Katie Attwood
2 min readNov 5, 2017

Weeknotes#3 Short, sweet with a dash of rage

Digital mash-up

Met with Sheffield Devops last week and they’ve agreed to hold a joint event with Agile Sheffield in January. #AgileDevOpsShefMashup is our working title which will maybe get slightly more refined as we get nearer to year end… We’ve got great ideas to encourage people to get involved on the night, to network and build/share knowledge. We also had an interesting chat about general differences in attendees between the two groups and the range of topics covered. Agile Sheffield often focuses on the human and DevOps maybe does more tech. Next year, we’ll take the best elements and it’ll be more like *cliche alert* ‘Two Meetups Go Digital in Sheffield’.

My rubber duck

I’m continuing to chart my course and am grateful to those who are sharing their ideas or listening to me think out loud. I’m contacting old and new friends and ideas may develop over the next few months. My rubber duck has referred to quietly raging before and, after sitting on this for a week or so, I’m sharing some of my anger and trying to find some answers. I’ve not included this in my weeknotes as, probably unwisely, I keep it in a slightly sweary separate box.

Please come back after you’ve read it as I’m nearly done here today.

A few things I’ve read

I can’t write very much about my 9–5 (see my #1). I wondered if I’d be able to stay aligned to the vision and culture I’ve perceived behind weeknotes as, even though I’m only at #3, each one has been very different. After reading this from @jukesie, I’ll continue and just follow the flow of my weeks in what I write.

I particularly welcomed, ‘The importance for me at least is increasingly about the cadence itself and being as open as possible. The themes week by week might change but the principles are there throughout hopefully’.

I’ve been going through my ThoughtWorks reading backlog and this is one of many highlights.

Being authentic is important and opening up is hard. Roseanne shares her struggles with colleagues, ‘not because I owe them something, but because this time my interest in pushing tech culture forward outweighs my fear of getting hurt, embarrassed, or potentially managing their feelings.’ I like that.

And finally

Actually that tweet is older than last week but I’m happily still working towards it!