Applicative Functors for multiple arguments

Alex Kelley
9 min readNov 27, 2018


This is Tutorial 18 in the series Make the leap from JavaScript to PureScript. Be sure to read the series introduction where I cover the goals & outline, and the installation, compilation, & running of PureScript. I will be publishing a new tutorial approximately once-per-month. So come back often, there is a lot more to come!

Index | << Introduction < Tutorial 17 | Tutorial 19 > Tutorial 27 >>

In this tutorial, I’m going to show how you can apply a function to multiple functor arguments by using the Applicative Functor. In essence, this type class extends the map method from the Functor class to enable function application to more than just one functor value. It can also lift functions of zero arguments and values into a functorial type constructor. So you can think of Applicative as having a couple more superpowers over Functor.

Applicative functors are not only related to Functors, but also to Monads (more on this below). So, before going into applicative functors in detail, I’ll review the Functor and Monad type classes, which we covered in Tutorial 14 and Tutorial 16, respectively. You’ll find all the code examples in this tutorial, in my github repository.

I borrowed this series outline, and the javascript code samples with permission from the course Professor Frisby Introduces Composable Functional JavaScript by Brian Lonsdorf — thank you, Brian! A fundamental assumption of each tutorial is that you’ve watched his video before tackling the equivalent PureScript abstraction featured in this tutorial. Brian covers the featured concepts exceptionally well, and I feel it’s better that you understand its implementation in the comfort of JavaScript.

Quick Functor review

As we learned from Tutorial 14, the definition of a functor is pretty straightforward–it is any type constructor that supports a map operation:

map :: ∀ a b. (a → b) → f a → f b

Here, f is any type constructor, such as a list, or even a 'non-containery' one, such as the function type constructor ( (→ ) r) = r → b. A functor also obeys a few laws. The first law is the preservation of function composition while mapping. The second law is even more straightforward; it shows that mapping over a functor with the identity function produces the same result as applying the identity function to the functor.

Would you like to superclass your order?

In my Monad tutorial, I mentioned that there is the pure method which lifts a value or expression into a functor type constructor. At last, we can give this type of functor a name – Applicative Functor. Moreover, any applicative functor, for which you can call the bind method on, is a Monad. So essentially, the Functor, Applicative Functor, and Monad type classes (in this order) add more methods to its predecessor while adhering to their laws.

map f a <*> a ≡ pure f <*> a

Using the above logic, we say that Functor is a superclass of Applicative because you can give an instance of Functor to any Applicative Functor:

As for <*> in the above example, it is the infix operator for the apply method, which I'll cover shortly.

In turn, Applicative is a superclass of Monad because you can give an instance of Applicative to any Monad:

f <*> a ≡ do 
f' <- f
a' <- a
pure (f' a')

In the above example, recall from Tutorial 16 that <- is the assignment operator in a do block, which unwraps the value or function from its type constructor and assigns it to a variable name.

Quick Monad review

To be considered a Monad, a type constructor must not only be able to accept the map and pure methods, but it must also support the bind method, whose infix operator is (>==). This operation has the same meaning as chain or flatMap in other functional programming languages. The main purpose of bind is to prevent double nesting of a type constructor when applying multiple sequential operations on it; avoiding messes like Just (Just a). Like Functor and Applicative, Monads have laws - the Associativity law, and the Left and Right Identity laws and m, respectively. Now, with our Functor and Monad review out of the way, we're ready to tackle applicative functors.

Applicative Functor

In Brian’s video, he points out that Applicative is, in effect, flipping map around to allow us to apply a function to multiple functor arguments, instead of just one. In Javascript, Brian named this apply method ap and added it to our Box object:

const Box = x =>
ap: b2 =>,
map: f => Box(f(x))

Here, x is our function and b2 is the Box holding a value. Translating Brian's example from his video, let's break out our familiar Box constructor to try and add two numbers together (e.g., Box 2 and Box 3) in PureScript. Using the PureScript REPL (i.e., $ purs repl), with just our Functor powers alone, map limits us to a partial application of (+) to the first argument:

> :t (+) `map` (Box 2)
Box (Int -> Int)

Using map results in a function and a value wrapped in Box with no way to apply Box 3 to get our final result. You can try (+) `map` (Box 2) `map` (Box 3) in the REPL to convince yourself of this fact (spoiler alert – it returns a compiler error).

Instead, we’ll lean on a method belonging to the Apply type class, appropriately named apply. This method allows us to map a function over multiple functor arguments, thereby dropping the single argument limitation of map:

>: t Box (+) `apply` Box 2 `apply` Box 3 
Box Int

Note that, like <$> (i.e., the infix operator for map), apply has its own infix operator <*>. So we can rewrite the above examples idiomatically in the REPL as:

> :t (+) <$> Box 2 -- line 1 
Box (Int -> Int)
> :t pure (+) <*> Box 2 -- line 2
Box (Int → Int)
> pure (+) <*> Box 2 <*> Box 3 -- line 3
Box 5
> (+) <$> Box 2 <*> Box 3 -- line 4
Box 5

Notice that on line 4, I combined both map and apply to obtain the same result, as using apply consecutively in the expression (shown in line 3). This is, perhaps the most idiomatic approach, but the choice is yours. Whether you wish to use a combination of map and apply or use apply by itself. If it's the latter then first be sure to use pure to lift the function into your type constructor before applying the functorial argument.

Now, it should be no surprise that when comparing the type signatures of <$> and <*>, they’re almost identical:

-- | map 
(<$>) :: Functor f ⇒ (a → b) → f a → f b
-- | apply
(<*>) :: Applicative f ⇒ f (a → b) → f a → f b

The only difference is that apply expects that you have lifted the function (a → b) into the type constructor f (did anyone mention pure?).

Using the lift helper methods

Stringing multiple functor arguments together with apply can become tedious quickly:

pure (+) <*> Box 2 <*> Box 3 <*> Box 4 ...

Instead, the Control.Apply package provides us with a few helper methods, lift2, lift3, lift4, etc. that help to shorten our code. The number in the name of these methods represents the number of functorial arguments. For example, using the REPL, we can rewrite our "add two numbers contained in Box" using lift2 like this:

> import Control.Apply
> :t lift2
lift2 :: forall a b c f. Apply f => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
> lift2 (+) (Box 2) (Box 3)
Box 5

We see that lift2 takes care of lifting our function (+) into a Box and applying it to Box 2 and Box 3 to get our result Box 5. Ok, we're well on our way to understanding the Applicative Functor. To close this tutorial, we'll officially cover the pure method along with the functor laws for Applicative.

Use the pure method to do your lifting

For the sake of completeness, let’s formally cover the pure method. Earlier we saw that map gives us the ability to lift a function of one argument to work on a value wrapped in a Functor type constructor. We later saw that the apply method gives us the ability to apply functions of two or more arguments wrapped in an applicative type constructor.

From the examples above, notice we use the pure method, which is part of the Control.Applicative module, to wrap functions or even values in an applicative type constructor. From the documentation, the Applicative type class extends the Apply type class with a pure function, which can be used to create values of type f a from values of type a. That is, pure :: forall a f. Applicative f => a -> f a. Together, these two classes give us the methods we need for a type constructor to become an Applicative Functor.

Applicative Functor Laws

As George Wilson likes to joke in his Functor talks, “Functors have laws!”. So it should be no surprise that the Applicative Functor has laws too. As you may recall, Applicative adds additional capability to Functor. So, naturally, it inherits the laws from Functor (i.e., Identity and Composition) and some additional ones.

1. Identity 
pure identity <*> v ≡ v
2. Homomorphism
(pure f) <*> (pure x) ≡ pure (f x)
3. Interchange
pure u <*> (pure y) ≡ (pure (_ $ y)) <*> pure u
4. Associative Composition
pure (<<<) <*> f <*> g <*> h ≡ f <*> (g <*> h)
  1. The Identity law shows that applying the identity function to an applicative value v does nothing; it's the same as v.
  2. The Homomorphism law shows that applying a pure function f to a pure value x is the same as applying pure directly to the function evaluation f x.
  3. The Interchange law says that applying a “pure” function u to a pure value, pure y, is the same as applying pure (_ $ y) to the pure function u. Note that (_ $ y) is a higher order function, meaning it supplies y to another function.
  4. Associative composition says that applying a composed morphism (i.e., the expression to the left of <*>) gives the same result as applying f to the result of g applied to h.

Keep these in your back pocket to help you in forming your expressions that take advantage of Applicative Functors.

What good is an Applicative Functor?

In the next two tutorials, we’re going to cover some useful applications for Applicatives. The punchline is that they help to avoid a lot of boilerplate and complexity when you’re working with functors. For example, the Maybe applicative functor represents the side-effect of possibly-missing values. Phil Freeman, in his book, PureScript by Example, shows how you can use apply together with the Maybe type constructor to validate multiple fields within an address book, that may have missing values:

> import Data.Maybe
> lift3 address (Just "123 Fake St.) Nothing (Just "CA")

Applicative functors are also a great type constructor for implementing concurrency. Imagine we want to fetch two pieces of data from two separate APIs. With an Applicative Functor, we can take advantage of concurrency by fetching both arguments simultaneously, whereas a Monad cannot run concurrently due to the serial nature of the bind operation (>>=).

Updating Data.Box to support Applicative

If you review the source code, you’ll find that I added two new class instances to our familiar Data.Boxtype constructor. From the Apply and Applicative classes, I implemented the apply and pure methods, respectively to add Applicative Functor support for our Box.

instance applyBox :: Apply Box where 
apply (Box f) (Box x) = Box (f x)
instance applicativeBox :: Applicative Box
where pure = Box

Note that the equivalent to pure in Brian's javascript file (i.e., box.js) is of, declared in the module's exports:

const Box = x => 
ap: box2 =>, // x is a function here
map: f => Box(f(x)),
module.exports = { Box, of: Box }


In this tutorial, we learned what it fully means to be an Applicative Functor. We hinted at it in the Functor and Monad tutorials, because we relied on the method pure from the Applicative class to lift a value into a Functor or Monad type constructor. Now with the introduction of apply, which is used to apply functions to two or more functorial values, we finally have all the pieces in place. By using the pure method, we can also lift functions of zero arguments or values into a functorial type constructor.

In summary, for a type constructor to be an Applicative Functor, it must have implementations of the pure and apply methods. The Applicative Functor has laws which inherit the laws from Functor (i.e., Identity and Composition); adding Homomorphism and Interchange to the lot.

That’s all for now. In my next tutorial, we’ll start using our newly found Applicative powers to remove some messy boilerplate and complexity that map alone cannot solve. If you are enjoying this series, then please help me to tell others by recommending this article and favoring it on social media. Thank you and till next time!



Alex Kelley

I work on technologies that simplify the creation and enjoyment of web applications.