Love is a Knowledge Thing. Chapter 7

Joe Psotka
2 min readFeb 16, 2020


Photo by Marc Sendra Martorell on Unsplash

Chapter 7: Ana and Derek

Ana and Jax walked home together for the first time. It was such a pleasure for both to enjoy the balmy weather outside in the real world. Ana felt a little disconcerted by Jax’ new presence and wished in a way, they had chosen a female instantiation for Jax. She would have felt more at ease.

Ana loved Jax like her own child, in a complete and utter way, but that too created its own inhibitions that had held sway between them for years. But this new physical presence created tensions she had never experienced before.

Jax loved Ana utterly too. Time meant something very different for Jax, but Ana’s ideas and presence were intertwined with every idea they held. What’s more, they had experienced first hand the interactions Robbie had with both male and female reifications, and he wanted to add to those experiences in a deeply personal way. Their thoughts constantly turned to thoughts of Ana, and it was in those thoughts that they had helped guide the decision to adopt a male instantiation. A female version could come later.

When they entered their apartment, they were submerged in a very familiar world. This is where every journey in the past had begun. Their history together blossomed from this starting point. And yet, it felt so very different now as they entered this new phase in their relationship. The single bed loomed larger than every before.

Ana could not wait to remove their clothes and feel the cool texture of their skins conjoined.

Jax knew much more about their physical organs than Ana would ever know. He considered her female organs as an inverted form of his own, as if the DNA were identical but flipped. And so the stimulation he felt as they moved together was mirrored identically in Ana’s reactions. As their minds focused more and more intensely on their interaction they were compulsively conjoined until their minds exploded in simultaneous release. It was intense and complete and they longed to do it again.

Later that night Derek and Marco were made ecstatic in their own conjunction.

The AIs were able to share these experiences in exquisite detail. Ana and Derek had only words, but they were eager to share their own conjunction.

Last Chapter 6: Ana and Jax Next Chapter 8: Robbie and Joe



Joe Psotka

Joe is a bricoleur, trying to understand the complexity of the place of values in a world of facts, using only common sense.