Urlaub in Italien — Day 2 (Lake Como)


Justin Lin
4 min readApr 22, 2023


About Milan in Day 1: 啟程與一日米蘭

Day 2 — Bellagio & Lake Como


第二天就這樣來到 Lake Como上游的 Bellagio冒險,令人非常興奮,尤其看到異鄉的湖光山色,大家都活力充沛,像小孩子開心地在小鎮上跑跑跳跳。

The casual itinerary made this trip full of surprises and adventures. We often just pointed at the map and went wherever the locals recommended, just like our adventure in Bellagio the next day. The beautiful scenery of town by the lake really cheered us up. We ran around the small town like little kids.

We bumped into European travelers, especially young families and elderly couples in shirts and sandals, creating a warm and peaceful scene without the hustle and bustle of popular tourist spots.

我猜相比更靠近米蘭的 Como,Bellagio更像是歐洲旅客的私房景點,街上只見白人遊客,尤其是襯衫配涼鞋的老夫妻,還有帶著小孩的年輕家庭,畫面十分溫馨,也少了熱門景點的喧囂。


The weather was pleasant and it gradually warmed us up after exploring the town. Just when I was wondering if we should move on to the next destination, my European friends asked a nearby shop owner where they could go for a swim and ended up changing into swimsuits! They really do love getting close to nature!



I followed them for a swim, only to realize that I was fooled by the sunshine and bikinis. The water in May was still bone-chillingly cold. What’s worse, the buoyancy of lake water was far different from that of seawater. I swam like a rock, unable to lift my head in the cold lake, and occasionally overwhelmed by waves caused by passing boats. Meanwhile, my European friends was playing volleyball and laughing at my predicament.

After struggling to return to shore, for I don’t know how long it took, we all enjoyed sunbathing by the lake before leaving the beautiful Lake Como.

九彎十八拐 — Winding Road & Car Race




The road to Cinque Terre was thrilling and amazing, especially for me in the passenger seat who fully experienced the excitement of a mountain race. Mountainous hills in Italy werewell-developed. Most routes were well-equipped with tunnels or overhead road systems, except for the section we were driving on.

After exiting the tunnel, we were greeted by the endless winding highway and mountain ranges. Driving slowly and cautiously was no problem at all. My German roommate quickly became accustomed to the road condition. All of a sudden, an Italian version of Max Verstappen emerged onto the adjacent lane. A seemingly inconspicuous old car began switching between two twisting lanes at a very high speed. My German roommate viewed this as a challenge and accelerated to barely catch up with the old car. The theme song of a hot-blooded car chase began to play, and the Italian car race was reproduced.

However, with his familiarity in avoidance oncoming traffic and his shortcuts to the curves, it didn’t take long for him to leave us far behind.

義大利夏季的白天很長,開了幾小時路還是趕上了 Sestri Levante的黃昏。晚上九點,我們趕緊放下行李,沿著海岸線找上了一間在戶外搭著陽傘的餐廳。欣賞著漸層天空的同時,海邊徐徐微風迎面而來,環顧四周,小鎮風情搭配晚霞真是美得不像話,消除了我們一天舟車勞頓的疲勞。


The summer days in Italy are long, even after a few hours drive, we arrived at Sestri Levante at dusk. At 9 pm, we quickly dropped off our luggage and found a restaurant along the coast. As we admired the gradient sky, a gentle sea breeze blew in. The scenic town combined with the sunset relieved our fatigue from the traffic.

God knows how long it took for the food to arrive, but no one seemed to mind as we chatted away, waiting for the night to slowly fall.

這幾天悠閒的步伐、隨性和爛漫,我好像開始了解何謂歌詞中的 Urlaub in Italien — 何謂歐洲人口中的義式假期。

With a carefree and relaxed pace these past few days, I feel like I’m starting to understand what the lyrics mean by “Urlaub in Italien” — what Europeans refer to as an Italian-style vacation.

To be continued… Day 3 in the Cinque Terre area (San Fruttuoso and Portofino)



Justin Lin

A Taiwanese student studying in Hong Kong 🇭🇰, exchanged in Prague in 2022 🇨🇿. Biweekly update on travels, cultural shocks, and friends all over the world!