Cover from book — when it was a free chapter on Amazondotcom

Why I created this publication: Trust Truth

Giving my best advice (my story) entirely for FREE!

The last three months I have been studying in depth the work and career of Gary Vaynerchuk.

Not like a fan would — consuming all his content on a daily basis or in just one large intake of all his podcasts or interviews, but rather the same way you could conduct a case study assignment when at university.

I have become fascinated as to how he has built his personal brand, as well as his company — VaynerMedia— which has over 650 employees — growing to well over $100 million in revenue in just 7 years!!!!

The man is clearly a practitioner of his craft.

Today, I decided to go through all his blog posts (and I mean 50 blog pages worth — 3 years old) — to discover the posts that most resonate with me now, and with where I am at in my career and development as an entrepreneur.

For those of you familiar with the concept of dowsing; I used that technique to discern which articles to read in more detail. For those not aware of what dowsing is — it’s using a pendulum which I hold in my hand — to tap into my body’s innate intuitive intelligence, to guide me to which articles I needed to read.

I compiled a 50 + page document with about 20 of Gary’s articles which most resonated with me, on the topics of company culture, business development, and entrepreneurship in general.

Here’s the link to my Dropbox if you want it: I don’t claim it is my work.

I’ve also lately been reading a great deal of Gary’s content, and then by taking notes — asking my higher-self (inner voice) to come up with a question for me to answer around the topic being discussed.

This has been an invaluable practice for me over the past few days, and has seen me develop a deeper understanding of what my personal brand is, how I am meant to share my story with the world, and how I’m meant to build my business (the extension of who I am).

I decided to do this very same practice this evening — going through the newly discovered material from Gary’s blogs.

I was reading his article — “Leaving Money on the table to win the war” — (Check it out here)

Snapshot from Article

…and came across a section where he discusses that his approach in building his personal brand has been to:

Give away as much free content and advice as possible

I don’t know what it was about this particular statement but it really struck accord with me. I found myself sitting at my desk continuously for a few minutes just thinking how I could do the same…

I came up with the following question:

How do I give my best advice to the masses for free?

The answer I got back was “give your book away for free”.

Now I knew that would be the answer, but I haven’t figured out a way to do that — because Amazon doesn’t allow books to be sold for nothing.

Then I had my light bulb moment!!!

I have decided that the best way that I can add value to you all is to:

Share my story (completely) as written, for free right here on Medium!

This content was written to be an actual book — but I am aware thanks to Gary, and my own level of self-awareness, that I have not provided enough value yet, to start asking for money.

What’s more I wrote this book — Trust Truth: How Building Self-Awareness Helped Me Escape The 9–5 And Live a Life I love —


I didn’t write it for me. It’s my story and it’s here to be shared with the world.

So that’s what I am going to do. And I’m not going to do it by releasing it over a certain period of time, I’m just going to give it away for FREE now!

So by the time that you’ve read this article you would have discovered that the entire book is up in it’s state that it is in now as the manuscript. There will be grammatical mistakes — but that’s not important to me — what’s important is that the story gets told and shared with the world.

Not from an egotistical point of view (maybe a little) but rather because I know that:

My experience in building self-awareness and my story around it will help so many.

So many out there who might be like someone you know as a close friend, who just doesn’t know what they want to do in their life, who just doesn’t know how to be successful, who just doesn’t know what it takes to really know who they are or even how to be happy…

Enjoy and have an EPIC Day!!!!

Be sure to check out my other articles including

Building a Self-Awareness Company

This is my journey of the past eighteen months.

Gary Vee And Me (Chapter 1)

My Three Month Journey With Gary Vaynerchuk

What Building A Personal Brand Really Means

18 Hour Day of #AskGaryVee, Crush It, Trains, and Medium



John Hungerford
Trust Truth: How building self-awareness helped me escape the 9–5 and build a life I love

Self awareness expert — Nomad — Entrepreneur — Story Teller Sharing my journey of self-awareness, consciousness evolution, and entrepreneurialism with the world