Tips for How to Become a Mobile Application Developer

John Lucas
2 min readMar 10, 2020


The number of mobile users is getting high each year. So mobile applications are offering a great way for businesses to reach more customers. This opened new opportunities for mobile app developers. So if you are one of the people trying to become a mobile application developer, then this article is a small introduction to the topic.

The first stage is choosing the platform for development. There are many platforms are there including Android, iOS, Windows, KaiOS, Symbian, etc. But most of them have a very less user base. Only Android and iOS are the leading mobile app platforms. Learn these platforms and then you may expand to other platforms.

The developer should earn some background skills to create apps. If you are already a web developer, then Appcelerator and Titanium are the app development platforms you may find useful. If you don’t have any coding experience or coding knowledge, then do some courses related to this field.

Once you choose the platform, you must achieve some coding skills. For iOS developers, Swift and Objective-C are the main options available for them. But if you choose Android then you should study Java or Kotlin. But due to the wide range of Android devices learning to make the app optimized for all of them will be difficult.

Every other job practicing will make you an expert mobile app developer. For this, create some app ideas and note down the details about the app. Then hire the people you need to develop the app. A good developer may not have design skills. So he can hire a designer for that project. The final stage is testing and publishing the refined app.

Once you completed the development, you can port the app to other platforms too. This will improve your coding skills. Also, if the app available on only one platform then you will lose many customers. Learn more details…

