How to Be a Quicker Thinker: 8 Techniques to Enhance Your Thinking Speed

Kepler's Team
4 min readApr 17, 2024


By Iryna Smuk

Key Takeaways:

  • Should people think quickly, they report feeling happier as a result.
  • Just like any other muscle in your body, your brain needs regular exercise to stay sharp.
  • Learning a new skill or hobby that requires quick reflexes can help enhance your cognitive agility.
  • An integral aspect of quick thinking involves acknowledging your own value and capacity to excel.
  • Practicing meditation or deep breathing exercises allows you to process information more rapidly.
  • Poor sleep and unhealthy food harm thinking quickly.
  • To cultivate quick thinking abilities, it is essential to say “no” to multitasking.
  • Broadening your understanding of various subjects accelerates your ability to think faster.

Have you ever been in a situation where you wished to think faster? Nowadays, thinking quickly is one of the most valuable skills. It can give you a significant advantage when facing a challenging problem at work or trying to make decisions in daily life.

Should people think quickly, they report feeling happier as a result. They also say they are more energetic, more creative, more powerful, and more self-assured — according to Princeton University psychologist Emily Pronin.

If you feel your mind isn’t quite as nimble as you’d like, fortunately, it is not a fixed trait but can be developed and improved with practice.

So, let’s take a look at 8 key techniques to enhance your thinking speed.


First and foremost, give your brain a regular workout by engaging in activities that require quick thinking. Remember, just like any other muscle in your body, your brain needs regular exercise to maintain its sharpness.

Brainteasers, puzzles, and strategic games like chess or Sudoku help strengthen your intellect and improve your ability to make fast, accurate decisions.

Related: Boost Your Memory: Exercises and Methods.


Getting involved in new hobbies is another smart move. Your brain fires with excitement when you do something new, forming new connections between neurons.

Learning a new skill or hobby that requires quick reflexes, for instance, playing a musical instrument or practicing martial arts, can help enhance your cognitive agility. These pathways boost your ability to tackle unfamiliar tasks more efficiently and swiftly. Thus, don’t be afraid — explore, learn, and embrace the unknown.

Related: Top 7 Easiest Languages to Learn with Your English Knowledge.


Self-doubt is a frequent difficulty that many people encounter. Some may feel that their thoughts are unworthy to be taken into account, which often leads them to dismiss their ideas from bringing them to the table.

Therefore, an integral aspect of quick thinking involves acknowledging your own value. By affirming your capacity to excel, you are reinforcing the idea that your contributions hold significance.

Related: The Habits Confident Individuals Leave Behind.


When faced with decisions of little consequence, don’t dwell on them excessively. Opt for a swift resolution and proceed forward. Doing so will allow you to allocate your time and energy to concentrate on critical aspects of the matter at hand.

Such a technique enables you to streamline your thought process. It allows you to think faster and facilitates the swift progression of tasks or discussions.

Related: Best Techniques for Effective Problem Solving.


Consider incorporating mindfulness techniques into your daily routine. Practicing meditation or deep breathing exercises can help improve focus and attention span. It allows you to process information more rapidly.

Breathing exercises can sharpen the mind​ and attention due to direct effects on the chemistry of our brains — according to the research (Trinity College Dublin 2018)

By practicing mindfulness regularly, you can train your brain to focus more effectively, reduce mental clutter, and improve your overall cognitive performance.


“Poor sleep has an adverse impact on thinking,” says sleep expert Dr. Lawrence Epstein, an instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School.

Because of this, obtaining adequate sleep can support the best possible brain health. Prioritizing rest ensures that your brain has the energy it needs to perform at its best.

Furthermore, the nutrients in the food you eat power your brain, influencing everything from memory and concentration to problem-solving and decision-making. Thus, maintaining a healthy diet is another crucial factor in boosting your cognitive function.

Related: Bedtime Habits to Enhance Sleep Quality.


You may think that juggling multiple tasks simultaneously leads to effectiveness and increased speed.

However, multitasking is a myth proved by the studies of the brain (Watson and Strayer 2010; Strayer and Watson 2012).

To cultivate quick thinking abilities, it is essential to dedicate your energy to a single task or concern, avoiding distractions from concurrent activities. You need to concentrate attention and prioritize addressing one matter at a time.

Related: 10 Common Daily Distractions Stealing Your Productivity.


Broadening your understanding of various subjects not only enriches your cognitive landscape but also accelerates your ability to think faster.

Here’s how you can actively acquire knowledge on topics that intrigue you:

  • Dive into books, articles, and online resources.
  • Watch documentaries or educational videos.
  • Visit local museums, art galleries, and historical sites.
  • Attend workshops and classes, seminars, or webinars.
  • Keep up with current events, scientific breakthroughs, and societal shifts.
  • While accumulating new knowledge, discern patterns, and connections.

Hence, becoming a quicker thinker is within reach with the right strategies and habits. By implementing these tips into your daily routine, you can sharpen your thinking speed and become more adept at navigating the challenges of modern life.

And remember, becoming a quicker thinker is a journey, not a destination!

Do you find yourself wishing you could think faster in certain situations? Tell us about it in the comments.

By the way, you may be interested in our article about The Essential Leadership Skills You Need To Develop.

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