Adventure of a Lifetime

A Tribute for my 14-year old Son and 14 years of Motherhood | Human Design Transit in Gate 35: Adventure, Progress, and Change

Kate Stellar ✨
5 min readJun 7, 2024

“Is this what True Love means?”

I thought I knew what love is, until that moment… as I breastfed my firstborn son on his first days on earth, laying my eyes on him, a rush of pure potent present Love flowed through me. It was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in my life.

Photo by Fabio Comparelli on Unsplash

It’s Gemini season, baby! A benevolent Gemini Stellium with Jupiter, Mercury, Sun and Venus altogether up in the cosmos is upon us, transiting through Gemini Gate 35.

Happy Birthday to my son who turned 14 this week, and who carries Gate 35, the energy of sharing experiences, adventures, change, progress and hunger for life. I don’t have this gate but it’s my son’s signature gate – the most important gift his soul carried into this lifetime.

It’s also a celebration of 14 years of my journey as a mother… what has been the most fulfilling adventure of my life.

Gate 35 holders are driven by a restless hunger for new experiences.

It’s connected to the throat center. Their voice says “I feel,” here to communicate and manifest their deep desire for change and adventure. When expressed healthily, this energy leads to meaningful experiences and wisdom they eagerly share.

Nothing is too small or too big to share for Gate 35. If you got value out of your own experience, then it will be of value to others.

Even something as simple as my son’s breakfast, for instance, the way he conveys it can be an adventurous story and can carry genuine underlying lessons.

This gate is part of The Channel of Transitoriness, an emotional manifesting energy, linked with Gate 36 (Emotional Crisis), which helps resolve emotional experiences.

This means my son, having the full channel, can naturally bring out lessons from his and others’ past experiences.

It’s no surprise that History is his favorite school subject. Together with his 56th Gate of the Storyteller and the “Genius-to-Freak” Channel (in the mind-throat centers), he is both an insightful and emotionally-attuned storyteller.

The Hungry Heart

The pursuit of novelty can lead Gate 35 holders to either of two things: boredom or progress.

Gate 35 is marked by what I perceive to be two types of spiral, in connection to the gate’s programming partner Gate 5 of Rituals / Patience.

The Hungry Heart that is Impatient

… can lead to a downward spiral. Repetition is not bad if it’s fresh, otherwise it gets stale. Where there is boredom and lack of inspiration, impatience can lead the gate owner to feel trapped in a rabbit hole — the tendency for over-indulgence or addiction to sex, drugs, endless scrolling online, etc. to buffer their desires.

It’s important to balance this hunger, enjoying experiences without excess nor starvation, and to approach new adventures with a mindset of moving towards life rather than escaping from it.

The Hungry Heart that is Patient

… can lead to an upward spiral, the progress one desires. Inspiration and creativity may not land upon us on demand. But when the heart is open to receive it, through curiosity, Gate 35 has the power to stretch out our perspectives and ultimately our experiences.

Adventure isn’t only about traveling to a far-away land, but also traveling the edges of our imagination. It isn’t only about doing new things, but doing things in new ways.

Motherhood profoundly changed me. It reshaped my identity, reframed my desires, and directed me toward my purpose.

I vividly remember a night when my son was about 4 years old, as I put him and his sister to bed. They were past their breastfeeding years. But my heart was filled with love to feed my children the best, most nutritious meals.

That divine state of True Love once again washed over me, and a powerful inspiration came through me…

But that inspiration didn’t manifest overnight. Instead, it drove long-buried issues up to the surface, which led me to a spiral of pain and alcohol addiction.

Eventually, I hit rock bottom and began to question my health. In response, I enrolled in a Holistic Health & Nutrition course. It wasn’t merely the knowledge that transformed my life, but the pivotal decision to change.

It was only a matter of days when my desire for alcohol miraculously ceased on its own. I weeded out unhealthy relationships, and did further work to feed my hungry mind, body, and soul with healthier food.

I think this is where the gift of Gate 35 influences our lives with the lessons of experience. If my son had a mantra to capture his overall Human Design theme, it would be,

“Been there, done that.”

My awareness heightened to see, hear, and taste what’s beneath the surface of every word, image, and sounds. And this made me realize the importance of being conscious, when we are hungry for life, of what we consume and share.

The Gift of Flight

Humans are fascinated by the idea of flight — whether through superheroes or new technology inspired by all kinds of fantasies — perhaps a remnant of our evolutionary past or a distant memory from another dimension…

or an inner knowing of our future.

This innate hunger of humans to fly… to be one with the Divine… resides deep within our DNA. Our hearts are the wings that will make that possible as we move through adventure.

Gate 35 has the hunger to connect — to bridge the sky and the earth, the past and the future, all of space and time. And by listening to life, it connects our human experiences. It connects the diversity of opportunities and possibilities in the Infinite Now.

Gate 35 is the path of Boundlessness and Timelessness, the single gate that carries the codes of life’s biggest miracles.

Gate 35: Door of the Timeless Adventurer

For an in-depth Human Design reading and consultation, or if you are ready for a transformational journey of higher vibrational love, pleasure and purpose… you may email me at



Kate Stellar ✨

LOVE. PLEASURE. PURPOSE. ⚡️ Mystic healer, Human Design reader & Holistic Sexuality coach