Apply multiple functors as arguments to a function (Applicatives)

Alex Kelley
7 min readDec 21, 2018


Note: This is Tutorial 19 in the series Make the leap from JavaScript to PureScript . Be sure to read the series introduction where we cover the goals & outline, and the installation, compilation, & running of PureScript. I’ll be publishing a new tutorial approximately once-per-month. So come back often, there’s a lot more to come!

Index | << Introduction < Tutorial 18 | Tutorial 20 > Tutorial 27 >>

In the last tutorial, I introduced the Applicative Functor for applying a function to multiple functor arguments. Now, I’m going to show a practical example of this functor — getting a web page’s screen height from the DOM. However, first, I’ll give a quick refresher on Applicative Functors then dive right into the example.

I borrowed this series outline, and the javascript code samples with permission from the course Professor Frisby Introduces Composable Functional JavaScript by Brian Lonsdorf — thank you, Brian! A fundamental assumption of each tutorial is that you’ve watched his video before tackling the equivalent PureScript abstraction featured in this tutorial. Brian covers the featured concepts exceptionally well, and I feel it’s better that you understand its implementation in the comfort of JavaScript.

You’ll find the text and code examples for this tutorial on Github. If you read something that you feel could be explained better, or a code example that needs refactoring, then please let me know via a comment or send me a pull request.

Quick Applicative Functor review

From the last tutorial, we learned that the Applicative Functor type class extends the map method by enabling function application to more than one functor value. Also, it can lift functions of zero arguments or values into a functorial type constructor. To accomplish the former we use the apply method, and the latter is achieved using pure. For example, using the PureScript REPL, we can play with our old friend the Box type constructor to see how apply and pure work:

> import Prelude
> import Control.Apply
> import Control.Applicative
> import Data.Box
> pure (+) `apply` (pure 2) `apply` (pure 3) :: Box Int
Box 5

The pure method, from the Control.Applicative module, lifted our addition function (+) and the values 2, and 3 into our Box constructor. The apply method, from PureScript's Control.Apply module, maps Box (+) over the arguments Box 2 and Box 3 to calcuate and return Box 5. Note, we could have assigned these functor arguments to Box directly (e.g., Box (+)) without using pure. However, in production code, I prefer to use it in case I decide to change the name of the type constructor later on. This way it's a simple name change to one or more arguments in a function's type declaration, avoiding error-prone edits to arguments within the body of the function. We also learned that there's an infix operator for apply, namely <*>:

> (+) <$> (pure 2) <*> (pure 3) :: Box Int
Box 5

Recall that map, whose infix operator is <$>, enables the substitution of pure, and one apply from an applicative expression. Thus, from the above, map takes care of lifting our function into Box , such that + can be partially applied to each argument within Box to obtain the result of the addition.

Also, there are helper methods lift2, lift3, lift4, etc., that help to shorten our code even further. The number in the name of these methods represents the number of functorial arguments to the function. For example:

> lift2 (+) (pure 2) (pure 3) :: Box Int
Box 5

Calculating webpage screen height

Now that our refresher is complete, we’re ready to calculate the screen height from the DOM. I translated Brian’s JavaScript code directly into PureScript, so be sure to review his code first, so that you understand the context of this example.

I chose to model the Selector DOM node element using a record type; creating an instance of show to help log the screen height to the console:

newtype Selector = 
Selector { selector :: String , height :: Int } instance
showSelector :: Show Selector where
show (Selector s) = show s.height

If you’re not familiar with the newtype keyword, this algebraic data type (ADT) gives us the ability to name an existing type constructor. In our case it’s is a record describing the name of the selector and its height. There is no performance penalty from using newtypes because its values have the same runtime representation as the underlying type. Be sure to check out 5.12 Algebraic Data Types from 'PureScript by Example' for further details.

Next, we’ll stub in a function that takes a fake DOM node element name as an argument, and uses this name to construct a Selector. We'll wrap the Selector in an Either constructor, introduced in Tutorial 3 to factor in the possibility of an error when retrieving this DOM node:

getSelector :: String -> Either Error Selector
getSelector selector =
pure $ Selector { selector, height: 10 }

Note once again our use of the pure method, which lifts functions or values into a functorial type constructor; be it a Functor, Applicative, or Monad type class. We used it to lift Selector into the Either type class constructor. Remember that this function is just a stub, and therefore there are no side-effects. So getSelector always returns Right $ Selector { selector, height: 10 }.

Here is the function that calculates our screen size height:

getScreenSize :: Int -> Selector -> Selector -> Selector getScreenSize screen (Selector header) (Selector footer) =
Selector { selector: "screen"
, height: screen - (header.height + footer.height)

This example is an excellent representation of PureScript’s pattern matching capabilities. Notice that we reference both the header and footer from inside the Selector type constructor, enabling the ability to calculate the height of our screen without any contortions. Nice!

Next, I’ll show two approaches for retrieving the header and footer selectors, before calling getScreenSize. The first approach is sequential, retrieving the header and footer by treating our Selector constructor as a monad. Hopefully, monads are familiar already. If not, then read You've been using Monads! first, before proceeding.

Treating Selector as a Monad

result1A :: Either Error Selector 
result1A =
(getSelector "header") >>=
\header -> (getSelector "footer") >>=
\footer -> pure $ getScreenSize 800 header footer

As a first cut, I might use monad chaining to retrieve the header size argument, followed by the footer. The above shows how to chain these two arguments using the bind operator >>=. However, from Tutorial 16, we know that chaining becomes difficult to read rapidly. Thus, for threading two or more arguments onto the next computation, I think that a do block is better for readability.

result1B :: Either Error Selector
result1B = do
header <- getSelector "header"
footer <- getSelector "footer"
pure $ getScreenSize 800 header footer

Treating Selector as an Applicative

Now onto the crux of this tutorial. Given that retrieval of both the header and footer nodes are independent operations, let’s treat the Selector constructor as an Applicative Functor and use apply to retrieve these arguments in parallel.

result2 :: Either Error Selector
result2 =
pure (getScreenSize 800) <*> (getSelector "header") <*>
(getSelector "footer")
-- | Shorten result2 by using lift2
result3 :: Either Error Selector
result3 = lift2 (getScreenSize 800) (getSelector "header")
(getSelector "footer")

The above example shows two approaches; result2 uses the infix operator for apply, namely <*>. The result3 function is slightly shorter because it uses the lift2 helper method; declaring the two arguments required by the function.

There is actually one more approach, introduced in PureScript compiler version 0.12, which takes advantage of Applicative do-notation. The syntax is similar to do-notation, which we saw in result1B from the code example above. However, instead of treating Selector as a monad, we use the ado keyword to tell the compiler to treat it as an Applicative. We also replace pure with the in keyword.

A key motivation for ado is that Applicative syntax can be difficult to read and write, particularly when there are more than two functorial arguments. For example (co-opted from the Glasgow Haskell Compiler documentation):

(\x y z → x*y + y*z + z*x) <$> expr1 <*> expr2 <*> expr3vs.ado 
x <- expr1
y <- expr2
z <- expr3
in (x*y + y*z + z*x)

shows how we can make use of all the applicative benefits while still being able to use do-notation sugar. Similarly, rewriting our getScreenSizeexample to take advantage of Applicative do-notation is a trivial exercise:

result4 :: Either Error Selector
result4 = ado
header <- getSelector “header”
footer <- getSelector “footer
in getScreenSize 800 header footer

As a final point, I should mention that this all works thanks to currying, which I covered in Tutorial 17. That is, getScreenSize becomes a series of nested functions. This means that the expression result = getScreenSize 800 (getSelector "header") (getSelector "footer") is transformed to f1 = getScreenSize 800 ; f2 = f1 (getSelector "header") ; and result = f2 (getSelector "footer") .


In this tutorial, we saw an example of how to employ Applicatives in our code. Whenever you need to apply a function to multiple functorial arguments, and their calculation or retrieval is independent of one another, then it’s best to treat the type constructor as an Applicative, rather than a Monad (see Treating Selector as an Applicative). This way, we can calculate or retrieve the function's arguments in parallel. On the hand, if the value of one or more function arguments is dependent on the value of another argument, then treat the type constructor as a Monad. This approach calculates or retrieves the arguments sequentially; threading the values through the monad until you have your final result (see Treating Selector as a Monad).

I hope, with this practical example, you found the concept of applying multiple functors as arguments to a function (i.e., Applicatives) to be easy to understand. In the next tutorial, I’ll show another practical example using list comprehensions. That is, using an Applicative Functor to create a list based on existing lists. If you’re enjoying these tutorials, then please help me to tell others by recommending this article and favoring it on social media. Thank you and until next time!



Alex Kelley

I work on technologies that simplify the creation and enjoyment of web applications.