Preface for the Medium edition

Kirill Sopot
7 min readNov 30, 2015

Chapter 1 is here
Chapty 1.5 is here
Chapter 4 is here
Chapter 5&6 are here

This book was written back in 2013, rewritten about 10 times since than on different languages and never published. I waited many months to find an editor that I never searched for, to help me edit the book and finally decided to make a move and publish it at least somewhere.

Probably just to prove to myself that I can.
Or maybe to get it over with and not being afraid of writing further.
Or I am afraid I am gonna finally loose this PDF file from which I am copying it here.

If you see mistakes or feel like you would like to make any suggestions to the text, go ahead and suggest them in the comments, I will be happy to edit the book!

If you’d like it to be published, please also let me know in the comments. Would be very useful:)

From now on I will publish 1 Chapter a Day. Here it goes:

Chapter 2

<chapter has no content>

Chapter 3

Now as I have promised earlier. It is the time to introduce Little Prince.

Little Prince appeared on the Moon once and have started walking his way to the House. His movements were strict, sharp and Robotic. He was materialized in a wrong place and thus was programmed to make his way to the right one, the one he was supposed to appear at.

This is not unusual for the Heroes to be born away from the place of the start of their mission. The statistical research results have showed that only 90% of the Heroes on the Moon are materialized exactly at the point planned to be the start of their mission.

The remaining 10% would be born with the mission control GPS program activated in their heads. This program would turn on the autopilot of their body and lead it blindly towards the real starting point. Such is the nature of the experiment.

Just imagine how crazy would it be for the children of Earth to be born this 1 time out of 10, let’s say even 3 thousand miles away from the womb of their mothers, turn on an autopilot mode and walk back home, restless like robots. At the same time they wouldn’t have neither any memory, nor any emotion of what has happened. They are not suppose to, as their way was not meant to start the way it did. No memory of it, thus is necessary for the following life.

When Little Prince have entered the House for the first time the sun was bright and young and Gravedigger has already passed the mailbox on his way to the Graveyard.

By the evening Little Prince has already passed the grand room of the first floor reaching the large marble stairway — the entrance to the second floor.

Curiously enough the stairway had an unusual detail about its look: it disrespected completely all of the rules of perspective and thus looked very much like a medieval painting, the part of local decor. If Little Prince wouldn’t be operated by the “Survival Birth Program” (or whatever it is called) in his head, he might had even not recognize the masked pathway and yet he never slowed down in doubt and have reached his room before the sunrise. Their he put down his travelling backpack and fell asleep recovering his body and most importantly, his mind.

One of the other mornings later in time, Little Prince has woke up and found himself in a very old and shabby place.

The entire second floor of the House consisted out of materials and objects of different kind, size and nature, each serving a very different purpose. Walking around, scouting space Little Prince has found them lying, hanging, standing, craning and even flying all over the place within the geometrically absurd walls of the second floor.

Little Prince has also noticed that there were neither roof in this place, nor the clear sea of the stars as the results of its absence. Instead of them the large and dark incognito smoke spread across the ceiling.

Non of the objects around the room where having a single place where they belong. Some of them were occupying two or there places at the same time. The others were not even able to support a single shape, performing metamorphosis of all various kinds. The entire place was drowning in the confusion.

Walking the randomly formed labyrinths of it, Little Prince has met Little Chaos.

He looked like a human boy with the head of a little sheep. Sitting naked on a wooden floor he was drawing on the pieces of grey paper orange campfires, big enough to warm the entire room. The objects around those fires were changing their states twice more often and they moved around with greater velocity.

Little Chaos then turned only once, looked at Little Prince only once

and said only one word (in a German manner):


Having said this Little Chaos blew his drawings of the little palm and dissolved in the air. Within the next few seconds the fire has spread across the room and sucked immediately into all of the objects provoking the Greatest Chaos of all Times on the Moon.

The objects began to teleport, jump in time and change their forms, shapes and meanings with an incredible frequency. But most importantly, some of the most energetic began to spread right on the stairway, threatening to occupy the rest of the House and maybe the whole planet.

Immediate solutions and actions were required and Little Prince dazed by the incredible speed with which actions and consequences took place, eventually regained control over himself. His enemy went too deep into the heart of his kingdom and have spread the terrible disease on his people. His sacred mission was now to cure all of his objects and prevent the disease from spreading.

The only weapons available to Little Prince in his fight was “A small set of order”: pen and paper from his backpack and his arms from his shoulders. The war has began at the steps, the far frontiers where the impact of Chaos was not as strong, and slowly but surely progressed to the heart of the second floor.

To conquer the Confusion Little Prince has come up with the Method of Indexed Encyclopedia. Walking the pathways of Chaos he was describing, sketching and indexing in the alphabetical order all of the objects, one after another. The results were astonishing most of the objects then started to appear only in one state (some even stopped teleporting from place to place), but the confusion was still floating in the air provoking chaos.

As the days were growing old, dying and resurrecting, the time was making its run and Little Prince has launched the second part of his Campaign, sorting out the objects in the room into shelves, containers and boxes. Obviously while doing this he also has made the second edition of his “Giant Indexed Encyclopedia of the Lost and Found Articles of the Second Floor” to provide not only shelter to his objects (his people) but also remember and understand where each of them live. This part of the work required way more efforts than the first one. Nevertheless, ironically it was less successful.

Chaos was fighting back and some of the already indexed objects began to multiply and evolve into new un-indexed forms, returning the level of the confusion to its original state.

The biggest problem that Little Prince was facing now is the problem of multitasking. He needed to act simultaneously on the three different fronts. First of all, it was his final attack to the core of the Chaos in the center of the room. The confusion of objects there has reached such a level of density that it turned into a small independent organism with a primitive but evolving form of collective mind. This front alone was taking all of the forces and attention of Little Prince as without a constant organizational pressure it was quickly spreading over the neighboring, already civilized regions.

At the same time, as it was mentioned previously the problem of multiplication of the objects raised in the territories near the stairway. And this problem was growing exponentially as well, approaching Little Prince from the back.

Lastly, he needed to fight himself as well. Working without any sort of force regeneration and ignoring all of the suggested working-hours suggestions for the Heroes he was operating day and night fighting stoically on both fronts, using the untouchable key resources of his soul. And those resources contain energy that not only keep the Heroes alive, but most importantly make them who they are.

Eventually, the day has come when Little Prince have organized the entire floor cleaned it, gave name and shelter to all of the objects, broke the oppression of the “confusion sphere”, stopped the multiplication rebel and fell exhausted on the floor.

His mission came its end. The chaos of the second floor was overpowered and defeated. But surprisingly, no joy has followed his victory. Little Prince was lying on the floor struggling through an outrageous fatigue and yet no peace was coming upon his thoughts. Then, as he was about to lose his consciousness in order to regenerate some power and restart his mind a very cruel but entirely truthful series of thoughts have strike his mind:

“This is not the end and this is not the Victory. He has conquered the lands but the Country itself, the entire room, its walls and its ceiling were ill”

And this time Little Prince didn’t have a slightest idea of what can he do. In fact he didn’t even have enough powers to produce any kind of thoughts and ideas at that point and…

<loss of consciousness>

Chapter 4 is here
Love you and thank you for reading!

Share your comments! I would love to hear your feedback!



Kirill Sopot

🔥 | Writer | Speaker | Innovator | CEO & Chief Editor KICH WTF | Founder at KICH SALES LLC and Coliving Club.