Historic Second Chance to Become a Bitcoin Millionaire

Jonald Fyookball
4 min readAug 1, 2017


First, just a little disclaimer. This article isn’t investment advice, just my personal opinion. Cryptocurrencies are risky. Never invest more than you can afford to lose. Always seek professional advice.

Probably by the time you read this, Bitcoin will have already split with a new branch forking off called Bitcoin Cash.

The “powers that be” absolutely HATE that this is happening.

A Brief History of Bitcoin

In order to understand the opportunity here and what is really happening, we have to look at the past.

For as long as governments and central banks issued currency, the “money men” ran things.

Then Bitcoin came along and threatened their power by offering the world a new form of money — a form of money that was scarce, durable, portable, divisible, fungible, easy to authenticate and difficult to counterfeit.

And this money was bundled together with a payment system that was fast, reliable, simple and secure, while offering low fees and providing a stable store of value.

For the Money Men, This Was a Huge Problem

The money men are clever and have generations of experience in mind control and trickery. They knew that simply outlawing Bitcoin wouldn’t work as it would become a forbidden fruit, triggering a massive revolt.

Instead, they began to subvert Bitcoin from the inside…by influencing (mostly through venture capital) key developers, businesses, and thought leaders within the industry.

They attempted to steer Bitcoin back toward settlement networks and next generation banking, and they have been quite successful in doing that.
They have started a false debate about the blocksize that has dragged on for years, with a red herring “SegWit and Lightning Network” scaling plan.

Bitcoin Cash is desperately spun in some media circles to be some kind of “alt coin”, but is much closer to the original vision of Bitcoin as peer to peer electronic cash, while the current plan of “SegWit Coin” seeks to twist Bitcoin into something completely different from what Satoshi intended and what early Bitcoiners expected.

Why Do They Hate Bitcoin Cash?

Media outlets such as CoinDesk and CoinTelegraph seem to love SegWit while hating Bitcoin Cash as much as possible(without being too obvious about it.)

The money men are good at what they do. One of their main weapons is to control the media, which controls public opinion.

When Bitcoin first appeared, there were a lot of trolls, haters, and doubters. And even those who saw it had merit weren’t sure what would happen.

Yet, Bitcoin took off. And those early adopters were handsomely rewarded.

The FUD didn’t work. Instead, the fundamental values won and cryptocurrencies became a $100B market.

The same thing could happen all over again with Bitcoin Cash.

There already is, and will continue to be a lot of trolls, haters, and doubters. But, I predict that sooner or later, the fundamental values of peer to peer money will win the day.

I’m talking about P2P electronic cash, without complicated schemes like sidechains and SegWit, without inefficient nonsense like second layers.

Fortune Favors the Bold

There is no opportunity without risk. It is for the very reason of uncertainty that there exists the possibilities of riches.

History may be repeating itself.

Early Bitcoin adopters did not know it would take off, but took the chance and invested. With Bitcoin Cash, we do not know if or when it will win, and for this reason Bitcoin Cash will initially be cheap.

If you understand and agree that Bitcoin should be peer to peer electronic cash (not a settlement layer) you will be given the chance to load up the boat.

The Warren Buffet Formula

Warren Buffet is one of the most successful and famous investors in the world. One of his key principles is that you should never invest in anything you don’t understand.

Yet if you understand what Bitcoin offers and why it became a multi billion dollar asset, then you will also understand why Bitcoin Cash carries forward the same fundamentals, while Core/SegWit version of Bitcoin may not.

The other important Warren Buffet principle is buying on value. In other words, buying something with a sound foundation that is currently underpriced.

Most people do not know what is going on and only know what the media tells them. If you do truly know what is going because you have studied things and get real information, then you are in a position to profit.

I Know One Thing For Sure

No one knows what will happen, but I know one thing: a version of Bitcoin that scales, that offers low fees and decentralized development has advantages.

The chain with the most hashpower and users also has an advantage, but it will lose that advantage if it cannot keep offering new users the same values.

Even if Bitcoin Cash does not become the biggest version of Bitcoin, it may put significant pressure on other versions to remain competitive by offering those same values.

However, I think there is a good chance that Bitcoin Cash will become the biggest and most successful.

Reality Wins in the End

The money men are clever, but they are fighting a losing battle in the long run by being greedy and going against reality.

They have and will continue to make mistakes and to overreach. Bitcoin Cash is proof of that. They would have been better off to let Bitcoin scale a little to appease people like myself.

Yet, inflexibility has brought things to a breaking point, leading to a fork. And they will likely make the same mistake again by trying to stop Segwit2x.

Bitcoin Cash is intentionally maligned in the media, causing it to be undervalued. Thus, it offers an excellent risk:reward ratio as an investment. Perhaps another round of Bitcoin Cash millionaires will be created.

If you’ve been one of those people wishing you had bought in sooner and bigger when Bitcoin hit the scene, now is your second chance.


8/19/2017 — Bitcoin Cash trading at $900. Media has become a lot more friendly. Too late to buy in super low, but the risk is now lower as well. Go Bitcoin Cash!

