
Moondrop Crescent Review


Published in
8 min readJun 12, 2019


Moondrop. I wonder what it might mean…

Nonetheless, Moondrop made a name for themselves with their fantastic Moondrop Blessing 5-driver hybrid that targeted the Harman Curve, aka the “reference” frequency response that an In-ear monitor should have (or so they say). While I personally believe that Harman target response’s 3K peak is too much for me, many find such a frequency response rather pleasing.

Enter Moondrop Crescent, Moondrop’s second-lowest offering as of now (lowest being their budget earbud: Moondrop Nameless) and one that also tries to adhere to the Harman target. Unlike its bigger brother, it has to do with “just” a 6mm micro-dynamic driver. There are other compromises as well (lack of detachable cable, sparse accessories etc.). Read on.

(Note: the ratings given will be subjective to the price tier. Definitely the expectations from a $15 IEM won’t be the same as a $150 one, and that’s the approach taken while assigning scores. Disclaimer)

Sources used: LG G7, Yulong DAART Canary, Fiio E07K

Build: The housing is apparently made of brass, and I believe them because of the sheer weight of these IEMs. Man, they’re heavy, heavier than many multi-BA hybrids. The cable is unfortunately fixed and doesn’t have a separate rubber strain-relief (the…

