The Root of Suffering: Imagined Scenarios

Fictional Fears to Factual Freedom

Khalimah Malik
3 min readAug 9, 2023
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It’s 6 am.

I’m up.

Sipping coffee.

And it dawns on me.

The realization that our mind’s self-created theater plays the most significant role in our distress. We cause our own suffering by focusing on imagined situations that haven’t occurred yet.

This realization isn’t novel, but its profound impact on our day-to-day lives is something we often overlook. Our minds, the intricate networks of neurons, and the myriad thoughts they spawn have been both our allies and adversaries.

They empower us to envision, innovate, and dream, yet ironically, they also concoct tales that trap us in cages of anxiety and fear. The predicament is straightforward.

We are living in a world of uncertainties. However, instead of navigating these uncertainties as they unfold, our minds prefer to choreograph their own versions of reality.

These mental projections often include “what if” questions, worst-case scenarios, or exaggerated expectations. In doing so, we divert our mental energy to situations that are entirely hypothetical, leaving us restless, anxious, and most importantly, missing out on the present.

To combat this requires a simple shift in perspective and practice. Here are three ways to liberate yourself from the shackles of these imagined realities.

1. Recognize Your Thoughts

The first step to any change is acknowledgment. Your thoughts, no matter how compelling, are mere constructs of the mind. It’s crucial to realize that these imaginations are not reflective of reality.

By being observant of our thought patterns and identifying when we get caught in the whirlwind of “what ifs,” we can begin the process of disengaging.

Accepting that these are mere mental fabrications helps in diluting their emotional charge. The more you practice this recognition, the easier it becomes to detach from distressing narratives your mind weaves.

2. Challenge Your Thoughts

Once you’ve recognized these speculative thoughts, it’s time to challenge them. More often than not, our imagined scenarios are tinted with bias, leaning either too pessimistic or overly optimistic.

Question the validity of your imagined scenarios.

Consider alternative outcomes or perspectives.

Replace negative thoughts with more positive or realistic ones.

3. Limit Exposure to Negativity

The environment you immerse yourself in plays a pivotal role in shaping your thoughts. In today’s digital age, we are constantly bombarded with information.

While staying informed is crucial, it’s equally essential to discern between valuable content and unnecessary noise. Trimming down on social media or news sources that predominantly breed anxiety and fear is a proactive approach. Instead, curate your environment.

Surround yourself with positive individuals who inspire and uplift you. Dive into hobbies and activities that rejuvenate your spirit and enhance your well-being.

The Wrap Up

The mind, with its ability to dream and imagine, is a double-edged sword. While it’s natural to slip into the trap of imagined scenarios now and then, you possess the power to steer clear of self-imposed suffering.

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Khalimah Malik | Founder of Society144



Khalimah Malik

Empower individuals to regain control of their minds and ascend to their highest potential |