
Katie Attwood
2 min readDec 23, 2017


The Comeback

Don’t stash your notes in the attic.

I’m back and it’s been too long so this should be #monthnotes. After taking a break for various reasons I promised myself to get started before Christmas and I’ve made it. As the cards tell me ‘Just doing something is often good enough…Even a high-level pass can help’. So this weeknote, is just ‘doing something’ and normal service will return in 2018.

‘Getting going (again) can be a mental hurdle in itself.’

My very high-level pass

After Weeknotes#6 , I’ve signed up for Unmentoring and thanks to Dyfrig Williams for the encouragement to get started. I’m looking forward to finding out who I’ll talk to and where this may take me.

I took weeknotes to November’s agile Sheffield as I wanted to pass the baton. We held a Retrospectives Dragon’s Den and I was really pleased at the response and great range of ideas shared. Though, in the spirit of openness, I’d better say I left early…

Being a meet-up co-host only has so much hold over me.

In my weeknotes pitch I spoke about sharing my thoughts and reflections, writing about ‘me’ and not focusing on others. How my thoughts may provide the answer to someone else’s problem. That my reflections may make someone realise it’s not just them. Where my own difficulties could be improved by collaborating with others. How I’ve started to make connections which may not have happened otherwise.

Dorian Grey?

I said that weeknotes aren’t like Dorian Grey — pretending everything is awesome and rushing headlong into the next ‘thing’ — product, idea or issue. That you don’t write notes to be hidden in a book to get old and dusty sat in a drawer. You publish them — shortcomings, errors, good deeds and all.

There were interesting and sometimes surprising feedback and questions from the Dragons and audience which I’ve stashed away for a future weeknote. I’ve previously said #10 will be my retrospective on writing out-loud.

That’s all folks — nearly. I did say this was weeknotes(ish).

And finally…almost completely unrelated, the comparison is unsound but it was a comeback too.

Not my video and the quality is crap. It was a a bloody great comeback in 2011 after too many years away.

Whatever or whoever is your ‘Gabriel’ I hope they are with you now or you find them in 2018.

