What to know about red dot scopes

What are Red Dot Gun Scopes? Red dot gun scopes are a type of optical device that has an electronic red dot sight. They were originally used for military purposes, but have since become popular in the civilian world as well. Red dots sights allow shooters to make quick and accurate shots without much training or skill involved. If you’re looking for a new scope, read this article!

Katelyn Brown
3 min readNov 6, 2021

What is a red dot scope Good For?

Red dot scopes are great for close and medium distance shots. Red dots allow shooters to aim quickly and accurately without changing their hold on the gun, which can be difficult in some situations. Red dot sights give you an accurate shot while allowing you to keep both eyes open so that your peripheral vision is not blocked by a scope or other optics device.

What’s The Difference Between Red Dot And Optical Scopes?

An optical rifle sight has crosshairs at the center of the lens whereas red-dot guns simply have a single point of light projected onto the target area via reflection from a thin glass plate inside of the optic casing (the reflective coating does nothing but help enhance brightness). According to SingularityU, Red-dots were originally designed for military use because they did not obscure the soldier’s vision as much as optical scopes. Red-dots allow you to see your surroundings and aim more effectively without losing peripheral vision or making it difficult for one eye to focus on a target while another focuses on close objects in front of you (such as trees, rocks, etc.).

Red dot sights also have less magnification than many other types of riflescopes which makes them lighter and easier to use. Red dots are not great at long range shots that require large amounts of precision because they can be harder to keep still when trying to hit small targets from far away. Red-dot guns do well with medium distance shots where accuracy is important but speed isn’t quite so necessary — for example if someone was charging towards you with a weapon. Red-dots are also not the best choice for hunting because they can be hard to keep steady when your target is moving, especially if you’re using an automatic gun where movement of the rifle may cause problems with accuracy.

Which is better: red dot or green dot?

Most people prefer red dots because they are more visible in bright conditions. Especially, if you dope a scope correctly. Red-dot scopes also use less energy than green lasers which means that your battery will last longer and you won’t have to worry about replacing it as often. However, some hunters like the subtle contrast of a green laser over their target (especially deer or other animals with brown fur). Green dot sights work well for hunting because they blend into the scenery a bit better — this is especially helpful if there’s snow on the ground where regular red dots might stick out too much.

One final advantage of using a regular dot sight instead of an emerald one is that batteries for standard lights tend to be cheaper and easier to find! You can even sometimes get them in bulk with rechargeable batteries so you don’t have to worry about changing them out after every hunt. Red-dots are also much easier to use because they do not require line of sight between the shooter and target — green laser scopes require direct visibility which is harder when aiming at moving targets that could potentially be obscured by trees, rocks or other objects in your path.

