Removing my Medium articles

John Sundell
2 min readJun 18, 2019


Last year I announced that the Medium versions of my weekly Swift articles should now be considered deprecated, and I’m now starting the process of removing them entirely.

When removed, an article will be replaced with a link to that same article on Swift by Sundell, so that it’ll still be easy to access any articles that you may have bookmarked or that you’ll find through search.

The main reason I’m removing my articles from Medium is that, for many of them, the version available here on Medium has become outdated over time. While I do my best to keep the versions on Swift by Sundell up-to-date as Swift and Apple’s SDKs change, I’m not able to do the same with the Medium versions — and I’m now at a point where I believe that the Medium articles do more harm than good — as it often leads people to think that I recommend using outdated APIs, or techniques that no longer work.

I also truly believe that the experience of reading my articles on Swift by Sundell is much better than reading them here on Medium. On Swift by Sundell you get state-of-the-art syntax highlighting and a design that favors the reading experience above all else, and I want to make sure that all readers — both old and new — can easily find the best version of my articles, instead of being distracted by what’s available here.

Thanks for reading my Medium articles over the years, and I hope to see you continue reading my new weekly articles on Swift by Sundell.

(Please note that I don’t read Medium replies, but you’re more than welcome to give me any feedback you have, or ask me any questions, on Twitter.)



John Sundell

Find my weekly Swift articles on I’m no longer publishing on Medium.