The Secret Of The Universe

Human Design Transit in Gate 61: Mystery / Inspiration / Inner Knowing / Truth

Kate Stellar ✨
4 min readJan 19, 2024

“I don’t like surprises. I want to know how it ends…”

I used to tell my partner each time I searched online for spoilers for our weekly movie night.

But that isn’t where the magic of life resides.

Photo by Drew Dizzy Graham on Unsplash

Landing on the most exciting transit of the year (for me at least), in GATE 61the Gate of Truth, Mystery, Unknown, Inner Knowing, Inspiration, and Awakening — my signature gate in Human Design.

The signature gate means it is the most important gift a soul carried into the human body, which impacts our life path the most.

Gate 61 is also one of my communication gates in Human Design together with Gate 1, making it an overdosed energy in my system. It is located in the middle of the crown center and is like a direct door to the Source.

My life path goes into a flow of deep unknowing followed by electrical inspirations.

Like any other gift, most of us grow up with conditioning especially around our signature energy. My natural inclination to explore underlying truths comes with significant conditioning, particularly the need for reassurance and meeting expectations especially in phases of deep unknowing…

The quest for truth is the central theme of my life as a Gate 61 signature.

61 Triad: Perspectives from Paradise

I was in Salad Beach in Koh Phangan Island and what felt like paradise on the morning of my birthday with my best friends Nicola and Jeff, who both shared the 61st Gift with me.

Nicola also shared my hermit (line 2) profile and Jeff shared my connector (line 4) profile in Human Design.

There is a harmonious dynamic that exists in our triad and every conversation feels organically transformational.

As I basked in the day’s beauty, the exploration of our common 61st gate unraveled…

“We can listen to people without having to agree…” I began.

Every word formed shapes, colors, waves, and geometric structures floating in front of my eyes against the turquoise ocean…

“It adds more information to me, an opportunity to absorb what this person feels from this perspective… without adopting it as my own.

Another perspective stored in my library, then another one, then a different one…” as my fingers fluttered, drawing concepts in the air.

I felt free to express my insights… however weird.

FORGIVENESS came up to my presence this morning…

Just because I own my past experiences, doesn’t necessarily make JUDGEMENT go away.

Judgement is like a separate entity that says, ‘That’s a good person, that’s a bad person’…” I shared.

“That’s not a bad person, that’s a bad experience. That person is a mirror of you, so you can forgive yourself…” Jeff responded to the entity I welcomed on our stage.

“What if you have forgiven that person? What if you just don’t ‘like’ that person?” I explored further.

“Maybe you are just not ‘vibing’ with that person’s frequency. I find this choice of word is more neutral,” Nicola chimed in, smoothing the edges of the concept we were building.

Nicola then reads a passage through AI that summarizes our Gate 61 connection — The Mastery of Awareness, Transformation, and Intention.

I loved that term… Intention

I observed every thought and word drawn in the air like art. How am I intentionally designing this? I quietly reflected.

“Nothing is really false…” I concluded, “Just different interpretations and perspectives.”

“And nothing is really true…” Jeff concluded.

I agreed, as our conversations landed upon topics from religions to culture.

“The unknown is scary, because you risk losing your place in the society,” Nicola added.

“When you have grown up to believe something that no longer resonates, you lose your sense of identity…” I said, “This ‘shattering of who you are’ is scary for the human being…

…but it is the way to expansion and evolution.”

The conversation encapsulated the mystical expression of the 61st gate. Such is the paradox of the Gate of Truth. In its highest expression, Gate 61 uncovers the Siddhi of Sanctity.

If everything that you believe ceases to be true… Then who are you?

The Secret

I danced on my birthday eve, delightfully witnessing the million different characters and stories floating outside and inside of me.

I selected one that vibed the highest in my body and made love with it like a Goddess drinking the entirety of every present moment of this chosen human experience.

The Universe used to be my Father, my Mother, my Lover, my Guide, or God… whom I prayed to, followed, or listened to.

As every concept and word drawn in the ethers, like energetic vibrations sent out to the Universe, was presented back to me by the Universe through manifestation in the physical reality…

There was a click in the connection, and the secret never felt so bright and crystal clear:

I am the Universe.

Gate 61: Door to the Universe

For an in-depth Human Design reading and consultation, or if you are ready for a transformational journey of higher vibrational love, pleasure and purpose… you may email me at



Kate Stellar ✨

LOVE. PLEASURE. PURPOSE. ⚡️ Mystic healer, Human Design reader & Holistic Sexuality coach