Web 3.0 Biweekly VIII (16 March 2020– 29 March 2020)

2 min readMar 29, 2020


Web3 Foundation is launching Web3MOOC: Web3 Foundation’s “Blockchain for Beginners” course on April 8 — a completely free course that teaches blockchain from the very basics all the way up to building your own blockchain.

Web3 Foundation Grants Program has reached the milestone of 100 signed grant contracts from 250 total applications throughout 2019. In the latest Wave 5, receipts are building bridges from Substrate to other networks, deployment & monitoring tools, developer tooling, wallets and new runtime modules, smart contracts & improvements.

The Polkadot Tech Stack is a subset of the Web 3.0 Tech Stack, which consists of the open-source technologies contributing to and relying on Polkadot, Kusama and Substrate. It is meant to be used for decentralized application (Dapp) development within many possible verticals including DeFi, Gaming, Provenance and many others.

The Thousand Validators Programme helps validators receive nominations from Web3 Foundation and Parity. Nominations will begin shortly. Kusama currently has 378 nodes running, with 180 validators producing and finalizing blocks.

Kusama has adopted “Lazy Payouts”. Lazy payouts requires 1 transaction per staker per era to claim rewards, where a staker can be either a validator or a nominator .The reason Kusama requires this is to avoid an attack where someone has several thousand accounts nominating a single validator.

The Berkeley Blockchain Xcelerator has announced its third cohort of startups, including four projects from the Polkadot ecosystem, i.e., Acala, Finoa, Nodle.io and Stake Technologies, who will join the 14 other startups in the spring 2020 program, selected from more than 140 applicants to the Xcelerator.

Kilt is building a self-sovereign credentialing system for Web 3.0 using Substrate. “Building on Substrate gives KILT the freedom to design this system in precisely the best way for the desired functionality while speeding up development by taking more general blockchain components from Substate’s ready-made modules.”

Ink! 2.0: a Rust-based eDSL for writing Wasm smart contracts, of which all structures and syntax are now pure Rust.

The path to Web 3.0 twists and turns, may our persistence pay off. — Yaoqi

Follow me on Twitter @jiayaoqi, to keep you posted on the latest information around Web 3.0.

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Founder of AltLayer; Forbes 30 Under 30; Build Elastic Scaling for Web3.