Does Physical Exercise Bolster Mental Health

Kaustav Bardhan
3 min readApr 10, 2024


Pushing ourselves to our physical limits causes a ripple effect that transcends beyond generic health benefits.

We all know that regular exercise leads to a healthier body and is an effective lever to enhance our quality of life. But the physical pain that we put ourselves through, momentarily leaves permanent imprints on us mentally. Let me explain.

So, our brain is the central control unit, everything that we do, feel, and experience is processed through it. There is a two-way communication happening between the brain and the body, continuously.

Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

Doing rigorous exercise regularly, not only changes our physique but changes brain chemistry significantly. Thus, influencing our mood, mindset, and mental health. Weight training, cardiovascular protocols, yoga, running, swimming. etc are all ways through which we can achieve these positive mental states.

Let’s look at some of the key mental benefits of pushing ourselves at the gym.

· Production of BDNF:

BDNF or Brain Derived-Neurotrophic Factor is an essential protein that facilitates neural growth in our brains. It is the fundamental building block of neuronal plasticity and helps us learn new skills while bolstering active recall.

Working out also releases a potent cocktail of endorphins, which are the motivational and happy hormones. All these together foster a positive, and stable mental landscape.

· Positive Self Image:

Working out consistently leads to favorable physical changes. We tend to lose excess body fat, which leads to a more aesthetic body composition. Increased muscle mass leads to better posture, which makes us look more confident.

Photo by King Lip on Unsplash

Being proud of your outlook acts like a self-reinforcing feedback loop, as physical progress leads to mental progress and vice versa.

· Discipline, both Mental & Physical:

Sticking to a workout program, maintaining the diet, and sticking it out for the long game are all tough challenges in today’s instant gratification world. But the fruits of these sacrifices are far greater than any cheap dopamine hit.

When we stick to a workout routine and maintain ancillary health habits, we internalize the principle of delayed gratification. It cultivates self-discipline, which in turn strengthens mental fortitude. We sacrifice short-term pleasure so that we reap the benefits of long-term gratification.

Photo by Jack Sharp on Unsplash

As a result, we become more centered mentally, making us more adept at handling the unpredictable nature of life. So, irrespective of our fitness goals, we all should take some time off our busy schedules to brush up against our physical limits.

