Biking to a Bird Paradise Just Outside Warsaw

A quiet refuge for animals and humans alike

Katarzyna Rączka
Tourist in My Own Country


Photo of the Vistula river, with its steep eastern bank to the right. A large poplar tree leans towards the calm waters below, grass and other meadow plants grow on the bank. The western shore is a line of trees farther on the horizon. For the moment, the afternoon sun shines from behind a thin veil of a patch of clouds, with the rest of the sky an intensive blue color patched by some more scattered clouds.
The Vistula south of Warsaw, Poland, seen downstream from my spot. Image by Author

If you are behind the Medium paywall, you can read this story here.

Almost blinded by the setting sun, bathed in rivers of sweat trickling down more than just my spine, with a zillion horseflies already piercing through my clothes, I hear a hornet’s dreaded bass buzz.

‘Not this,’ I sigh.

Looking up from the barely visible path, I see the hornet flying here and there around the dead tree I have to go around to climb the steep bank that borders on the swamp.

I know that, unlike me, it’s probably not alone. Its mates must be hiding somewhere out of sight, I’ve seen them nest in such trees many a time.

A movie flashes at the back of my mind, featuring a swarm of hornets suddenly deciding that this sweaty human grappling with a pile of metal is a deadly threat to their homestead…

Biker found dead from hornet bites’, I see the headlines of local news portals in a few days’ time…

So instead of stopping to turn back and take in the gold-dotted sea of green that fills the little valley I’ve just tackled, I grab my bike and, putting one foot above the other, drag myself up to safety.

