The Unofficial Weekly Stratis Retrospect #24 — Khilone

Published in
6 min readMay 17, 2018

It’s time for The Unofficial Weekly Stratis Retrospect #24.

For anyone wanting to read my previous blogs, you can find them all here.

Disclaimer: Never take anything I say (or anyone else on the Internet says) to be investment advice. Consult with a professional, and extensively do your own research before ever investing into anything.

Stratis ICO Platform Production Release

On 9 May, 2018, Stratis accomplished a huge milestone. The first production release of a product, the Stratis ICO Platform. According to the CEO of Stratis, Chris Trew, with this platform, Stratis drastically improved the user experience for both ICO issuers and contributors. You can read about the release over here.

If you want to dig deeper into the ICO Platform, I suggest to read the documentation that’s available over here. You can also have a look at the video made by one of our community members. Some key features of the ICO Platform are:

  • KYC (Know Your Customer) by Onfido
  • Google Authenticator (2FA)
  • Contribution in Bitcoin (Maximum of 400) and $STRAT
  • Contribution of other coins through Changelly which are converted into $STRAT in the background

Since the launch of the ICO Platform, several companies already joined the Stratis Discord, asking questions and showing their interest in using the ICO platform.

Home screen customizable to an ICO own brand

KYC provided by Onfido

Invest with other coins through Changelly (Converted to $STRAT)

Google Authenticator (2FA Security)

Marketing of the Stratis ICO Platform

Since the release of the ICO Platform, there has been a lot of media coverage for Stratis. The one I would like to highlight is an article from Mashable. Mashable is a well-established website all around the world, they have over 10 million followers on Twitter. They released the following article: “Stratis had one of the biggest ICOs ever. Now it lets you launch your own.” You can read the article over here.

Stratis on the front page of Mashable

Stratis #4 on the Cryptocurrency Reddit generated over 10k views

Next to the media coverage mentioned above, a lot of other articles showed up:

GLUON updated ICO review

A while ago I released my ICO review on GLUON, which you can find over here. Since then a lot has happened, and that’s why I decided to write an update. An update, so that everyone that is interested can catch up and see what’s going on with GLUON. You can read the updated ICO review here.

Stratis Development Foundation (SDF)

In my previous weeklys, I told you about the SDF. It’s a community effort to help software developers to build on the Stratis Platform. It provides opportunities for a developer to earn bounties in $STRAT. To learn more about the SDF, have a look at a community member made video about it. You can watch the video over here.

Weekly Github Commits

You can have a look at last weeks commits over here. Here is a summary of last weeks commits:

This week on the github we can see a handful of commits in the main branch of the Stratis Full Node code base, mostly minor fixes and reorganization of code.

However we see a flurry of activity in the Smart Contracts alpha branch as they prepared for the release of Smart Contracts. In the past week over 63 code commits were made in preparation for the release. It seems like the team was working overtime to put as much polish on the release as possible. Most of the recent code changes are bug fixes and improvements to ability to test smart contracts.

However, one interesting commit to take note of is some work to create a standard similar to ERC20, but on Stratis. See

Given the success of ERC20 tokens on Ethereum, it seems obvious that Stratis would have an equivalent functionality, and it seems that the team is preparing this.

Jumpstart Blockchain for .NET Developers

On 16 May, 2018 Mahesh Chand will tell people about Blockchain. Henry He, will tell more about building a blockchain with .NET core. This event is sponsored by Stratis and already is fully booked (100 participants). There will be a live stream on Mixer.

$STRAT added as a payment option to

Last week Stratis ($STRAT) was added as a payment option on

CoinPayments supports $STRAT

CoinPayments released their Stratis CoinPayments blog, which you can read over here. In this blog CoinPayments said the following:

The blockchain solution they offer combines the recent advances in security and stability of Bitcoin, with the latest breakthroughs in network speed, scalability, and customization. They’ve essentially created a product that brings forth the best of both worlds. In an effort to increase the adoption of the Stratis coin, CoinPayments provides Stratis payment processing to allow merchants to accept payments in Stratis.


Thanks to ‘aBitGreedy’ for writing the Stratis Coin: Complete Guide 2018. It gives you a good overview of all the aspects regarding $STRAT, you can read the guide over here.

Chinese government

According to some media outlets, the Chinese government is planning to have an official blockchain rating system. They will rate 28 blockchains and it seems Stratis will be one of them according to the following news outlets:

Upcoming events

Mahesh Chand, team member of Stratis, released some new information on the upcoming events for Stratis.

Smart Contracts in C#

And as the cherry on the cake long-term community member ‘Acetmesis’ released an article about Smart Contracts in C#. This article comes at the right time just before the Smart Contracts Alpha release on 16 May, 2018.

I will cover Strat’s full release of their Smart Contracts in C# in more detail in my next weekly blog. For the time being (and since this already happened), I can’t help but link to their announcement here.

Read the article ‘Stratis’ C# Smart Contracts: the first smart contracts which can be deployed in C#’ over here.

That’s it for last week’s news. All the best to everyone!


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Other things to keep an eye at:




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