Leapfrogging types with Traversable

Alex Kelley
8 min readSep 15, 2019


Note: This is Tutorial 22 in the series Make the leap from JavaScript to PureScript. Be sure to read the series introduction where we cover the goals & outline, and the installation,compilation, & running of PureScript. I’ll be publishing a new tutorial approximatelyonce-per-month. So come back often, there’s a lot more to come!

Index | << Introduction < Tutorial 21 | Tutorial 23 > Tutorial 27 >>

In the last tutorial, we concluded our extensive exploration of Functor type classes, by ending with the Applicative Functor. Now, in this tutorial, we'll look at a new type class that has a relationship with Functor, called Traversable. Throughout our Functor exploration the transformation functions processed the elements within a Functor type class (using map, apply or bind) while preserving the structure of the original Functor. For example, map (\x -> x + 1) [1, 2, 3] takes the array [1, 2, 3] and returns a new array [2, 3, 4], leaving the outer structure intact. However, what if we what to change the original Functor to another type constructor? For example, perhaps we want Array String to become `Maybe (Array String)~ to reflect the overall success or failure of our transformation function. That is the topic of this and the next tutorial - commuting two types, turning the these structures inside out.

I borrowed this series outline, and the JavaScript code samples with permission from the egghead.io course Professor Frisby Introduces Composable Functional JavaScript by Brian Lonsdorf — thank you, Brian! A fundamental assumption is that you’ve watched his video on the topic before tackling the equivalent PureScript abstraction featured in this tutorial. Brian covers the featured concepts exceptionally well, and I feel it’s better that you understand its implementation in the comfort of JavaScript.

You’ll find the text and code examples for this tutorial on Github. If you read something that you feel could be explained better, or a code example that needs refactoring, then please let me know via a comment or send me a pull request. Also, before leaving, please give it a star to help me publicize these tutorials.

One final review of functors

I mentioned above that Traversable has a relationship with the Functor type class. To help explain this relationship, let's take stock of the functors we have covered thus far. Back in Tutorial 14, we started with the most basic and ubiquitous type class in functional programming, namely the Functor. Any type constructor that supports a mapping operation is considered a Functor. Examples of Functor type constructors include List, Array, Maybe, Task, Either, and many more. The map operation allows us to transform the elements inside the Functor uniformly while preserving the structure and shape of the type constructor.

In Tutorial 18, we looked at the Applicative Functor, which is a subclass of Functor that adds the apply and pure operations. The apply operation is similar to map, but it differs because it acts on transformation functions that are wrapped in a functor. We do that using pure , which lifts a value or expression into Functor. Then we can apply (i.e., <*>) this function over multiple functor arguments; for example: pure (+) <*> [1] <*> [2, 3] = [3, 4].

Finally, in Tutorial 16, we covered the Monad type class, which is a subclass of the Applicative Functor. Monad not only supports the map and pure operations, but also bind. The bind operation helps to prevent double nesting of the Functor when applying multiple sequential operations to it; avoiding messes like Just (Just a).

With our review out of functors out of the way, we can move on to Traversable, which holds a relationship with Functor.

The Traversable Class

I mentioned that the Traversable type class has a relationship with functors. That's because every Traversable is an Applicative Functor that is Foldable. By Foldable, I mean type constructors that can be folded, such as a List or Array, to return a value. I didn't cover Data.Foldable formally, but we looked at a couple of its methods, foldMap and foldr in Tutorial 10. Like map, the two operations within the Traversable class allow us to transform the elements within the Functor. Moreover, like Foldable, we accumulate the results and effects of this transformation function along the way into an Applicative Functor.

For a simple example, imagine you have an array of string elements that you wish to parse, but one or more of these elements may be invalid. The function signature is, parseStrings :: Array String -> Array (Maybe String), where the Maybe type constructor represents the possibility of a valid or invalid string. If this is what we want, then the map operation suffices - map (\x -> Maybe x) (Array String) = Array (Maybe String) However, what if we want parseStrings to signal a failure whenever it encounters an invalid string within the array? In this case, our type signature becomes parseStrings :: Array String -> Maybe (Array String). Unfortunately map is not up to this task; therefore, we rely on one of the member functions from the Traversable class to help complete this job.

Member functions

There are two member functions associated with Traversable, sequence and traverse . The sequence operation is perhaps the simplest to grok. From the purescript REPL (i.e., pulp psci), you see that sequence turns our foldable functor structure inside out:

> import Data.Traversable 
> :t sequence
forall a m t. Traversable t => Applicative m => t (m a) -> m (t a)

For example, imagine you have Array (Maybe a), but you want to transform it to Maybe (Array a) , to signal the overall success or failure of the transformation function used to process the array elements. Let's try a few examples at the REPL to work it out:

> import Data.Traversable 
> import Data.Maybe
> p = \x -> if (x > 0) then (Just x) else Nothing
> process1 = map p [1, 2, 3]
> sequence process1
Just [1, 2, 3]
> process2 = map p [1, -1, 3]
> sequence process2

From the above, sequence lifts the resulting accumulation outside of the structure, turning it inside out. Thus, when all the elements pass the predicate function (e.g., process1, it returns Just (Array Int). When one of the elements fails the predicate function (i.e., process2), it returns Nothing.

The sequence function is perfectly fine, assuming you've processed every element within the Foldable structure in advance. However, you may be wondering whether there's also a way to act on every element at the same time. For this type of functionality, we use traverse :

> import Data.Traversable 
> :t traverse
forall a b m t. Traversable t => Applicative m => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)

Using the same predicate function from above, we can play with traverse in the purescript REPL:

> import Data.Traversable 
> import Data.Maybe
> p = \x -> if (x > 0) then (Just x) else Nothing
> traverse p [1, 2, 3]
Just [1, 2, 3]
> traverse p [1, -1, 3]

In summary, whenever we want to commute two types like this, what we can do instead of calling map followed by sequence is to call traverse. It's nice and short!

From the above example, we can also infer that sequence is equivalent to traverse identity, where identity is the identity function \x -> x. Fun fact - the sequence operation is actually implemented in the purescript library using traverse identity (See purescript-foldable-traversable). Also, vice versa, traverse f xs is equivalent to sequence (map f xs).

Now, with the sequence and traverse operations in our back pocket, let's move onto the example from Brian's video.


In Brian’s video, we lean on our Task module (see Tutorial 13) once again to read multiple files asynchronously, wrapping each file in a Task:

const fs = require('fs') 
const Task = require('data.task')
const futurize = require('futurize').futurize(Task)
const { List } = require('immutable-ext')
const readFile = futurize(fs.readFile)
const files = ['box.js', 'config.json']
const res = files.map(fn => readFile(fn, 'utf-8'))

which returns an array of tasks:

Terminal output:

[ Task { fork: [Function], cleanup: [Function] }, Task { fork: [Function], cleanup: [Function] } ]

The problem becomes knowing when all the Tasks finish and how to fork each one. We’ll solve this shortly with traverse. First, here's how to achieve the equivalent example in purescript:

files :: Array String
files = ["./resources/Box.purs", "./resources/config.json"]
taskReadTextFile :: String → TaskE Error String
taskReadTextFile fname =
tryReadTextFile :: String → Effect (Either Error String)
tryReadTextFile fname_ = try $ readTextFile UTF8 fname_
newTask $ \callback → do
tryReadTextFile fname >>= \r →
callback $ either (\e → rej e) (\s → res s) r
pure $ nonCanceler
main :: Effect unit
main =
void $ launchAff $
map (\x -> taskReadFile x) files #
(\rs -> Console.log $ show rs)

Note that the last line generates a compiler error because there’s no class instance of show for TaskE. We don't need to write it, but if we did, then we could make the text look similar to the terminal output from the JavaScript code above.

Let’s move onto the solution we’re seeking, by turning these type constructors inside out, so that Task is on the outside of the Array.

main :: Effect Unit 
main =
void $ launchAff $
traverse (\x → taskReadTextFile x) files #
fork (\e → Console.error $ show e)
(\rs → Console.log $ foldl (<>) "" rs)

Upon executing traverse (\x -> taskReadfile x) files, the resulting type is TaskE (Array String), assuming there were no errors while reading our files. Then, after executing fork, we concatenate the array elements using foldl and log the text from each of the files to the console. Otherwise, the type result becomes TaskE Error.


In this tutorial, we introduced a new type class, Traversable that holds a relationship with the Foldable and Functor type classes. The member functions within Traversable will commute two types: t (m a) -> m (t a). Here t belongs to Foldable and Functor type classes, and m is an Applicative Functor, confirming there is the relationship mentioned above.

Example use cases for Traversable, covered above, include signaling the overall success or failure of a function when mapping (a -> m b) over a foldable functor of elements t a. We can use sequence $ map (a -> m b) (t a) or the shorter traverse (a -> m b) (t a) operation. The result is the same - m (t b), turning these two types, m and t, inside out. We can also leverage Traversable to execute multiple Tasks within a foldable structure and fork the entire structure at once to end up with a list of results.

In the next tutorial, we’ll continue with another example of using Traversable to resolve a list of tasks of HTTP requests. That's all for now. If you are enjoying these tutorials, then please help me to tell others by recommending this article and favoring it on social media. Till next time!



Alex Kelley

I work on technologies that simplify the creation and enjoyment of web applications.