Jeannette Turcotte
Jeannette Turcotte

Jeannette Turcotte


2 stories

The Sentinels in the Schulman Grove atop the White Mountains of California spindle skyward, appearing to intertwine with the Milky Way. These bristlecone pines were saplings together some 3,500 years ago. The tree on the right died about 500 years ago; the one on the left is still living. (Photo: ©Craig K. Collins)
Jeannette Turcotte

Jeannette Turcotte


6 stories

woman sits on a couch writing something in a notebook with a laptop and coffee on a small table in front of her.
Jeannette Turcotte

Jeannette Turcotte

Traveling while old and americano

9 stories

Jeannette Turcotte

Jeannette Turcotte


3 stories

Jeannette Turcotte

Jeannette Turcotte

David Price

17 stories

Jeannette Turcotte

Jeannette Turcotte

Arts - Music - Movement

23 stories

Jeannette Turcotte

Jeannette Turcotte


2 stories

Dark image of a person walking in ethereal red and blue hues.