Toxic Negativity and the Miserable People Who Revel In It

Joshua S. Kangley
3 min readMar 31, 2021


There is good energy and there is bad energy. We all know this. As children we most certainly knew this. We have a keen sense of the energy someone is giving off, vibes as they say, and we can be influenced by these vibes in one direction or another. One energy is the essence of life and the other energy is a toxic cancer. Let’s talk about it.

Positive energy is good vibration. We all know these positive peeps. They can light up a whole room, they can turn any situation into a positive learning experience, and they can make even the grumpiest of the grumpies crack a slight smile.

Negative energy, on the other hand, is like a cancer — sucking the life out of an entire room. People who are negative have a problem with every solution, make others feel uneasy, and make everyone around them shut down. We all know these people too. Maybe your sitting next to one while you read this.

It’s all energy really. Everything. Why would anyone choose to be negative though? It’s a great question and the answer is tough, it’s different for everyone, and I won’t speculate. One thing does seem apparent however is that negative people want others to be negative as well. You know the saying, misery loves company. I urge you to be careful of these people and if you are sitting next to a toxic negative right now — run!

Here is the thing about positive people that toxic negatives misunderstand. Being positive doesn’t mean you are ignorant to difficult situations and it doesn’t mean we walk around thinking everything is all roses. In fact it’s in being positive that we can navigate those challenges and difficult situations much easier. We have our “moments” too but we don’t let them effect us and become our “bad days”. We recognize a situation, and with positivity, we come up with several solutions. We don’t dwell on it and we don’t use the situation to be a victim. We learn and grow — we keep it moving.

It’s precisely the positivity that keeps things moving forward. Positivity keeps a team motivated and striving for success. Positivity is the reinforcement of optimism and without optimism in life, there is no growth — there can be no growth. And what a sad world that would be. Yikes!

The essence of life itself is positive because life wants to keep on living. So it evolves, it adjusts and pivots to that it can keep it moving. Just like we all have been doing lately.

So, be the essence of life. Learn, grow, help others along the way and keep it moving. Keep it positive.

