Is it fine to listen music while coding?

Kiran Patil
4 min readJun 5, 2017


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As open desk culture is getting increased. Developers who would like to go in zone — Would like to get their favorite playlist on and go in zone and code — This takes them in to a different world and once they are done with their puzzle — They feel good!

One day, I had a thought that is it productive to listen music while coding/programming?

As every human on this earth who got internet access will do a Google search, I also did the same. And as it happens on this earth — You get overloaded with mixed information:

Few days back was reading peopleware and If you are serious about your profession and want to be a good manager — YOU MUST NEED TO READ THIS BOOK. As per book Bill Gates gave this book to every Microsoft Manager. Book is really nice — It talks sense and they have research, facts and data to back all suggestions they are making

They broke developers in two groups. One who listen music in background and another who doesn’t listen music in background — When they had been given a task in which they had to follow a specification and get something done — Result of both groups were same. Except one logic which was not part of specification. But it was pattern which was coming out of numbers — Those who realized this and implemented this — Were the ones who were not listening music :)

HOLD ON, Mr. impatinet BOSS — don’t jump out of your chair and block all music player/music sites and uninstall all of your developers media players and get their head phones down. Please read this further

Most of our day-to-day work are done by left brain. Music will not interfere here as Music is processed by right side of the brain. But there’s not all tasks which will be done by left brain — There will be few tasks which are so creative When they are done — You will have “Aha moment!” — That’s where your right mind needs to be involved!

Refer : Peopleware — Chapter 12 — Sub Chapter — Creative Space

Again, These all are research and theory which are available on web — As all medications, medicines are available on web. But still you go to doctor for advice. It will be good to talk to your team, What works best for them. I will share what has been working for me since last 10 years:

  1. When I get new project/new task/story/sub task — I take a printout [Yes, I’m bit old-fashioned :-)] of all documents, emails, screenshots, wireframes, as much as information as I have for particular task — I take print out for all of them and then take my pencil [No Pen] and go in a corner and read through all of them — highlight critical points or write down questions If I have. Once I have been through all information. I prepare a small one page bulleted point list — Which is 4–6 hour sub tasks/chunks to complete my main story/task e.g. If I have to work on Add Employee Story which I think will take 20 hours then I will divide it in small small written chunks e.g. Create UI, Create database table, Validation, Coding, Integration, Unit Testing. Then once I’m back on desk — Will add those sub tasks in JIRA/OneNote/Excel [Whatever tool you use] and whatever points I highlighted using my pencil — Will also keep them attached to my sub tasks — Question as well and try to get it answered as soon as possible — During this whole period — I don’t need music at all
  2. Once step#1 is done and I have all things to go in zone — Then I start my playlist and go in zone
  3. Once functionality is done, And when I’m analyzing bug — I don’t need music
  4. Once I know what is the root cause and what needs to be change — Music is on!

I am not saying this is THE BEST Approach. But this has been working for me since a decade. It might work for you or you have better way to handle this? Please share with others

One more thing — Type of music — I prefer to listen light music while I’m coding — I hate loud music — As I’m from India, I prefer old indian classical songs they make me more productive while I’m in zone. What works for you? You have your coding playlist? Would you like to share that?

I know few managers [NOT Leaders] go on people’s desk and ask them to remove headphones and ask them “You don’t have work?” Why you are listening songs? My dear managers, please don’t do that — Programming/coding is as creative as playing music/guitar/painting like Pablo Picasso — Your developer is your artist. If you want master piece from them, let their creative side to be active — And one day — World will thank you for giving them Picasso of Software Development industry! Till then get your headphones on!

Good reads:

After writing this article — Came across this : — I’ve tried it and this is really awesome — Give it a try!

Happy Listening and Coding! :-)

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