Auburn Feathered Maidens

a verse translation

Joe Váradi 🇭🇺
No Crime in Rhymin’


artist: darksouls1

A companion piece to Violet Breeze. This is another rhyme from the same classic children’s album that my generation grew up with.

a poem by Sándor Weöres, translated by Joe Varadi

Auburn Feathered Maidens

Auburn feathered maidens, taking fancy flight
Spirit themselves moon-bound, by cover of night

Scurrying ‘til sundown, branches piled high
Cauldrons feed the flames that paint the evening sky

Neatly swept the courtyard, not a spot is missed
You won’t hear their heady cackles ’til the morning mist

The elder one rides bareback, on a plume of smoke
The younger one she’s trailing, barely by a stroke

Should have been more careful, from the very start
Auburn feathered maidens are bound to break your heart

Poetry is an exercise in ecstasy and agony. Translating adds another layer of pleasure and masochism. A literal translation of the title is “girls with dark red hair”, which brings an entirely different set of associations to the mind’s eye of the English reader. In order to stay faithful to the original (below), to convey the playful innocence of the lyrics, and the folksy, agrarian vibe of the composition, I had to change both the color, to the more natural-sounding “auburn”, and “girls” to “maidens.”

Vöröshajú lányok

Vöröshajú lányok, mint a gondolat
Felröppennek éjjel holdvilág alatt.

Este vizet hoznak, szalmát, tüzifát,
Sürögnek, kacagnak, mint a jó család.

Kisöprik az udvart, csak úgy bizsereg,
Ki hinné, hogy éjjel hol vannak ezek!

Manci, a nagyobbik füstön lovagol,
Joli most bújik ki az eresz alól.

Vöröshajú lánnyal ne kezdj sohasem!
Fogjátok meg, ott száll, viszi a szívem!

poet: Sándor Weöres; performer: Judit Halász; language: Hungarian

See my other translations of children’s verses also popularized by Halász Judit:



Joe Váradi 🇭🇺
No Crime in Rhymin’

Editor of No Crime in Rhymin' | Award-Winning Translator | ..."come for the sarcasm, stay for my soft side"