Then and Now — Our Self-Transforming Ages

9 min readJun 30, 2023


“The ability to expand and contract one’s mental horizons allows people to regulate toward ends that are both distant and near.” Citation — Stillman, P. E., Lu, Z.-L., & Fujita, K. (2020). Construal level shifts integration and segregation of the brain network. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149(2), 382–390.

Ref: Space-Time Construal Duality —

Materially organising that dual facility saw its evolutionary purpose effected in Civilisation. This essay explains how, why and when, that came about in a primary Revolution — as fully conditions activities and events in today’s existence-transforming society.

OUR BI-LATERAL ASYMMETRY - Space & Time Cognitive Duality — Copyright — John McClellan — 1995

Authenticated ancient testimony with new material confirmation reveals a past “Apocalypse” was an Earth-life transforming shock-event. In its instant world-wide devastations it set Neolithic Era Humanity on cosmic-directed course to find and instant-install ways and means to protectively reorganise existence. Astonishingly - in the most effective and necessary of human achievements — those then organised that!

Now, in urgent finality of its Global-completion, a ‘Civilised’ living condition is fully-industialised. But dire Earth-changes are again active, consequential challenging the success of this intelligently installed ‘artificial’ way of life.

Present-day self-imposed crises threaten our collective-protective condition. Limited life-producing environments support a maximal material-consuming economy. Associated pollution, climate change and continuing wars deplete food supplies and force mass migrations. Along with instant-global pandemics, all those negations are interactive — a compound-destabilising of Earth-Life’s hard-won ‘Civilised’ security.

So again the demand is urgent - to conceive and install an unprecedented existence to re-secure our Earth-life presence. Although that now includes a cosmos-venturing future, that is yet too distant and too hostile for our habitation. So Earth must long-remain our wondrous Home. But, in success of that Neolithic protective-aim, our limited Extra Terrestrial activity has found means as might secure Earth-life, safe from the recurrent invasion of comets or asteroids — as destructively initiated ‘Civilisation’.

Appreciating how and why that ancient-conceived survival mechanism worked until now, might ‘construal’ redirect us to find ways to do that again.

  1. Evidence of Cosmic Impact at Abu Hureyra, Syria at the Younger Dryas Onset (~12.8 ka): High-temperature melting at >2200 °C | Scientific Reports (
  2. Trinity (nuclear test) — Wikipedia

A Global Climate Deconstruction recorded in a Neolithic-era Nature-event had induced our forbears to install and secure an unprecedented way of life — extending effective far beyond that place and time. This synopsis sets-out the evident (but not appreciated) Universal Organising Framework as appropriately applied to re-conditioned us and the World as supportive around us, from then to now.

An Instant Cataclysm had Revolutionary impact on Individual and Collective Consciousness. In a one-time evolutionary chance, modern humanity had realised a way to constructively redirect society newly secure in Space and Time, “toward ends that are both distant and near”.

Consciously promoting the organising facility of our split-brain bi-lateral asymmetry creatively activated a space v time selective duality. Revolutionary intervening in the Natural Progress has placed Civilised Humanity in the ‘god-like’ position of comprehending and re-constructing the evolutionary framework of Universal Nature’s existence [e.g. AI can prescriptive-direct editing of all species DNA instructions]. From that Neolithic transformation, (first “Eating the Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge”) human activity is ever evident in organised-applied good or evil. Resolving the mystery of existence engaged the analytical and constructive minds of theologians, philosophers and natural-science investigators, who’s ideas key-directed our Earth-transforming epoch — until now.

The ongoing installation of Civilisation is a simple-standardised process - generally violent-imposed onto those less technologically-equipped. Applied since that Neolithic-era cataclysmic inception, it was sporadic in effect until the Industrial Revolution’s rapid-advance, as 20th-century installed today’s new-challenging life-conditions. These demand an understanding of that base-tranformative mechanism — as it must again be constructively applied to effect new long-term Global security.

A Neolithic-era’s shock-event made us make our first societal-shift. Instant organised, an unprecedented dualism continuing activates a base-schism of living processes, each contradistinction-biased in Space or Time directed-ideas and activities.

Binary-set, two independent but operationally interactive lifestyles are variably hostile or accommodating — differently conditioned Earth-life over a benign-climate epoch, up to our time and a new survival-crisis.

A Neolithic Revolution was 1930’s identified by V. Gordon Childe— Neolithic Revolution — Wikipedia. Somehow, a primary generation had appreciated and installed ‘Axial Age’ constructive revelations active in our self-transforming mental mechanism. Radical Ideals forcefully moved society away from its primal-installed dependence on a Nature-donated subsistence economy, where an innocence of Life remains for the few tribes yet living in Nature’s “Garden of Eden”. [].

Then two newfound collective lifestyles were differently Housed. Each Home was work-coordinated towards long-term self-sustainment. Fixed-place permanent Homes and grid-settlements of Farmers were intermittently alongside mobile Pastoralist’s ‘transportable-tented’ group-encampments. Occupied as unprecedented societal-control devices, each constricted location ‘manufactured’ new living and different thinking conditions — as both communities ‘mechanically’ produced and accumulated their specialist living-resources. Each differently maintained or advanced a predictable social, cultural and economic security. Designed as separated, those lifestyles were and are construly-interactive in trade of goods, services and information - but regularly engaged in the other’s genocidal annihilation or its territorial control, ongoing till now. [Ref; the interactive grid-group duality of Urbanism, Economics and Politics — later described and illustrated in this essay].

Permanent ‘Temporal’ Conditioning of Civilisation was socially imposed — overall effective as individual-life persuasive, an Authority's account of Collective Belief was visually-formalised in Architectonic Religion/Politics: Shrines, Temples, Monuments and Tombs. Adaptable ‘Spatial’ imposition was autocratic-extended in calculated control over defined territory — unprecedented asserted in Architectonic Militarism. Roads, Maps, Walls, Fortifications, Palaces and Castles implied or active asserted the authority of written Commandments in a “Rule of Law” over others who lacked or were lesser-equipped in that facility.

Those are yet the consciously-constructed hallmarks of Civilisation. Architectural devices are the rational products of a construal mindset that operates a space-time design-formula — active as E=MC-squared. Culturally interpreted constructions inform a real or symbolic security, fixed in that ‘imperishable’ control over the unpredictable demands and inexplicable impositions of ‘Natural’ existence.

  • * * *

So Human’s first self-imposed transformation was Geo-Cosmic initiated. Ancient legend and new science evidence a comet-impact instant imposing dire change in world-climate [Younger Dryas ‘mini ice-age’] as a near human-extinction event around 12,800 B.P. Then the problem was how to re-organise life to survive certain recurrences of unpredictable cataclysms?

An epoch-conclusive resolution was promoted via 1905’s revelation of the geometric basis of Cosmic construction. As applied Relativity and Quantum Theory, 1945’s nuclear devices demonstrated a controlled absolute devastation in matter’s instant fission. Again, a single generation technological, cultural and socio-economic revolution transformed Earth’s organised existence. It installed geo-political threats and societal controls based on a duality as new application of the same Neolithic-age-effective Societal Design Formula.

Now registered as Socialism v Capitalism — an integral World existence is that way binary-divided. A ‘Revolutionary Age’ installed confrontation, ongoing-active, between Collective-Supportive Group and Competitive-Selective Grid modes of social and economic organisation.

Again instant and unpredicted imposed, 20th-Century a New Universal-Totality was accessed. It too was revolutionary, considered as a dual-active ongoing integration of the most distant and most near. Ref; Space-Time Physics and Quantum Considerations 1927 —

An initial Neolithic Revolution had material-applied new-found geo-metrics to install radical societal transformation. That working paradigm was maintained over a geophysical-defined period of unique-benign climate opportunity — our Holocene Epoch.

The last revolutionary event same-way geometric finalised that base-strategy. Space-Time geometric-duality architectonic-activated 20th Century’s transformative ‘Modern Age’. Cosmic Revelation concluded an human-organised evolutionary epoch in the way it had been started.

The Neolithic-era first-time applied a uniform-planar mechanism of installing globalised control, via flat, infinite-grid extensive geometrics. Now recognised as Universal radiant C-squared, that formula gave an arithmetic-accounted framework for modular-imposed Civilisation.

A Civilising set-up of space-extensive plane Architectures [Çatalhöyük — Wikipedia] was crystalline-grid fixed along with same-way-planar Agriculture. That was a life-style opposition-interactive with a fluid group-adaptive Global-Nomadic Tribalism.

Tribal-motility is time-confined as adaptive in Nature’s varied life-cycles. An inherent conflict between fixed-place Farmers v time-mobile Herders comes as different outlooks seek different control of common territory: — “It appears that the Mongol ruling class was never able to establish satisfactory relations with the agricultural population of China. Their lack of sympathy for agricultural problems was also reflected in the Mongol legislation on hunting; the peasants were forbidden to protect their crops against game animals and had moreover to assist the Mongols in hunting expeditions which invariably caused great damage in the fields”.

That life-organising dualism effects inherent mental and physical biases, to selectively activate a dominant neural activity in Nature’s ongoing reconciling of disruptive/creative engagements.

Separately applied as sustained and advanced world-wide, those ways of life divergent regulated construal outlooks - envisioning and assessing new survival strategies. Spatial-planar (visual-conceptual analytic logic) is open, predominant distant-extensive in Civilisation v Temporal-cyclic (verbal-vocal synthetic logic) motile-confined in near-inclusive Tribalism. Ref: “Hemispheric lateralization of verbal and spatial working memory during adolescence” —

A base social dichotomy operated, unpremeditated. Intermittently interactive as sporadic progressed, it was random effective up to this time of finite Global restriction to Civilised planar-extension, where ‘Post Modern’ homogeneous cultural confinement may induce social psychosis?

20th-century saw a ‘final solution’ calculated towards Civilised extent in “Tribal Holocaust”.

Lebensraum” was spatially advanced in facilities for mass-destruction and “wars-to-end-war”. Now unprecedented personal interaction and new regulatory authority is instant effected, distant-and-near via electronic and satellite connections. ‘Artificial Intelligence’ in plane-space mathematical-logic has absolute [C-squared-extensive] potential for order — in control or annihilation.

So ours again is an Axial Age. Again a brief time of Earth-confined confrontational finality — or developmental-resolution. Again it coincides with unpredictable local and global dire effects of climate-change. Again an epochal shifting demands an unprecedented lifestyle.

Nature has imposed evolutionary facility on us, as Earth-change is Human-devised and regulated. Unpredicted challenges need appreciation of how and why a given duality of neurological processes is a conditioning by (and then of) environmental characteristics — as our Homes and Urbanism deploy them.

An interactive duality of Geometric organising principles conditions everything. Induced as oppositional — near as ‘Time-like’ round Gravity in group-contractive ‘Mass’; far as ‘Space-like’ plane ‘C-square’ radiant grid-extensive. These Existential absolutes were 1905 revealed Universe-generative and operative — as E=MC-squared.


Ref: Quantum foam — Wikipedia

10,000 years ago, a Revolution had installed unprecedented material and mental organising mechanisms — to set those principles interactive in new lifestyles with their productive strategies Jericho (article) | Neolithic sites | Khan Academy. New Homes, rectilinear planar-grid space fixed-located against a motile-group utility of Nomadic Camps, installed active duality in Civilised Urbanism. Amorphous group-clustered Trading Centres, as “Time-Determined”, are separate-associated with “Fixed-Space” constant-gridded Government and Regal Seats. Effective World-wide in key cities, a dual modelling is as Tokyo v Kyoto — New York v Washington — City-of-London v City-of-Westminster. Greece’s classical-age “Olynthus” colony elegantly activated that Axial Age paradigm.


Self-constructed duality gave new-operating facility to a world-collective — as a Culture-Divided Humanity. The Two Cultures — Wikipedia “The ability to expand and contract one’s mental horizons allows people to regulate toward ends that are both distant and near.”

A present radical transforming condition demands appreciation of those binary-effective forms as self-organising geometrics. Our past existences have defined - and 20th-century sciences new-way realised - how each of us engages in a lifetime of inner and outer dispute and ongoing Civilised conflicts, in resolving that inherent duality.

So ‘Politics’ is commonly binary-opposing [Left-wing temporal group v Right-wing spatial grid] in proposing, accepting or rejecting ways of advancing our individual and collective existence:

John McClellan — “Space-Cell Systems” — London — 30–06–23.




I was privileged to be trained, educated and experienced in Architecture at a time and in places when genius of every kind was transforming existence.