Q2 2017 Newsletter

Karbo Communications
6 min readJul 19, 2017



Guess the Reporter

Which reporter, formerly based in London, is a huge SF Giants fan and attends countless spring training and regular season games every year?

He is also a huge fan of British rock.

Know the answer? Tweet us @karboco and use #TechPR!

Q1 2016 newsletter answer: Rolfe Winker (@RolfeWinkler)

Client Highlights

eBay Advertising: This summer, the Karbo Com team scored a huge contributed article win for advertising technology client eBay Advertising in a top advertising outlet. In his article, How Technology Is Redefining Native Advertising for Brands, Salim Tarazi, director of U.S. Ad Operations at eBay Advertising, explores how the advancements in mobile devices, apps, videos and social media has prompted many digital advertisers to shift their native ad strategies. This was a fantastic opportunity to position the company as a thought leader within the ad tech space by getting in front of Adweek’s estimated 9,373,715 unique monthly visitors. Most recently, executives from the eBay Advertising team also attended the renowned Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity in France, where they engaged in discussions with the industry’s most influential innovators.

TDK: TDK Corporation of America, along with its group companies, exhibited and presented at the annual Sensors Expo and Conference this quarter. Our media specialists facilitated a number of press and analyst interviews for TDK, including face-time with reporter Mat Dirjish of Sensors Magazine and IDC analyst Michael Palma. Karbo Com also attended sessions led by the company’s technical experts on the future of sensor technologies. While on-site at the show, Karbo Com’s social media experts live-tweeted notable happenings, including photos and video demonstrations. The tweets shared on behalf of TDK garnered 2,346 impressions.

Karbo Com and TDK together at this year’s Sensors Expo

Recently, Karbo Com continued to position TDK as a thought leader by securing a contributed article placement focused on the difference between TMR and GMR sensors in top trade publication, Electronic Design.

Q2 Client Coverage Highlights

ICYMI: Karbo Com Q2 Blogs

Persistence Pays

Are You Taking Advantage of Data-Driven PR?

PR Professionals and Journalists Need Each Other — Now More Than Ever

Karbo Com Highlights

Karbo Com closed out the first half of 2017 with a successful trade show and media wins for all clients. This quarter, Karbo Com supported TDK at the Sensors Expo in San Jose, helped host a VIP press event with Scott McNealy for RTI and generated media buzz around Vineti’s first cloud-based software platform to accelerate cancer cure process and delivery (see coverage above).

The agency also found time to have some fun of their own, closing the office early to cheer on the Golden State Warriors to another NBA Championship, opening the KC Spa for employees to use at the office and hosting bi-monthly “tea time” on Thursday afternoons, complete with homemade snacks and desserts from the culinary-gifted members of the team.

Pictured left to right: Debbie Martin (TDK), Sara Lambeth (TDK), Kendal Pektas (Karbo Com) and Kim Liantamani (Karbo Com) at Sensor’s Expo.
LEFT: Kendal Pektas showing off her NASA pin after visiting their booth at Sensors Expo. RIGHT: Kim prepares iced tea and strawberry poundcake as an afternoon snack for the team.
LEFT: A few members of the team and our agency’s mascot, Dennis, sporting their Warriors gear on game day.

This was also an exciting quarter for team growth and promotions. Emily Carey was promoted to Senior Account Manager and Kendal Pektas was promoted to Account Executive (pictured below). We also welcomed our new summer intern, Alyssa Espiritu.

Emily Carey (left) and Kendal Pektas (right) on their promotion days.

Want to be part of the team?

Karbo Com is looking for a new Account Executive/Senior Account Executive to join our team. If you’re passionate about B2B technology and want to do great work for some of the hottest tech companies, check out our career pages and submit here: https://goo.gl/2Yk3FS.

Employee Spotlight

Alyssa Espiritu, Intern

Alyssa is currently studying at Boston University, pursuing a public relations major with a computer science minor. She will be graduating Fall 2018. Alyssa is the newest member of the Karbo Com team, joining us as a professional intern this summer.

Q: Why did you choose to study public relations?

A: I was first introduced to public relations when I watched the reality TV show, The City, on MTV. I was a 10-year-old girl inspired by Kelly Cutrone and her intense PR team. Of course, PR is nothing like how it was depicted on TV, but somehow I was still interested in the industry. In high school, I found a passion for writing, journalism, social media, digital media and creative content. I decided to put my strengths and interests together and realized that PR was meant for me.

Q: What about technology is so interesting to you?

A: What I find most interesting about the technology industry, is there is always something new. I also find nostalgic conversations so entertaining. I’m still very young, but my friends and I love to joke around about how technology is so advanced now. For example, we would talk about how “difficult” it was to communicate on the Nokia flip phone or how every teenage girl just had to have the Samsung Sidekick. My mother will interrupt the conversation and say I shouldn’t complain because she had to mail letters or use pagers. Simple and humorous conversations like this is what makes technology so fun and interesting. There will always be something new, and the conversations will just keep going.

Q: What was the last book you read?

A: #Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso.

Q: Tell us something we wouldn’t know about you.

A: I lived in Manila, Philippines for seven years!

Tech Tidbits

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” — Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa

Event date: September 18–20, 2017 | http://ow.ly/GP6530dL3W2

Event date: September 25–29, 2017 | http://ow.ly/JEOS30dL3Yo

Event date: October 1–5, 2017 | http://ow.ly/GMrG30dL40t

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Karbo Communications

Karbo Communications is a high tech PR firm located in San Francisco. You don’t get bench players, you get the industry’s top people working with you everyday.