The Worst Article Available on Medium

Jonathan Resendez
2 min readApr 19, 2023


This is the worst article currently available on Medium.

It’s not about anything. It doesn’t offer any tips, tricks, insight, laughs, recommendations, advice or inspiration.

This article does not inform, educate, entertain or influence.

This article does not make you mentally stronger.

This is the kind of article that tries to somehow break all of the rules and appeal to everyone. That uses broken, run on sentences while utilizing superfluously adverb-laden, academically-forged phrases that don’t really mean anything and easily get lost in a dense, single-paragraph sea of text. It reads robotic and zombie-like. It wasn’t read out loud. It’s written by someone who consumes much more than they create.

This article is unsexy, but it won’t save you 30+ hours per week.

This article isn’t the seed for an upcoming revolutionary work of art. It is not groundbreaking nor provocative.

This article was not optimized for SEO nor is it targeting a specific audience. It is not laden with keywords or buzz words — it’s a miracle that it contains any words at all.

This article doesn’t offer any relationship advice.

Unfortunately, this article wasn’t written by ChatGPT. It won’t prevent you from getting hacked on Telegram.

This article doesn’t promote anything.

This article is not a cosmic funk odyssey, nor is it a journey to the black planet.

You’ll forget about this article soon, it will dissipate into the ether along with the other millions of bits of information that you consume every day.

This is the worst article available on Medium. But this article is finished. It can be improved.

This is the worst article available on Medium. But it’s better than the article you did not write.

This is the worst article available on Medium. But it’s better than that idea that you talk about, but don’t work towards executing. It’s better than that idea you let wither on the vine and die.

This is the worst article available on Medium. But it’s better than all that art you did not create. Than all those projects you talked about starting, but never did.

This is the worst article available on Medium.

But it exists.

Bad art is better than no art.



Jonathan Resendez

Deep thoughts from a shallow mind. I have more questions than answers, papa.