Did You Watch Eurovision 2024?

If so, your tolerance for terror has been noted.

Karren Ablaze!
Ablazey Horse


Eden Golan, pinkwashing for Israel at Eurovision 2024

Read this story for free here.

Thirty five thousand people have been killed in Gaza by the Israeli state over the past seven months. Of these, over fourteen thousand were children.

In case those words do not have an impact on you, in case numbers do not hold much meaning, that’s twelve times as many as were killed in the 9/11 attacks. And to visualise the lost children, imagine a big street full of schools in which all the kids are dead.

Those who remain in Gaza, the world’s largest concentration camp, are enduring the extreme sufferings of displacement, homelessness, starvation and disease. On top of all this, Israel is now readying to go all out against the distressed population of Rafah.

By going along with the Eurovision this year you’ve assented to these crimes. You may as well have gone to a party with the perpetrators; fans attending the show in Malmö did exactly that.

“But the artists themselves are not responsible for the deaths and mutilations!” you might say. “They’re not working for the Israeli state!” However Eden Golan’s entry, originally titled October Rain, had to be rewritten numerous times at the insistence of the apparently apolitical Eurovision Broadcasting Union…



Karren Ablaze!
Ablazey Horse

Zine queen and iconoclast of the 80s and 90s, riot grrrl instigator, vocalist, author (of The City Is Ablaze! and Revolution On The Rock), Buddhist nun.