.

Comparison according to objectives

Now, we’ll compare the three disciplines for achieving different types of goals:

1. Muscle Gain

One of the most common fitness goals is gaining muscle mass. All three approaches can achieve this if properly planned and complemented by a suitable diet. CrossFit stands out for its strength foundation and weightlifting exercises, such as squats, deadlifts, and power cleans. Conventional gyms, on the other hand, offer a wide range of machines and weights specifically designed for muscle development. Calisthenics relies on bodyweight exercises like pull-ups, dips, and squats, which can also contribute to muscle gain.

However, when it comes to muscle gain, the conventional weightlifting gym is positioned as the best option. This is because of its ability to apply unlimited intensity, precise progression, and a greater variety of machines and exercises for balanced muscle development. Calisthenics and CrossFit do not offer such precise and balanced progression as the gym.

2. Fat Loss

Regarding fat loss, all three approaches are quite effective when properly planned. Fat loss primarily depends on energy balance, daily activity, and diet. However, CrossFit excels in this aspect as it generates a high calorie burn and provides a competitive training environment that can help maintain motivation in a calorie deficit.

3. Athletic Performance

Athletic performance is another important aspect to consider. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages. CrossFit can be beneficial for athletes requiring endurance and varied movements, while calisthenics can improve body control and stability. However, a customized weightlifting program can be equally effective for athletes, adapting to their sport-specific needs.

4. Functional Training

It’s important to clarify that the term “functional training” is often misunderstood. In reality, all these approaches are functional to some extent. What truly matters is choosing the tool that best fits your goals and personal preferences.

Enjoy the Journey

Ultimately, the key to success in fitness is enjoying the process. No matter which of the three disciplines you choose, the most important thing is to stay committed and enjoy the journey toward your fitness goals. In the end, the best approach will be the one that you feel most comfortable with and motivated to stick with in the long term. So, one of the key questions you should ask yourself is:

Which one of the three do you enjoy the most?

Because it doesn’t matter that I tell you the gym is slightly superior for muscle gain if you find going to the gym incredibly boring and, in contrast, you love going to the park with your friends for calisthenics and controlling your body. Or if you enjoy the competitiveness that CrossFit offers due to its group dynamic and versatility — who am I to tell you not to practice it?

Practice what you enjoy the most because, in the end, adherence is the key. There are no shortcuts, only hard work and consistency.


In summary, the choice between calisthenics, CrossFit, and gym workouts depends on your personal goals, preferences, and level of commitment. All three approaches can help you achieve your fitness goals if properly planned and consistently maintained. Rather than comparing and labeling these disciplines, it’s essential to understand that each has its place and unique benefits. The most important thing is that you find the one that you’re most passionate about and motivated to work toward a healthier and more active life.

I currently practice gym workouts, but I don’t rule out returning to calisthenics or starting CrossFit. How about you? Which one do you practice?



Jesús González

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