West Georgia College Year One

Dr. Jonathan McMillan
26 min readJan 11, 2020


This article will show you step-by-step of how to gather the resources to build a native mobile application (mobile app) as well as a Progressive Web App (PWA); specifically a web-based college/university. This article will deconstruct these steps through West Georgia College’s 2018–2019 Experience (leading into 2020).

(If photos in this article are not legible, all photos from this article can be found at https://photos.app.goo.gl/Gg4hZbawQa6if9Jt7).

Share this article with anyone looking to start their own business, develop a mobile app or web-application and need a transcript of how one was done: https://medium.com/@jonathanthescholar/west-georgia-college-year-one-dae52036ce36

The social media announcement for the start of classes was on February 12th, 2019. My main goal for the college was national accreditation (which would make U.S. students eligible for federal FAFSA funding).

My main account balance (to be used for the development/sustaining of my college) was $15,391.41 at January of 2019. I got money by using a mixture of the funds I saved from my high school job and funds from FAFSA (see Mark Cuban say he did this for his first bar by clicking on this link; I will show you how to do this in the tangible lesson below).

In total for the project as of year 1 (2018–2019), I have paid a total of $15,272 (screenshots of milestones paid below;$10,924+$1,448+$2,900=$15,272).

This cost will NOT be the same across each native mobile app; my project costs so much because I needed the following resources:

  1. Database integration,
  2. An admin panel,
  3. A custom Learning Management System (LMS)
  4. All other college administrative processes (transcripts, tours, student-news database, etc.)

Identify what resources your mobile app needs. If you are selling a service or product, you may only need payment integration and a platform to sell.

If you have a single product or service for your app, look up Github repositories for your service. Github repositories offer a majority of the code; already pre-created (and many are free or significantly less expensive than starting an app from scratch) so that all you need to do is add colors and aspects to the app that make it original (aligned to your vision).

Tangible Lesson: Using Pre-Created Github Repositories to Create Your App.

Step 1: Go to https://github.com/

Step 2: Search for your specific service or similar app structures (For Example: Dating App)

Step 3: Look through all code and repositories and see matching repositories (Or let your developer know that you would like to use these options). For this example, I will select the first option; which is a MIT License (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

Step 4 (Final Step): When you click on the repository, look at how many “forks” are in the app (top-right hand corner of the page). This shows how many people copied the repository. An app with many forks means that many people have had the opportunity to test the app and identify any potential strengths and issues. Click on the issues tab and read through the comments so that your developer will know what issues to code and account for.

— — — — — — — — -

Each Fall and Spring Semester, I receive a total of roughly $13,000 from FAFSA funds (which I use for food, housing, travel, expenses and the college’s development). In the summer semester, I receive roughly $8,000 (for a total of $34,000 per year).

Tangible Lesson: Getting Money for Your Business using FAFSA Funds

(NOTE: This is a process for U.S. Citizens, Permanent Residents and all individuals eligible for FAFSA.)

This information was shared to me by a University of Pennsylvania financial aid officer. When you attend college, you may elect to receive the cost of attendance for that school. This is separate money allocation from tuition; the cost of attendance includes money for:

  1. Transportation to and from the school,
  2. Meals throughout the semester,
  3. Books and Supplies for the semester,
  4. A “Personal” allowance that may include anything; but is designed for emergency situations.
  5. On or Off-Campus Housing (this includes living with your parents; assuming they would “force you to pay rent”) and
  6. Loan fees which are added onto your loan.

Each nationally or regionally-accredited institution is obligated by the U.S. federal government or accrediting body to set a cost of attendance; which you are entitled to. This is different from your grants and scholarships that you receive; the cost of attendance usually comes in the form of loans that you may pay back over time.

You may choose to become a resident assistant, live with trusted family or friends in stable living situations; and utilize some of the funds towards the development of your business.

You do not have to provide reasoning to your financial aid representative; these are federal funds that you are entitled to. Simply state that you want to apply for the “maximum financial aid in PLUS loans”.

Here is an example of my University’s total cost of attendance (University of Miami):

FAFSA Government Portal deconstructing your Cost of Attendance Allocation ( https://fafsa.ed.gov/help/costatt.htm)

After you secure funding, receive quotes from at least 3 professional agencies; as well as 3 proven (portfolio providing and verifiable) freelancers for a cost quote to bring your dream to life.

— — — — — —

National accreditation requires that you have a controlled classroom setting for 2 years (with demonstrative showings of the class; so an online Learning Management System is ideal to keep this information stored in the long run). The accrediting body will bring the students, staff and faculty in for an interview process (over the phone or email), conduct their own review and provide a decision on accreditation (which may be yes or some revisions that need to be made). All of this data would be stored in my native application.

I started with 2 students in my first class. I asked my friend Mauricio (who did not end up matriculating into the class), my maternal grandmother that needed to finish her Master’s degree and a family friend that always wanted to pursue education. I sent full text messages deconstructing my objectives, what the accrediting body needed, how they as students could help me and how the courses would help them. With this, I was able to begin the accreditation application to grant bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The class was taught by a faculty member that I had recruited from Upwork, which is the same platform that I found my mobile app developers.

I used the following job post to recruit my professor:

Tangible Lesson: Hiring a Professor (Upwork Professor Job Post)

Job Title: Need an Experienced Professional to Co-Create and Co-Teach a Business Course

Job Type: Writing, Tutoring (To find individuals most equipped with giving students a one-on-one experience)

Start Date: December 19th, 2018 (Contract ID 21281396)

Job Description of Work:

Good morning,

My name is Jonathan McMillan, I am currently operating a collegiate program aiming at upward social mobility for low-income communities. I would like to add you on as a faculty member, more lovingly titled as a Knowledge-Sharing Mentor (Due to Accreditation standards, please have at least a Master’s degree). We will have online courses facilitated through email and mobile application to expose students to a long-term collegiate environment and the ability to accumulate courses for a degree or potential credit courses. I would like if you help build entry-level business courses based on research or readings that you recommend. I would also like if you did a few short-videos (5–10 minutes max each; video equipment can be provided if you need it) to help guide students through course material, as many of them will not have any prior exposure to collegiate content. Thank you so much!

Thank You!

$800 fixed price for teaching a one-semester course (the standard at the time for adjunct faculty members)

You will be asked to answer the following questions when submitting a proposal:

  1. Do you have at least a Master’s Degree? (The accrediting body requires that instructors have a minimum of a Master’s Degree or 18 graduate credit hours in the subject that they are teaching.)
  2. Are you comfortable speaking in front of a camera?
  3. Do you feel equipped in being patient and understanding with students that may not be initially familiar with subject terminology?

I had 4 respondents and proposals to my post.

I also reached out to some faculty members of color, as both of my students were female students of color; and ended up finalizing on one of the candidates and another that I reached out to. The candidate that would teach the first course would be Dr. Natalie Sappleton, a professor from Manchester Metropolitan University, the United Kingdom’s largest business school. She had two Master’s degrees on top of her doctorate, and an exuberant personality regarding the purpose of the college.

Natalie sent her Master’s transcripts as needed by the accrediting body.

— — — — —

I wanted the first course to create an environment of secondary-level vocabulary and terminology.

Courses are valued in credit hours, in which 120 are required for a baccalaureate degree. The accreditation body calculated credit hours accordingly (essentially; 45 clock hours of student work equals 1 credit hour):

*Text included in the accreditation handbook:
Semester and quarter hours are equivalent to the commonly accepted and
traditionally defined units of academic measurement. Academic degree or
academic credit-bearing distance education courses are measured by the
learning outcomes normally achieved through 45 hours of student work for
one semester credit 1 or 30 hours of student work for one quarter credit.2
1. One credit/semester hour is 15 hours of academic engagement and 30 hours of preparation.
2. One quarter hour credit is 10 hours of academic engagement and 20 hours of preparation.
The institution is accountable for demonstrating that each course and program requires the appropriate amount of work for students to achieve the level of competency defined by institutionally established course/program outcomes.
The institution measures and documents the amount of time it takes the
average student to achieve learning outcomes and specifies the academic
engagement and preparation time.
All student work is documented in the curricula materials and syllabi,
including a reasonable approximation of time required for students to complete the assignments. Evaluation of student work is identified as a grading criterion and weighted appropriately in the determination of a final course grade.

My first online class was all set; my students were gathered, and I was completing the almost 400 pages of required accreditation paperwork on a somewhat time-based schedule (I aimed to complete 10–20 pages per day).

The Course was rooted in the book “Communicating for Results: A Guide for Business and the Professions” by Cheryl Hamilton (9th Edition). The link to the syllabus is https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OXz1ikCZyC60aCG7F1kepOoH9s_vIJRw/view?usp=sharing

The first lecture went as planned; The lecture video was posted onto Google Classroom, students viewed the lecture and provided feedback, while the professor offered responses to this feedback for understanding. I made all lectures public through a link so that anyone could view the professor’s lectures (Link to the course material: https://canvas.instructure.com/courses/1542014).

In between lecture videos, the professor uploaded PowerPoint presentations for students to read based on the textbook chapter of the week(s).

The course came with a healthy amount of “fun” (inconsistency). The professor got sick one weekend; and Google’s G Suite software was difficult to navigate for students, professors, etc. at times (the professor had video errors on Google Meet, students were having difficult times logging into their School Google accounts, etc.).

Around April 23rd, the professor’s communication ceased and no course material was being updated. No messages, no calls nor notices to students. While I was shocked at the professor’s actions, I was grateful that I had conducted my first consistent, legitimate course for three months. It was my original creation.

The Mobile App’s Development:

For a brief summary on mobile development (Native or Hybrid Mobile Application, Website, Progressive Web App, Etc.):

  1. Imagine how your app would look and function.
  2. Hire a coder/developer to develop the app. You may use a freelancer website such as Upwork.com. Front-end design is needed (called User-Interface or UI) for users to have an easy-to-manage app experience of all the code in the app; and Backend database storage, analytics and fluid management(called User Experience or UX). A Full-Stack Developer is one who is proficient in coding for UI and UX.
  3. For Mobile Apps: Create an Apple Developer account to upload iOS apps; and a Google Play Store account for Android apps. For the Apple account, you need access to an iOS mobile device and at least WiFi on that device if you do not have mobile data service to sign in with two-factor authentication (the same is not required for the Google Play Store and Android apps).
  4. Once your developer completes the development of the app, have them publish the app onto these platforms. Keep your developer’s contact information handy for app design and functionality updates that will be required whenever iOS or Android have major updates to their software.

My original intentions during the announcement of the college was to create one of the first native mobile application experiences for a college. (For information on selecting my first developer, Deftsoft, and all information regarding the project, see this article: https://medium.com/@jonathanthescholar/how-my-college-method-came-to-be-and-why-you-should-chase-your-dream-523776e66cce).

For a quick recap, the project was expected to cost a total of $13,000; divided into nine milestones. Deftsoft stated that the full app would take 3–3.5 months to complete. (Link to all nine milestones: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_JTy66dX_7gY74ysw3r5dSfIOuiLfxik)

Before we began with the coding of the app, I mandated that the Deftsoft team leadership sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and contract.

The Non-Disclosure Agreement stated that Deftsoft would not speak of any aspects of my idea or share code with any other party. The NDA established that all code that was done with the project is the property of Jonathan McMillan and West Georgia College. You can view the original NDA file at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yrRjR-N_fo5_1dW5-sKt_bLIvK1fL4Ej/view?usp=sharing

Gurvir (under Deftsoft’s head profile) confirms that she understands what is required from my job post.

Tangible Lesson: Self-Creating Your Legal Documents

You hold individuals accountable through legal power. Your legal power is the text in your contract and both of your signatures (preferably in cursive and printed below).

Legal documents for a native mobile application can include:

  1. A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): This contract creates a legal obligation to privacy and compels those who agree to keep any specified information top-secret or secured (Source: https://www.rocketlawyer.com/article/nda-101:-what-is-a-non-disclosure-agreement.rl).
  2. An Intellectual Property Agreement (This can be a section in your NDA like mine was): This contract states that you own the intellectual property (IP) in your app. Make developers of your app have this clause included so that they cannot state that they own the content. You are simply hiring them to proliferate an idea that you thought of (hince INTELLECTUAL property).

To find these documents, I conduct Google searches on legal document templates relevant to what I needed. My recommendation is to find a template that you can download and edit; so that a website does not take you through inputting information just to make you register and pay to download the file at the end (For Example of an NDA: http://oz.stern.nyu.edu/startups/nda2.pdf)

*Legal Documents needed were found from a combination of practice and this link: https://legalvision.com.au/building-a-mobile-app/

— — — — -

I initially wanted to code the app to be modeled with the similar modern design and efficiency as the University of Arizona’s mobile app (as of 2018). It was the most modern design of a college app out of the 20+ college apps I reviewed. I attached comparisons below.

As you can see, Arizona was the clear winner in terms of modern and efficient User Interface (UI; design).

I asked for a rendition or preview of what the app would look like, and Deftsoft stated that this would be an additional 35 hours to draw what is called wireframes (at the $11 per hour rate they were charging). Wireframes are used, early in the development process, to establish the visual design and functionality of the project.

(2/2) 35 hours * $11 per hour rate that Deftsoft was coding for=$385.

It took quite some time for me to resolve the $13,000 price tag in my head. Major coding did not begin until March 23, 2018.


Phase 1 (Milestones 1–7): The first of the nine milestones was the wireframe development. Here is a link to what the original wireframes looked like; the basic functionalities: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gj3y01XNGjmdk6hbqA9e-q_WMbMRY9oV/view?usp=sharing

The wireframe was a 79 page file of photos and functionalities. I responded with a comment section based on each page (ex: Page 1/79 comments); find the comments here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YQ0JfOxvteMtknM6boZRRqyepgqhIhvx/view?usp=sharing

Ultimately, I did not like that the admin panel would need to be facilitated through a website; I preferred that all functionalities be on the mobile application for maximum efficiency and a uni-body function.

Gurvir then sent me a logo questionnaire (she would be designing the logo that would be the face of the company).

On May 10th, 2018, Gurvir released the concepts for the logos of West Georgia College.

The 3rd logo would become West Georgia College’s logo.

Developing the college app with a non-U.S. team certainly trained me on international time frames when regarding work. Some days would go by with no communication due to the difference in time zones (I was in U.S. Eastern Standard Time [EST] and Gurvir was in Indian Standard Time [IST]).

On May 21th, 2018, Gurvir gave me a full color representation of the app design.

June 15th, 2018: Apple Developer Log-in Account Information Request from Gurvir

Because I was going to give out login information, I wanted to add an extension agreement that prevented usage of these accounts outside of my permission. Here is the link to the document I created, I listed all legal terminology exactly how I wanted: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BUaQTWCwX9auaXv91OnSS8yYh6MWssYY/view?usp=sharing

Gurvir sent a video of how to access the UDID required from the IPhone Device. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vhykkj8kovsdis0/Get%20UDID%20Of%20Iphone%20Device.mov?dl=0

Since I used Android devices (Samsung at the time), I needed to purchase a relatively modern iOS mobile phone (IPhone) to see how the mobile application would function on iOS devices. I purchased an IPhone 6S model from an Ebay seller with at least 500 sells and a 97–100% seller rating.

I was given a chance to test the [Android] application on June 29th. The iOS application was an exact replica of the Android application, so the application would function the same.

As we got around the 7th milestone, Gurvir and I would reach a conflict; specifically in my ideology/vision for the app vs. her capabilities. I wanted all information and processes on the app facilitated through a Google server. I was considering the purchase of a G Suite for Education account; and felt that Google had the most modern collaborative programs in Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, etc. that students could use. Gurvir stated that her team was not comfortable with Google servers; that they understood how to link content to Amazon servers (AWS).

I was steadfast on utilizing Google as the app host. After a several-month argument, I decided to search for a Google Cloud Server Architect that could bring this project forward the way I envisioned.

Tangible Lesson: Searching for a Google Cloud Developer (Upwork Job Post)

Job Title: Need a Google Server Architect to Code Mobile App into Cloud

Job Type: Mobile App Development

Start Date: December 19th, 2018 (Contract ID 21281396)

Job Description of Work:


We are an upcoming, nonprofit aimed institution that is developing a mobile app. We already currently have a software company developing the native mobile application, but our team is not familiar with putting this information onto a Google server (to store user information) and is only familiar with AWS (Amazon) server information.

What we need is a coder that is capable of embedding or running the mobile application into a Google server. You will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) and other privacy forms to ensure that the information is not distributed to any other party. You will work with the software company as an assisting director to ensure all processes go through the Google server.

Thank You!

You will be asked to answer the following questions when submitting a proposal:

  1. Are you familiar with all aspects of how to embed a native mobile application into a Google server?
  2. Are you familiar with how to include G Suite applications into the mobile application?
  3. Do you have experience with signing non-disclosure agreements and not distributing highly sensitive information?
  4. Do you have a portfolio of mobile applications or applications that you have uploaded to Google Servers?

Skills and Expertise asked were:

— — — — -

>2019 App Development with Mary Joseph and Prosperity Paul (Key Progress is Numerically Organized in 11 steps)

On January 1st, 2019, I finalized on Mary Joseph as the Google Cloud Server Architect that would bring this project forward (My personal messages with Mary began on December 30th, 2018 and I had her sign the same NDA as Gurvir). I was transparent with Gurvir in saying that their services on development would shift to co-development with Mary Joseph on developing the Google-based aspects of the app and answering any coding or access inquiries they had.

I created a supplemental legal agreement that directly associated with the previous legal documents, now regarding the inclusion of co-managers. This included the refusal of a “gridlock”; or the new managers teaming up to stalemate the project for whatever reason, especially if I am compensating them on an agreed amount. Here is the link to the supplemental legal document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CNKOy0y9UXnvfODbkUqiYua3h-D0EsCP/view?usp=sharing

Although Mary had no prior reviews on her profile, she spoke using vernacular and terminology that was identical to what was needed for the Google cloud process, as well as provided a step-by-step plan on how her team would initiate and complete the project. I started the project with a small monetary milestone to see if she could perform; which I was fully transparent about and articulated to Mary’s team.


11 Steps of Development with Mary Joseph:

  1. Mary recommended that I reinforce the existing and future code that I had for the app through a code repository. I researched repositories (both free and paid); and decided on Bitbucket; which is the repository Mary used.
  2. Mary suggested integrating the app’s functionalities on Firebase ( https://firebase.google.com/). Firebase is a mobile and web application development platform that offers built-in tools such as analytics and mobile infrastructure. On February 11th, 2019; the app’s Firebase Integration was complete.
  3. I asked Mary about her UI skills for a website, as I wanted her to create a modern website for West Georgia College. She stated that her team was equipped to do this. Since a website was not included in the initial offer, Upwork offers bonuses; and I gave her a $700 bonus to create the website.

4. I searched modern website designs and gave her a list of current websites whose designs I wanted to see implemented for West Georgia College and pasted the links. I also conceptualized a school store through dropshipping methods using Printful.com.

5. The next milestone was for the Google Classroom API (an API is code that allows for the creation of applications that access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other service). This would allow students to use Google Classroom without leaving my app. (For a popular example: Uber is, essentially, a tailored Google Maps API.)

6. Incremental Updates on the Admin Panel being completed (April 15th: “70–80%” of Admin Panel is complete; April 23rd: “90%” of the Admin Panel is complete.)

7. Upwork suspended Mary’s account suddenly; which put me in a bit of a creator’s block (because I wanted to project to move itself) and forced me to contact Upwork myself to restore her account.

8. On June 10th, 2019, The payment processing for the app (facilitated by Stripe Payments) was integrated. It was from this video that I realized that Mary Joseph may have been a representative; but a man by the name of Prosperity Paul facilitated the coding.

9. Mary/Prosperity’s communication decreased, and I facilitated a video call on July 17th, 2019:

10. On August 1st, 2019, I signed up to publish apps for Android through the Google Play Store. To do this:

Step 1: Google or search engine-search “Android Play Store App Account”

Step 2: Click on Google Play Console; Android Developers. You will be led to the sign-up page. ( https://developer.android.com/distribute/console). CLick Sign-in (which will give you the opportunity to sign-up)

Step 3: Read and accept the Developer Agreement. There is a $25 one-time registration fee.

Step 4: After completing your payment, a prompt will appear telling you that your payment is complete.

Step 5: Complete the Account Details and click “Complete Registration”

Step 6: You will immediately be led to your Google Play Console.

11. Prosperity and I agreed that the app would be launched no later than 9/15/2019. The final Milestone read:

“By the end of the milestone, the application coding will be completed and launched on the Apple App Store and Android Play Store. Mary Joseph and Prosperity will create daily logs of their progress towards completing the mobile application on BOTH Google Sheets and Trello. Mary Joseph and Prosperity will also launch a test app independent of the beta test on Android and iOS. Before the launch of the app on app stores, Mary Joseph and Prosperity will conduct a beta test of the app to ensure functionality and continue to perform maintenance on the mobile application 6 months after the release to ensure no errors.”

After a decrease in communication and continuously pushing back dates, I asked Prosperity how far along was he truly was in the process since I had not been provided a tangible, tested update of the app. On November 4th, 2019, I submitted a claim with Upwork for a refund request for the entire project.

On December 20th, 2019, Upwork approved my refund request and deposited the money in my account.

>West Georgia College Year Two Plans:

In the December 2019-January 2020 time period after the refund request was approved, I began reaching out to mobile application developers; and stumbled upon (once again) the concept of a Progressive Web App (also known as a PWA). A Progressive Web App optimizes the web ecosystem, plugins and the relative ease of deploying and maintaining a website when compared to a native application in the respective app stores (Farrugia, 2016). This meant that I could keep the swiftness of a native mobile application (my main objective), without having to take up storage space on a user’s phone by forcing them to download an app from the app store (which becomes increasingly prohibitive and exclusionary to Apple device users with older devices).

Recent advancements in internet browsers and in the availability of “service workers” (a script [JavaScript file] that runs in background and assists in offline-first web application development) as well as Cache and Push APIs have enabled web developers to allow users to install web apps to their home screen, receive push notifications and even work offline. Essentially, PWAs take advantage of the latest technologies to combine the best of web and mobile apps.

Originally proposed by Google in 2015, PWAs have already attracted a notable amount of attention (in publications and research) because of the relative ease of development and the almost-instant response time during the application’s user experience. In a publication by Gartner Research (2017); by 2020, “progressive web apps will have replaced 50% of general-purpose, consumer-facing mobile apps.” I will take advantage of the shift now.

For the PWA Upwork Proposal, I used the following Job Proposal:

Tangible Lesson: Progressive Web Application Developer Proposal (Upwork)

Job Title: Progressive Web App; Website Frontend (User Interface; UI) Designer & Backend Coding Expert

Job Type: Web Design

Job Description of Work:

Hi! We need a web designer and developer with experience developing both frontend modern UIs and backend coding. Text that will be used on the website will be provided. We need the developer to be fully proficient in delivering a modern website design, with a portfolio of previous projects that highlight your ability to do so. We want the fastest mobile and web experience possible for our users (please be familiar with progressive web apps; link: https://developers.google.com/web/progressive-web-apps ; https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2016/08/a-beginners-guide-to-progressive-web-apps/ )

To give a brief explanation of this scenario, our company is an educational website (an online college). All elements of a college need to be implemented into the website. We need your backend skills (Google API integration required in addition to website coding) to fully integrate the website so that any users that sign onto the website are automatically added to the existing database. Functions will also need to be given a modern user interface (UI) so that users do not have to compromise on a seamless experience of using the website. Most of the application will be powered by Google’s G Suite Apps.

This project will be led by a statement of Work (SOW), with 5 deconstructed milestones highlighting every objective of the site that needs to be constructed. You will be compensated in these 5 deconstructed milestones; where payment is dispersed only after our approval and full facilitation of the milestone. A draft design will go through multiple revisions by me before it is declared a final draft design, which will then be submitted for compensation.

For backend coding, please ensure that you have the ability to create financial payment gateways, integrate live streaming (and subsequent automatically saving of live video to a structured database), file creation for student transcripts and an admin panel to facilitate these processes. Also be able to integrate the website within the existing Google Cloud server. Knowledge of MySQL, MongoDB, and/or PostgreSQL are crucial. Individuals with knowledge of building APIs will be strong candidates for this position.

A full report including wireframes and technologies used for the site design and functionality expectations will be required prior to the start of the milestones and payment structure.

You will be asked to answer the following questions when submitting a proposal:

  1. Do you have knowledge, experience and a website link example of utilizing an Application Program Interface (API) and a Progressive Web App?
  2. Do you have knowledge, experience and a website link example of frontend designs that you have created and published?
  3. Do you have knowledge, experience and a website link example of creating APIs and coding around Google’s Cloud server and G Suite Apps?
  4. State how you will teach me how to operate and update the website as needed such as website text, images, etc.
  5. State what contact information you will provide to keep me in immediate contact.

Goal for WGC Year Two: By February 2021, I intend to have the PWA fully developed and classes facilitated through that platform for the ultimate objective of achieving national accreditation.

I will leave the article with this quote: Failure is never failure. EXPERIENCE is a stepping stone; and, if your passion/vision stays true to your context, every stepping stone will take you closer to bringing your vision to life. -Jonathan McMillan, 2019

Citations and Additional Information:

  1. All Photos used in this article: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Gg4hZbawQa6if9Jt7
  2. Github Repository Search of Dating Apps: https://github.com/search?q=dating+app
  3. Mark Cuban using his student loan money to buy his first bar: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BraKo3ac3ifLMDRQljmsAcUJH5BqI6UQ/view?usp=sharing (retrieved from: https://www.cnbc.com/video/2019/05/03/mark-cuban-used-some-of-his-student-loans-to-open-a-bar-in-college.html)
  4. FAFSA Cost of Attendance Allocation: https://fafsa.ed.gov/help/costatt.htm
  5. Upwork: https://upwork.com/
  6. DEAC Accreditation Handbook: https://www.deac.org/Seeking-Accreditation/The-DEAC-Accrediting-Handbook.aspx
  7. Course 1 Syllabus Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OXz1ikCZyC60aCG7F1kepOoH9s_vIJRw/view?usp=sharing
  8. Natalie Sappleton, Ph.D. Website: http://www.nataliesappleton.com/
  9. Course 1 Material Link: https://canvas.instructure.com/courses/1542014
  10. Apple Developer (iOS) Application Sign Up: https://developer.apple.com/
  11. McMillan, Jonathan (2019) How the Mobile App College Plan Came to Be, and Why You Should Chase Your Dream: https://medium.com/@jonathanthescholar/how-my-college-method-came-to-be-and-why-you-should-chase-your-dream-523776e66cce
  12. Contract & Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with Deftsoft (Gurvir and Amaneet Brar): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yrRjR-N_fo5_1dW5-sKt_bLIvK1fL4Ej/view?usp=sharing
  13. Legal Documents Needed for a Mobile App: https://legalvision.com.au/building-a-mobile-app/
  14. Non-Disclosure Agreement 101: https://www.rocketlawyer.com/article/nda-101:-what-is-a-non-disclosure-agreement.rl
  15. Full Milestone Structure: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_JTy66dX_7gY74ysw3r5dSfIOuiLfxik
  16. Deftsoft Design Questionnaire: Design questionnaire: http://www.deftsoft.com/projects/view.php?id=4
  17. Deftsoft Client Information Form: http://deftsoft.com/projects/view.php?id=1
  18. Deftsoft Logo Questionnaire: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lXhAk3UawZlTkMVZALen45dZexhB-8ge/view?usp=sharing
  19. College App Functionality Wireframes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gj3y01XNGjmdk6hbqA9e-q_WMbMRY9oV/view?usp=sharing
  20. Wireframe Comments I had: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YQ0JfOxvteMtknM6boZRRqyepgqhIhvx/view?usp=sharing
  21. WeTransfer File Sending Platform that Gurvir used: https://wetransfer.com/downloads/c192239a3e825fb06480b7b3f51c39ca20180507163011/bd9b99
  22. Admin Panel Wireframes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bStLPuDhid48FRdeb_-VU723lMVbviGJ/view?usp=sharing
  23. App initial design photos from Gurvir: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gf5rK64PbjiotjEbo_LUZdafeVZCLJsq/view?usp=sharing
  24. Extension Contract for Temporarily Granting Limited Access to Accounts: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BUaQTWCwX9auaXv91OnSS8yYh6MWssYY/view?usp=sharing
  25. Additional Legal Supplement for the Inclusion of Co-Managers: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CNKOy0y9UXnvfODbkUqiYua3h-D0EsCP/view?usp=sharing
  26. Firebase by Google: https://firebase.google.com/
  27. Printful Custom Item Dropshipping: https://www.printful.com/
  28. Support for Apple: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204915
  29. API Documentation for Google Classroom: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dDkPaP_BCXUXRhjLpBFbnS7EbsZwMPULZppsCQC9Hdg/edit#
  30. Video of Google Classroom API working within the app: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YklDZirARZ4rEDh7CgyOrOWxHyEUCuyo/view?usp=sharing
  31. Stripe Payment: https://stripe.com/get-started?utm_campaign=paid_brand-US_Search_Brand_Stripe-1803852691&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&ad_content=344587125118&utm_term=stripe%20api&utm_matchtype=e&utm_adposition=1t1&utm_device=c&gclid=CjwKCAiAmNbwBRBOEiwAqcwwpbHyewGtzT5JIXTXQjoma2AWaLF43ECpuEX3Wbfhz2um0Lu1OfuUZxoCIVgQAvD_BwE
  32. Stripe Payment API: https://stripe.com/docs/api
  33. Stripe Payment Integration Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IdNHuwDHP6lEP4KIRohC0R9H0vKsJVAH/view?usp=sharing
  34. 7/17/2019 Video Call with Prosperity: https://drive.google.com/file/d/149KtZ74GZ2Q-CfgbzhekM6RL3GmK3U4Y/view
  35. Image Resizer: http://www.simpleimageresizer.com/upload#.XX-YeS5Kipo
  36. Draft of WGC Terms and Conditions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sUhMPMIMzScxqr6a5z2ONs-1HSwrAbAcNMODeEiSzpU/edit?usp=sharing
  37. Linkedin API Key Link: https://www.linkedin.com/developers/ and https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/consumer/integrations/self-serve/sign-in-with-linkedin
  38. LinkedIn create app form: https://www.linkedin.com/developers/apps/new
  39. Facebook Developers Link: https://developers.facebook.com/apps/
  40. Twitter Developer Account: https://developer.twitter.com/en/apply-for-access.html
  41. Sign-Up to Publish Apps on the Android (Google Play) App Store: https://developer.android.com/distribute/console
  42. Farrugia, 2016-A Beginner’s Guide to Progressive Web Apps: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2016/08/a-beginners-guide-to-progressive-web-apps/
  43. What is a Service Worker (JavaScript): https://codeburst.io/an-introduction-to-service-workers-in-javascript-27d6376460c2
  44. Marfeel “Apps Could be PWAs by 2020”: https://www.marfeel.com/blog/apps-could-be-pwas-by-2020/
  45. Gartner Progressive Web App Research Publication (2017): https://www.gartner.com/en/documents/3645344
  46. Public Github Repository for College Native Mobile App (for Replication; owned and co-created by Jonathan McMillan): https://github.com/collegefounder/CollegeNativeApp

Extra details:

Always share what you have built. Often, what separates one person from another that wanted to build something similar was that the other did not have the access to resources to build it. If something is truly your passion, no one can recreate, outpace or do what you do as you can. I will show a quick preview of how to share the codes to your repository for others to see.

Tangible Lesson: Uploading your Code to a Repository and Sharing the Repository

Step 1: Store The Code to your Projects on a Repository (For Example: Bitbucket; a free repository)

Step 2: Share this code to an open repository (For Example: Github)

The Public Github Repository to replicate my college’s native mobile app is: https://github.com/collegefounder/CollegeNativeApp



Dr. Jonathan McMillan
Dr. Jonathan McMillan

Written by Dr. Jonathan McMillan

Dr. Jonathan McMillan is a college founder, philosopher and author. Ivy-League Master's Degree Recipient and Doctoral Graduate.

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