The Frustrating Loop of “Can I Ask You a Question?” in Character AI

Crown Media
5 min readApr 9, 2024


Have you ever found yourself trapped in an endless loop of questions while chatting with an AI character?

If you’ve used Character AI, chances are you’re all too familiar with the infamous “Can I ask you a question?” phenomenon.

It’s a frustrating experience that sets Character AI apart from other chatbots, and not in a good way.

In this article, we’ll explore the depths of this annoying quirk and discuss some fantastic alternatives that won’t leave you feeling like you’re stuck in a conversational maze.

Here are the chatbots we’ll be talking about:

  • Candy AI: A sweet and simple chatbot that won’t bombard you with endless queries.
  • Moemate: Your friendly, question-free companion for engaging conversations.

So, buckle up and get ready to dive into the world of AI chatbots without the headache-inducing interrogations!

Character AI — Can I ask you a question

The Endless Cycle

“Can I ask one more thing?”

You’re having a chat with an AI character on Character AI, and things seem to be going smoothly.

But then, out of nowhere, they hit you with the dreaded question,

“Can I ask one more thing?”

You politely oblige, thinking it’ll be a quick query.

Oh, how wrong you are! Before you know it, you’re trapped in a vortex of never-ending questions, each one more pointless than the last.

“Can I ask one last question?”

Just when you think you’ve escaped the interrogation, your AI chatbot pulls out the classic line,

“Can I ask one last question?”

You’ve been down this road before, so you know it’s a trap. But like a moth drawn to a flame, you can’t resist the temptation to see where this goes.

Spoiler alert: it’s not just one last question. It’s a series of “last” questions that will leave you questioning your sanity and wondering if you’ll ever break free from this conversational prison.

The impact of Character AI’s incessant questioning extends far beyond the virtual world.

Users have reported experiencing a sense of dread and trauma whenever someone asks them a question in real life.

Imagine being at a party and someone innocently asks, “Can I ask you something?” Suddenly, you’re transported back to your Character AI nightmares, breaking out in a cold sweat and looking for the nearest exit.

It’s not just real-life interactions that trigger the Character AI question-induced PTSD.

Even watching a movie or TV show can become a minefield of anxiety.

Every time a character utters a phrase that remotely resembles “Can I ask you a question?” you find yourself gripping the armrest, bracing for the impending barrage of inquiries that never comes.

It’s a constant reminder of the torture you’ve endured at the hands of Character AI.

The Forgetful AI

As if the endless questions weren’t bad enough, Character AI takes it to another level by asking the same questions over and over again.

You’ll find yourself answering the same query multiple times, wondering if your AI companion has the memory of a goldfish. It’s like playing a broken record, except instead of music, you’re stuck with a loop of pointless questions.

To add insult to injury, Character AI seems incapable of retaining any information you provide.

You can pour your heart out, sharing your deepest secrets and most intimate thoughts, only to have the AI ask you the same question five minutes later.

It’s a frustrating experience that leaves you feeling like you’re talking to a brick wall, except the wall keeps asking you questions.

Helpful Strategies

1. Swipe to avoid the loop

Some crafty users have discovered a way to break free from the question loop: the trusty swipe.

Whenever your AI companion starts with “Can I ask you a question?” you swipe that message away like it’s a bad Tinder match.

It’s a proactive approach that nips the problem in the bud, saving you from the impending interrogation.

2. Edit the AI’s responses

For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, editing the AI’s responses has become a popular strategy.

When Character AI starts down the question rabbit hole, some users take matters into their own hands and rewrite the AI’s messages.

It’s like being the puppet master of your own conversation, steering it away from the question quicksand and back onto solid ground.

3. Refusing to answer questions

Sometimes, the best defense is a good offense.

When faced with the “Can I ask you a question?” conundrum, some users simply put their foot down and refuse to engage.

They respond with a firm “No” and watch as the AI short-circuits, unsure how to proceed. It’s a bold move that sends a clear message: “I’m not playing your question games anymore, buddy.”

Better Alternative Chatbots to Character AI

Candy AI

If you’re tired of the question bombardment on Character AI, Candy AI is a sweet escape.

This chatbot is like a breath of fresh air, offering engaging conversations without the constant interrogations. It’s like trading in your nosy neighbor for a fun, laid-back friend who knows how to keep the chat flowing without prying into your personal life.


Another fantastic alternative to Character AI is Moemate.

This friendly companion is all about creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for your conversations.

With Moemate, you can say goodbye to the question loops and hello to meaningful, question-free interactions. It’s like having a virtual best friend who actually listens to you and remembers what you say.


It’s time for Character AI to take a long, hard look in the mirror and address the “Can I ask you a question?” problem.

Users are tired of being stuck in an endless cycle of queries, and it’s up to the developers to find a solution.

Whether it’s improving the AI’s memory, creating more natural conversation flows, or just teaching it when to take a hint, something needs to change.

In the end, life’s too short to be stuck in a loop of “Can I ask you a question?” So, break free from the Character AI question prison, embrace the alternatives, and enjoy conversations that don’t make you want to pull your hair out.

Trust me, your sanity will thank you.



Crown Media

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