My Favorite New Features of ClickHelp Wave Update

Kesi Parker
4 min readDec 23, 2022


FAQ on Technical Writing

ClickHelp, the best technical writing tool (in my humble opinion), has announced the Wave update. Although all the new features are great, I have chosen ones I will regularly use as a technical writer. So I’ll tell you about such improvements.

For example, now you can import Swagger/OpenAPI definitions into ClickHelp. I have been waiting for this feature for so long! It allows you to store API documentation and user guides in one platform. If you use different tools for creating various types of documentation, you can’t search through all your content in one portal — it’s inconvenient for your readers, too. Moreover, the design of your documentation is inconsistent. So importing a Swagger/OpenAPI definition to your portal helps you kill two birds with one stone.

After importing such files into ClickHelp, you will get a particular node in TOC. However, it doesn’t mean that you don’t need Swagger anymore — contrariwise, you can create or edit definitions in Swagger and refresh the API docs in ClickHelp.

For example, let’s import the following sample definition, which is written in JSON:

  1. Open your project and click IMPORT.

2. Choose the appropriate format to import from (OpenAPI) and click NEXT.

3. Insert the sample definition URL and select NEXT again.

Congratulations! You have successfully imported the definition to your project.

Note that you can edit definitions only in Swagger and then update the imported topics in ClickHelp.

Reader Preview is another new feature. Thanks to the Wave update, you can find out how a project topic looks for readers without publishing. Just click the eye button and see your topic in the Reader UI.

If you want to return to the User Interface, click Exit preview mode.

I like this feature because it allows me to quickly switch between editing and previewing topics. I can save time for more important tasks.

Besides, you can work with smarter tables in ClickHelp. As a technical writer, I create a lot of tables with loads of information. Sometimes, it’s hard for readers to digest enormous amounts of data, so I always make tables more readable. As usual, ClickHelp helps me achieve this goal — now, I can mark tables as sortable.

To do so, you need to open Table Properties, tick the checkbox for Sorting allowed, and click OK.

Then you can sort the column data — this feature will help your readers find necessary information more quickly. For example, they can sort text alphabetically and numbers from lowest to highest and vice versa.

ClickHelp always delivers incredible features that help you create greater documentation. Now I’m happy that I can import Swagger/OpenAPI definitions and manage API docs and user guides in one platform. Besides, I can quickly preview topics and create easy-to-read tables. Read about other features here.

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Kesi Parker

Job position: Freelance Technical Writer. Read my FAQ to learn more about me!