These are the SDKs Pokemon Go Uses to Build a Hit Game
2 min readJul 12, 2016


WTF just happened in the world of apps? :)

Pokemon Go has taken over the world. So naturally we are very curious what SDKs they are using. We indexed it and the results are below. We’ll be launching a free website to show what mobile apps are using what SDKs.

Game Physics Engine: NVIDIA’s PhysX, Unity

Maps: Google Maps

Analytics: Crashlytics, Apteligent

User lifecycle analytics and Marketing: Upsight

In many ways, it’s pretty sparse as far as major SDKs go. It’s interesting to note which physics engine they are using.

The use of Crashlytics isn’t surprising but they are also using Apteligent (Crittercism) and UpSight. UpSight has some nifty gamer lifecycle management features, so it makes sense there.

There’s no ad SDK yet though Unity SDK does serve ad. I don’t think they are monetizing through Unity. As a Google spinout, they will likely add Google Ad SDK at some point I imagine. The ad SDK slot(s) is still open right now, so it’s anyone guess who will ultimately get to monetize it.

If you like this, you’ll like our other post on what SDKs other top apps like Uber, Airbnb and others use. If you are interested in our free service when we launch, sign up here to be notified.



We index Mobile Apps to show what SDKs and deep links Mobile Apps use. Follow uson Twitter @AppSightIO