I'm a correspondent, song-and-dance man, flâneur, and general ne'er do well. In addition to my less onerous work as a wayfaring artist, I've been a dishwasher, ditchdigger, doorman, dogwalker, valet, bartender, groundskeeper, signpainter, streetvendor, short-order cook, farmhand, and bellhop, to name but a dozen. I did this work because I needed to eat, but also because I wanted to understand intimately and limn singularly the picaresque variety of life. It is this motif, as well as an interest in exploring societal dissonances and disparities while advocating for the more vulnerable among us, which serves as the basis and bedrock of my artistry.

I'm admittedly not using Medium properly, i.e. I'm not optimizing the work to fit the platform or to maximize views and prioritize followers. I'm simply utilizing the handsome format of the site to organize and share my work in my own weird (and perhaps somewhat antiquated) way. 

Divagations is a Substack of brown study & blue notes. Subscribe for weekly musings.

The Raffish is a literary journal featuring the work of prisoners, combat veterans, laborers, and others.

As It Were includes selections from my forthcoming long-lost blue-noted romance yarn. Please note that the book is serialized here in blog format (with posts begrudgingly titled) and would ideally be read from the bottom up. 

JUSTINMcKEE.com is my website, where you can find links to writing, music, visual art, and more.

For acquisitions, bookings, collaborations, commissions, fan mail, grievances, press, and other inquiries, kindly send a message to justmckee143@aol.com


Justin McKee

Justin McKee

Correspondent, song-and-dance man, flâneur, and general ne’er do well. For more info: https://medium.com/@justmckee/about