Spring Season 2022

3 min readMar 23, 2022


What happens in spring season?

Photo by Anders Jildén on Unsplash

It is a season of new beginnings. Who does not like springtime?

Scratch that! Who don’t like Spring?!

One season that gives springtime a run for its money with its array of colors is dare I say, the fall season. Pastel colors are playful and inviting. Autumn colors are rustic and loveable.

Yes, I know each season has beautiful colors.

My fond memory of the season is when the carnival came to our town in the spring. I waited anxiously for the rides, games, and food.

The carnival set up shop in a location within walking distance from my grandmother’s house.

Photo by Hannah Morgan on Unsplash

My aunt, who is a couple of years older than I, was old enough that my grandma would let her take my siblings and me to the carnival. She was an even bigger kid than us. Going to the carnival with her meant spending our money foolishly on food, rides, and games.

If our grandmother had gone — she would stop us from spending every last dime on lighted toys and greasy food.

It seemed like no soon as the carnival left, it was time for Easter!

I am one of the spring season’s biggest fans — but there are some things that I low-key don’t like about the season. Writehere

Spring season ends the first quarter (Q1) and brings about a recognition that the year is flying by. Depending on if you set any goals — it’s time for accountability.

If goals set are met you feel great — pumped even! If goals are not met it’s easy to feel anxious.

I’ve been working on a new year goal and up until a few days ago, I was feeling great about the project. Then came the brick wall that I crashed into. It is a huge blow.

I’m not going to write about it here now. Instead, I’m using that energy to fight like hell to get the project back on track. It helps to be in an accountability group that meets on Zoom weekly.

Spring is also the time to unbundle. If you live in a cold city you welcome the warmer weather. Although, if you’ve failed to shed the pounds you promised you would or you’ve packed on a few indoor/Covid pounds, dropping the layers of clothing causes angst.

I’ve managed to drop a few pounds and I should look OK in a pair of capris — even if not so much in a swimsuit.

Overall, what is there to not like about spring? Nothin’ Nuffin. Nothing.

Spring is lovely, winter not so much.

Take the Joy Route.

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Bestselling author of 'How to Outline a Nonfiction Book.' Crafting personal essays on tales of travel, true crime, and about whatever strikes my fancy