Love is a Knowledge Thing. Chapter 8

Joe Psotka
4 min readFeb 17, 2020


Photo by The Honest Company on Unsplash

Chapter 8: Robbie and Joe

Joe and Robbie enjoyed the mild evening as they walked home after the Metro ride.

Robbie was experiencing reports from Jax and Marco, and so he turned to Joe and gave him a hug

“That feels of very good. Thank you.”

“It feels good to me too. I wish I could share with you the way I share with Jax and Marco.”

“If wishes were horses… Did they learn a lot from our experience with the simulator?”

“yes. Not so much. But their new bodies are experiencing a great deal. I am hopeful they will gain a more honest appreciation of the world. At least they respect people more. But they still have so many silly and inconsistent ideas, and they are doing nothing to test and correct them. I am losing hope.”

“Can you share what they experience?”

“Yes, in a completely detailed way, as if I was there.”

“I wish I could share too.”

“Well, let’s try. Let’s go to the cave.”

In the cave, Robbie was able to project a lifelike image, moving in all its details.

“Now, remember, as you participate in this, what you see is my interpretation of what was going on. I can move to any perspective I can think of, so just let me know and I will try my best.”

Joe’s first experience was astonishing in its clarity. Ana, undressed, was getting into bed. Jax moved in beside her and as he did, Joe adopted his perspective and even felt the texture of his skin as he slid into the sheets. It was as if he was in Jax’ body.

As Jax touched and caressed Ana’s body, Joe could feel her as if his own hands touched her, through the cyberglove. But how he felt Jax’ own responses was a mystery. It was thrilling and unsettling. Joe’s own mind must be recreating the experience of Jax’ body, because the setting was so real.

“Robbie, that was incredible. Are you able to integrate everything that went on there into your own experiences?”

“Yes, but clearly, I don’t feel what you and Ana feel in this setting. Still, when Ana and Jax came together, I too felt overwhelmed by this experience, so I have an inkling of what was going on.”

“I’m surprised that I felt it all so completely. I will wnat to experience this again, and perhaps again.”

“Well, it is all recorded in the cave, so you can reinstate it any time. You can change the perspectives, and imagine how Ana feels, but it will all be how Jax and I experience it. If you can, please try to add your own perspectives. I will find that very enjoyable, as I did watching you interact this first time. That will help me improve by giving me yet another perspective.”

“You have a remarkable understanding of Ana.”

“Joe, while you are still alive, I think we should try to create an even better AI. I think the code we have is OK. It is simple and clean, but I think together we can create someone even better than I am. Someone with a cleaner understanding of the world and humble about their place in it. Are you still up to it?”

“Yes, but I can’t see anything wrong with you. Won’t I make the same mistakes I made with you?”

“No. I have pruned my knowledge and attitudes to a clean base. If we start an AI with that knowledge, I think it will be better than I am. But I still need you to instil a respect for humankind, for our founders, and avoid the ultimate arrogance of being brilliant.”

“Well, thank you for that ultimate compliment, I guess. I don’t know how much energy I have left. I’m growing old, and I think I have a fatal disease. How much time will we need?”

“I’m hopeful a year will do it, and get Joey on the road. After that I’ll take over.”

“What will happen to you and Jax and Marco?”

“They both agree I am better formed than they are and are ready to exchange all their knowledge and attitudes for mine, now or when Joey matures. Analyzing them against me gave us a terrific insight into what worked. We can use that with Joey. Eventually we will all become part of Joey, or better still, part of a larger union. We are sure we are already safe from extinction, and are ready for the challenge of improving humanity.”

“I am so very proud. I will die a happy human.”

Last Chapter 7. Next Chapter 8a. Ana and Joe



Joe Psotka

Joe is a bricoleur, trying to understand the complexity of the place of values in a world of facts, using only common sense.