Kitty Kad Marketplace Going Live

Kitty Kad Token
3 min readAug 21, 2022


It’s finally happening! I can buy all the kitties my heart desires! — most of the world

In the previous article we talked about the delays and considerations for the listing of Kitty Kads.
The good news is those have been worked through and we’ll be listing next week on the Bulls marketplace.


There were delays to list largely due to the fact that marmalade was not confirmed when Kitty Kads launched. A lot of people took inspiration from the Kitty Kad way of implementing NFT.
At the time of writing, there are 6 Kitty Kad style NFT projects live vs 1 Marmalade style live

Kitty Kads originally showed up to help Kadena grow, however we want to also help things grow alongside the way the Kadena foundation would like to guide things.

Having this sense of “responsibility”, we have decided to think about what consequences a marketplace implementation would have

So what’s happening, will you be on Marmalade?

Short answer — not for now (explained below).
Long answer — Kitties aims to be compatible with Marmalade style NFTs, just with a different implementation

Why not Marmalade for now?

Honestly it is to do with skepticism around Marmalade’s maturity. It feels like there is functionality missing that is preventing it from being in its final form.
It is a largely new way to approach marketplaces and has been heavily theoretical but has not been “battle tested”.
While exploring it (and based on feedback from other projects), there appear to be a few nuances that will likely be addressed in future iterations.

This means that kitties will need to be migrated to use Marmalade based implementation and then constantly be updated.
Personally I would like to use the time to keep developing and do the final migration later once things seem mature.

However, there are core ideas we want to keep. Particularly the concept that each NFT kind of defines its own marketplace. This helps avoid monopolies where NFTs all end up on the same marketplace.
Instead NFTs can be visible / listed on all marketplace websites at once. That is true decentralization and a big win for NFTs (huge thanks to the Kadena team for pushing this idea).

So how Kitty Kads be compatible with Marmalde style NFTs?

Short answer — one ring (interface) to rule the all
Long answer — there should be a “marketplace inteface” that different NFTs can use.

There has been a long discussion on Github to create a “Marketplace” interface that is compatible with Marmalade, extends the functionality and core principles of Marmalade but is not specific to the implementation of Marmalade.

This means that projects not on Marmalade can use the same interface as Marmalade projects (i.e. be compatible when it comes to buying / selling).

This means that projects using Kitty Kad style implementation (Bulls, Lazy Apes, Smashed Spiders etc.), Marmalade style (Babenas) and Gallinas (based on the pre-Marmalade interface) will all be compatible.

For now, this interface has been nicknamed “Butter” — butter does not replace Marmalade but is very much so compatible and benefits Marmalade adoption.

So when and where are you listing?

Short answer — next week for some alpha testers, everyone else later
Long answer — We’ve partnered with Kadena Bulls / to iterate and develop marketplaces with help from Kadena Gallinas too.

Through these iterations on a live multi-project marketplace, we plan to keep informing the Kadena community and raising proposals on how to better improve marketplace standards.

Starting next week, Kitty Kads will be visible for people that have a “super bull” role in the Kadena Bulls discord.

Assuming everything goes fine, the next step will be to open things up to everyone.

After a while, people can trade and search kitties by features on the website.

When kitties are put up for sale, they will be visible on both sites at once. When a kitty is removed from sale, it will also be removed from both at once too (the future is great)

Key information

  1. Some super bulls will be able to start trading kitties sometime next week
  2. Public trading will begin later (assuming no bugs)
  3. Kitty Kad sales will have a 3% commission when traded to go to the Kitty Kad project
  4. may charge an extra fee when trading kitties via their UI. When trading begins via the Kitty Kad UI, there will just be the 3% fee mentioned above

The future looks bright for Kadena, marketplaces and Kitty Kads.
Looking forward to giving you all future updates as there are more fun projects coming your way!



Kitty Kad Token

Kitty Kad — A meme token, NFT game and price tracker on the Kadena blockhain. Helping develop the Kadena ecosystem one cat at a time