Tokenomics 102

Karuschain 🔸
8 min readDec 27, 2019


Back for round two I see? Last week we left off talking about Karuschain’s blockchain supply chain solution and how it presents the first time there’s been a single source of truth between the value of raw minerals and the value of exchange of these raw minerals.

If I remember well, we summarized the industry basics, Kaurschain’s amazing vision and wrapped up the token utility and were just about to dive into Karuschain’s real world and unique value proposition — but before we jump into the fun, here’s another chance to catch up on the goods presented in “Tokenomics 101”.

Now, as you recall, Karuschain’s blockchain supply chain solution is founded on the basis of a closed market network, where those who participate in the market are the ones who have access to the market’s currency: KRS tokens.

What does it all mean?

This means that the items entering and being exchanged on the market must have a defined relationship with the currency (casual throw-back to economics 101- imma right?) — Now in Karuschain, the market and user’s dependence on KRS is ESSENTIAL because, by operating on a private blockchain, all transactions and product information are democratically shared with all users in the market.

Ethical Supply Chain in Mining

And when we’re talking about being in the business of ‘cleaning up big mining’ by tracing and tracking ethically sourced goods, compliance-respecting operations and rewarding the good-guys to meet consumer demands for ‘green’ precious minerals, you now realize that Karuschain’s token value is not dependent on the actual value of the minerals, but rest upon the exchange of ethically sourced minerals.

Thanks to the data validity inherent in Karuschain’s revolutionary distributed ledger technology, product integrity can now be tracked, traced and democratically transparent in all levels and stages of the mineral supply chain, from source to sale.

Benefits of the KRS Token

KRS holders also get some extra benefits which increases the token’s value. To name a few right here & now, KRS holders:

  • Are able to use the network at rates that outperform traditional supply chain exchange methods in regards to price, transaction fees, data & financial integrity and compliance regulations.
  • Own KRS tokens which have a capped availability, meaning that as more sectors of the mining industry and mineral supply chain plug in to the Karuschain utility, token value increases.
  • And as holder of KRS in such a democratic system, you own part of the network and benefit from the “sharing of the upside with stakeholders” that’s inherent in Karuschain’s blockchain protocols.

Karuschain’s vision is big, as big as the global mining industry itself, and really, it’s about time for someone to come to the table with such a bold, practical, layered vision that can be applied today, right now, in the present moment.

End to End Transparency

Starting with established industry connections, Karuschain invites different industry players across the mining industry’s supply chain to join the utility network and to create a sustainable, stable, long-term and widely distributed ecosystem.

As we know, the social and government pressure for ethically mined minerals (we’re talking no slave labor, no child-labor, no mercury dumping… the whole 9 yards on compliance regulations and general human morality) is not going away, the demand for minerals is not going away, and the high-volume market of mining is also. Not. Going. Away.

That means Karuschain is the unique, cutting-edge, multifaceted solution for an industry that’s been in business since the civilization of man, and still has a bright future ahead — provided it can meet the needs of consumer demands and government regulations for ethical gold and cleanly sourced precious minerals.

So let me summarize the KRS token value for you, in case it wasn’t clear, and then we’ll move on to the secret sauce the sweetens up the whole deal — Karuschain’s REAL World Utility Value!

Why Buy KRS:

  1. Control. The ability to control your portion without outside interference. Moving into a world where we all participate in a very transparent system and each individual gets to control their participation. This is what is revolutionary about a token economy; it inverts the power relationship away from centralized systems where you have no say, back to the individual.
  2. Validity of the data powered by the transparent nature of blockchain. This eliminates unknown sources of data and uncertainty as well as encouraging corporate social responsibility.

3. Efficiency gains. The efficiency gains that blockchain implementation and then later on down the line combined with AI and machine learning can offer, are going to seem incomprehensible to us right now. Data technology is changing so rapidly. The core technologies that are involved — computational power, digital connectivity and digital storage were prohibitively expensive even 50 years ago. Those have now plummeted to such a low level that we tend to lose sight of just how much has changed. Our Economist Luciano Pesci has a great analogy for this, he says;

“If cars progressed at the same rate as computers today, they would have 660 million horsepower, would get 3.5 million miles per gallon and cost less than $5,000”.

For organizations those efficiency gains translate into profit. It means lowered costs and expansion on revenue with better targeting. If you do all of these things at the same time - drive revenue and lower costs the profit value increases.

This is the path to realizing true utility value by building a real business that provides real insights into the precious metals market. What Karuschain has is not only a powerful tokenomics model that indicates this project success, it also has the core technology which is visible for everyone to see. That’s a huge value add to investors as they get to see the code behind the platform. The third vital element to our booming project is the team, which is made up of a group of people who know how to build and run successful businesses. All of these pieces drive efficiency gains. You can learn more about “team, tech and tokenomics” here.

Karuschain Real World Utility Value

So, if you’ve been licking your lips at the aperitif, get ready to sink your teeth into the main course! For those of you looking for a savvy business investment, this is the deal for you- and I’ll tell you why- right meow.

But first — flash question!

What portion of precious metals goes to a regulated market?

Hmmmm, if pondering this Q doesn’t suit your fancy, I invite you to go below the surface, dig a little deeper and, yes, mine out the golden nugget of truth.

The precious minerals market is GLOBAL and based on so much collaboration. So dang much.

Your talking human onsite collaboration, supply chain exchanges, government regulations worldwide — even with those pesky countries that produce gold (and yet have no mines?!), mineral based product creation & distribution, retail integration, and consumer demands. And the majority of this activity is, in fact, regulated.

So, let’s say throughout all this collaboration, you were able to incorporate “a singular global language”- you are now talking about some mad increase of efficiency, just by stepping away from communication breakdowns.

Order of the Day; Compliance

As a single source of truth for an entire industry chain, Karuschain will be meeting the global mining industry at the place of its biggest headache — compliance.

Here’s where Karuschain’s real world utility value goes off the charts. By becoming the global mining’s industry standard as a single source of truth, it becomes the gatekeeper to the compliance kingdom; the point-man in certifying that minerals, human resources and mine protocols are met by each and every Karuschain network participant. It’s coded, sorted, tracked, transparent, and auto-regulated for everyone in the system to see.

It’s amazing how fast a headache can go away with the proper TLC and attention.

Now, let’s follow the rabbit hole we’re digging a little bit further, and you won’t be disappointed.

Of course, the next natural progression is:

How much does the industry spend on compliance regulations to keep their LTOs (license to operate)?

Answer: 10–15% of their gross revenue, which currently stands at a couple hundred billion dollars a year. So for fun, let’s say the industry spends 12% on compliance regulations… What’s 12% of a couple hundred billion dollars?

Regardless of how you slice and dice, you’re still talking about a multi-billion-dollar global expense, to which Karuschain provides the most optimal solution rooted in trust, innovation, leadership and scalability.

(Thank you Karuschain distributed ledgers and democratized protocol transparency!)

Heroes Leading A Global Revolution

Karuschain is already in action with beta product roll out, and proof of technology obtained with partners and industry giants MineRP as well as securing some amazing new partnerships within the crypto world such as the Bitcoin Man. This means any keen investors interested in jumping on the gravy train are in for a real treat, because this Karuschain juggernaut is only set to grow and mature.

As our professional tech team leads the way in secure, intuitive blockchain software solutions to prioritized data validity and network scaling, our team of heroic business leaders will invite industry giants and influencers to the Karuschain ecosystem.

As the network grows and more industry players along the mining supply chain plug in to the Karuschain utility, we will see an end to the industry silos plaguing the market, creating the first united industry movement for the benefit of human rights and sustainable resources.

To paint the full picture, Karuschain is courageously leading a global vision of change where tech, government, industry workers, consumers and Mother Earth herself are all present and collaborating at the same table.

An Ethical Supply Chain and a United Front

With this unified front you can officially put into practice a way to honor and highlight industry leaders — the heroes of the mining industry leading ethically sourced and environmentally conscious mining operations — and push out the bad guys that flood the market with illicit mineral contraband mined by children, the backs of the exploited and the abuse of our physical home: Planet Earth.

By cutting through the mud of the mining industry and surpassing the false-starts of the crypto-blockchain industry, Karsuchain has already shown itself to be a tested leader with a committed vision to serve, connect and inspire the global precious minerals sector, from source to sale.

As this juggernaut blossoms, we’ll see a world where:

- children are no longer forced into dark mines (read more about the severity of this issue here),

- a worker’s health and remuneration are valued,

- Mother Earth’s resources are stewarded with consideration, foresight and gratitude,

- mineral-based businesses are rewarded for ethical and environmental operations,

- governments are applauded for regulation efforts, and

- consumers are rewarded for their high-standards and ethical demands.

All the while, initial investors will reap the benefits of not only having seeded booming profit margins for personal gain, but they’ll have also seeded a global revolution to turn the whole mining industry from a sunset sector to a sunrise venture full of accountability, transparency, ethical norms and environmental consideration.

A better win-win-win scenario for all parties involved sincerely does not exist.

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Karuschain is a blockchain technology platform for the precious metals mining industry, giving mining companies a powerful tool to ensure data integrity, safeguard human rights, reduce risks and improve environmental regulations in their supply chain.

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Karuschain 🔸

Supply chain tracking and tracing platform for the precious metals industry built using proprietary blockchain technology.