I will be honest, when I wrote this book over a year ago I left the acknowledgments blank because I did not know who to thank at that time.

I now know why that was the case; the book wasn’t ready as I hadn’t met those who would help bring it to life.

I must firstly thank my family.

Starting with my Mother, Cathy. She has been the bedrock of my existence my entire life. She has supported me financially, domestically, and emotionally since I began this journey. Without her, you would not be reading these very pages and I would not be where I am. There are not enough words in this section to express my gratitude towards her and I’m sure an entire book dedicated to her wouldn’t even suffice. I truly love her. She is my Golden Light of Love and her time is now. Thank you, Mum.

To my Father, Andrew, I know we do not see eye to eye at present and I am respectful to that. I would like to thank you though for all that you have ever done in my life. For the support, the conversations, the encouragement, and the advice. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you. There will be a time in the near future when we will reunite and be at one with each other. Until then Dad, I wish you all the best and look forward to connecting with you soon. Love you lots Dad, and I always will.

To my sister, Amelia, I am truly appreciative for all that you have given me. Whether it was the couch to crash on, a shoulder to cry on, or an ear that would listen. You are my compliment and I have loved every minute being your brother. It is only just the beginning for both of us and the future is bright and filled with our success and satisfaction.

It has ben a tough year for us all as a family and I hope that the release of this book can be the start of our coming back together.

To those who are not my family, this book would not exist without you either.

I particularly want to thank Felicity, who at this time is my Girlfriend and is one of the main drivers behind me getting this book out there. Without you Babe, this book would just still be a draft on my computer written over a year ago. Thank you for your unconditional love and guidance throughout this process. Thank you for seeing who I truly am and for giving me the external confidence to share this message with the world.

I also want to thank my two editors, Jono, and Megan. Thank you both for seeing the potential of this book and for taking the time to read through and do the edit. It would not be here without your confidence in its success. I am truly appreciative to you both. Especially you Megan, for you resurrected the manuscript by requesting to read it only three months ago. Since then everything has been like a dream. Thank you both.

To James, and Zac. You are both absolute legends and I’m so honoured to have you as mates. You have introduced to me incredible people, amazing concepts, and inspiring teachers in the short time that we have all known each other. Both of you have instilled in me, a confidence in my message that I did not know I had and for that I thank you. It is only the start for us all, and I can’t wait to see how our journeys continue to play out.

It has been a true honour knowing ALL of you along my path and my journey. It brings me incredible joy to have met you all.

I also want to thank YOU!

Without you reading this book my message would not be shared with the world.

You are the reason that I wrote this.

You are the reason that I get up each day. It is your life that I want to inspire not my own. It is your world that I want to change and impact. It is you who I want to help find their truth, not mine for I have already found it.

It is you, who I have written this book for and for that I thank you.

Be sure to check out the other parts of this book>>>






John Hungerford
Trust Truth: How building self-awareness helped me escape the 9–5 and build a life I love

Self awareness expert — Nomad — Entrepreneur — Story Teller Sharing my journey of self-awareness, consciousness evolution, and entrepreneurialism with the world